Jimmy ate my yogurt now he's putting it back
Used to ignore but I'll plain attack
Drop the defence now I've got you in my scope
Jimmy walk away from the fridge slowly

Got your email Jimmy, you sent it at night
You expect a response but I'm tucked in tight
I'm different now Jimmy, I'm in my power
I'll respond to your email at a reasonable hour
At a reasonable hour
At a reasonable hour
At a reasonable hoooouuuur

Self care, bad bitch, I'm a villain, I'm a villain, out of office email saying zero fucks given x4

You ask me to work late, but I'm all done
Off the clock punched out time for fun!
You ask me where I'm going so I tell you the truth
Jimmy boy I'm going to a spin class!
Kind regards, best wishes, EAT SHIT
Yours truly, sincerely, THIS BITCH
I'm different now Jimmy, I'm in my power
I'll respond to your email at a reasonable hour
At a reasonable hour
At a reasonable hour
At a reasonable hoooouuuur

Self care, bad bitch, I'm a villain I'm a villain, out of office email saying zero fucks given x6

[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 137 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Might be the photo, but it looks to me like top is vanilla cookie with choc-chip, while bottom is chocolate cookie with choc-chip, making it "double" chocolate.

Definitely could be clearer, but I don't think they're making the claim you think they are.


400 Years Ago a Prudish Aristocrat Censored This Artemisia Gentileschi Nude. Using Tech, an Italian Museum Has Revealed the Stunning Original Work



Her other work is also well worth a look:


On The Road Again (www.youtube.com)

Such a chill little trip

Body Brokers (2021) (www.imdb.com)

An eye opening movie based on the realities of the for-profit rehab/addiction treatment complex (though the text at the end, as well as revealing some horrific related statistics, also makes it clear that this is a at least partly promotional material for the 12 step programs, which have their own issues).

A pretty depressing watch, but important if you want a better understanding of the tip of the iceberg of reasons why profit and care (health, social, communal, any care really) should never mix.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by DessertStorms@kbin.social to c/alternativenation@lemmy.world

I shine to make you smile, I try to save you one more time, for your lonely place, you need a friendly face, when your option's low, I lift you from below


A documentary about a young deaf Kurdish boy and his family who move to the UK so he, and they, can learn to communicate. It quite delicately touches on so many themes from family, community, acceptance, self determination, pride, to ableism, displacement, hostile immigration policy, and other systemic barriers. I cried throughout.

Ani Mevushal (I'm baked) (www.youtube.com)

I’m a little emotional, gotta be rational, being ok is optional, I’m in a phase, ani mevushal...

Ani mevushal = I'm baked (literally - cooked)
Ani metugan = I'm fried
Ani meturlal = I'm crazed
Ani mechushmal = I'm electrified
Mechin megulgal, ve tas lachalal = I roll one up, and fly to space

[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 163 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yes, real men, real women, real people of any or no gender, and of all ages, wear diapers. That is not something anyone should be shamed or ridiculed for.

I don't give a shit if trump or his supporters wear them, they are out there causing actual harm to others, and there is plenty to actually criticise them for, why the fuck resort to this ableist bullshit? We rightfully give them shit for judging others by what's in their pants, yet gleefully judge them for what they wear under theirs?

Fuck this noise.


One of my favourite ever albums, never fails to get some rage out of the system

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by DessertStorms@kbin.social to c/fullmoviesonyoutube@lemm.ee

The Intruder (1962) full movie. AKA "Shame" is a low budget Roger Corman film that deals with early integration in the south. William shatner portrays a carpet bagger from the North? Who just shows up to cause trouble. The film is way ahead of its time when you consider the strife we are encountering in 2020. Watch it! - Broken Trout -

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by DessertStorms@kbin.social to c/uk_politics@feddit.uk

Emergency Social Security Campaigns Meeting
Sunday 21 April 2024 3 – 4.30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 5815 6364
Passcode: 069808

We have called this meeting to bring together all those worried by and/or wanting to fight back against the Tories’ current all out assault on Disabled people, culminating in Rishi Sunak’s announcement today with plans to cut access to social security for millions of people.

For anyone who is worried, please remember that some of these changes may take time to roll out and others will only affect new claimants not existing ones.

For accurate information on what the key changes announced this week are see:

Tory plans: PIP no longer always cash, WCA harder to pass, UC migration sooner, no GP sick notes, DWP power to arrest and fine (benefitsandwork.co.uk)


NEW analysis has found that over £23 billion worth of welfare benefits went unclaimed in the last year.

The report, by Policy in Practice, found that the number had risen from £19bn the year before and that figures could be closer to £30bn if it were to analyse disability benefits and discretionary support.

Universal credit is the most unclaimed benefit at £8.3bn, with an estimated 1.4 million missing out on this type of support.

This is followed by carer’s allowance (£2.3bn), pension credit (£2.2 bn) and child benefit (£1.7 bn).

The analysis said that most claimants are simply unaware that certain benefits exist and cited navigating complex criteria as a serious barrier.

The report comes as household debt rises to £8.8bn a year.

Policy in Practice managing director Jade Alsop said: "Our findings show that as a society, we can’t afford not to consider these measures to prevent further costs to our health, education and social care services.

“It is estimated that, by improving pension credit take-up alone, the cost of social care will decrease by £4bn a year.”

Claire Atchia McMaster, director of income and external affairs at anti-poverty charity Turn2Us, said that feedback they receive indicates that accessing benefits is “complicated, inaccessible and emotionally draining.”

She said: “This complexity prevents millions from claiming vital support, exacerbating financial insecurity and impacting wellbeing.”

Ms McMaster called for clearer action from the government to ensure support reaches everyone who needs it.

Benefit calculators can be accessed on the Turn2Us and Policy in Practice websites.


NEW analysis has found that over £23 billion worth of welfare benefits went unclaimed in the last year.

The report, by Policy in Practice, found that the number had risen from £19bn the year before and that figures could be closer to £30bn if it were to analyse disability benefits and discretionary support.

Universal credit is the most unclaimed benefit at £8.3bn, with an estimated 1.4 million missing out on this type of support.

This is followed by carer’s allowance (£2.3bn), pension credit (£2.2 bn) and child benefit (£1.7 bn).

The analysis said that most claimants are simply unaware that certain benefits exist and cited navigating complex criteria as a serious barrier.

The report comes as household debt rises to £8.8bn a year.

Policy in Practice managing director Jade Alsop said: "Our findings show that as a society, we can’t afford not to consider these measures to prevent further costs to our health, education and social care services.

“It is estimated that, by improving pension credit take-up alone, the cost of social care will decrease by £4bn a year.”

Claire Atchia McMaster, director of income and external affairs at anti-poverty charity Turn2Us, said that feedback they receive indicates that accessing benefits is “complicated, inaccessible and emotionally draining.”

She said: “This complexity prevents millions from claiming vital support, exacerbating financial insecurity and impacting wellbeing.”

Ms McMaster called for clearer action from the government to ensure support reaches everyone who needs it.

Benefit calculators can be accessed on the Turn2Us and Policy in Practice websites.

[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 183 points 4 months ago

Pro tip: while DNA doesn't last long in urine, why take the risk, when significantly stinkier animal urines for hunting and/or deterrent purposes exist? RollSafeMeme.jpg

[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 138 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I was happy for a second and then remembered that karma is a bad take and that he will be getting the absolute best available healthcare and even if he does die, he will be doing so having gotten to old age, in extreme luxury and in more comfort than any of us will ever experience.

I worry that if he does die soon it will only embolden royalist sentiment in this country as the grieving masses will cling on to the "young king" which the media will spin as "progressive" or whatever, and we'll just keep getting further and further away from abolishing this disgusting establishment.

We seriously need a King Ralph type thing to happen, only the people take over, instead of a stereotypical American. Turn Buckingham palace in to a community centre with a kitchen and a shelter and childcare and a free mental health clinic, and put those gardens to actual use..

[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 153 points 5 months ago

Yeah, no, fuck all cops. And please lets not pretend like shit isn't getting mighty fasc-y all over Europe too..


[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 148 points 7 months ago

Ah yes, the daughter as an object/possession, a cornerstone of misogyny..

[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 139 points 8 months ago

"how can we shift responsibility to the consumer today?"

[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 189 points 8 months ago

Gen Z is cooking more and shopping less as they struggle to ~~achieve financial success~~ survive


[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 140 points 9 months ago

There is zero chance the agent didn't know what Brand was up to, this is nothing but an exercise in ass covering..

[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 131 points 10 months ago

Fuck poachers, don't get me wrong, but fucking hell, I wish people had the same kind of energy when it came to billionaires, who are literally responsible for the deaths of millions of humans (by virtue of hoarding so many resources as well as creating and maintaining a system that relies on exploitation and suffering to benefit them and only them).

If only society cared about oppressed and marginalised people as much as it does about cute animals.

[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 202 points 11 months ago

People here calling him psycho and demented, when really he's just a run of the mill old bigot with a massive platform and an even bigger mouth.
Lets stop pretending like people need Alzheimer's or some mental illness to become more vocal about their hate, it is our society and its rapid decline back in to fascism that is allowing it, blame that.

[-] DessertStorms@kbin.social 133 points 11 months ago

Let me copy pasta myself here to save time and just say - they are already murdering us in the millions, any harm that might come to them is an act of self defence.

Look around - the violence is already here, it has been inflicted on to the working class for centuries, killing hundreds of millions (at least, in all that time) for profit in war, with hunger and restricted access to water, with homelessness and poverty, with preventable disease, with climate change, with immoral laws and entire systems designed to keep large segments of the population as slave labour, which is what they used to gain their power and wealth to be in the position to impose all of this in the first place. And all that just off the top of my head, there is so much more violence that is inflicted on us daily, they've just got most people convinced that's just life, when it really really isn't. And those who actually benefit are never just going to give all of that up.

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