[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 15 points 1 month ago

What a terrible fucking day to have eyes.

[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 35 points 1 month ago

As a US Veteran: Fuck. That.

These are not US Service Members, they did not take an Oath to the US and they do not serve the US interests. Even disregarding the atrocities currently happening by the IDF (who are clearly not understanding what the D in their title is for) none of these members deserve any recognition or compensation from the US govt.

[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 15 points 1 month ago

Like we needed further proof how far off American ideals the far right is.

[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 22 points 3 months ago

You want some idealized version of him that doesn't exsist in motion and conjured up by tricks and self deception.

He wants you exactly as you are, flaws and all.

[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 17 points 3 months ago

The ultimate spy is the one you'd never expect.

[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 14 points 3 months ago

NATO is strictly a defensive alliance so any power that did start WW3 would be pretty damn stupid to be aggressive against NATO. And better for everyone this way, rather than give Russia a chance to chew up Eastern Europe country by country like they tried against Ukraine, Georgia and Chechnia.

[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 44 points 3 months ago

Japan's standard of living and medical care available gives them a life expectancy of 84 years. Akira was also successful and rather wealthy by the standards of his country and thus had a access to an even better standard of living than most.

So yes, in the context, 68 is a rather young age to die given the resource available to them.

[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 19 points 3 months ago

Thats what he said in 2016. Guess who sued four states that represented his margin of victory to stop recounts of 1% difference in votes for Trump v Clinton.

[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 19 points 3 months ago

You have chosen poorly.

Source, I worked at Menards for way longer than I should have. Enjoy that 28% mark up on sub standard goods.

[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 25 points 5 months ago

Thats not what happened at all. He was handed a gun and told it was safe.

[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 13 points 5 months ago

Tuvix entire life was based on preventing two crew members from living their lives despite being entirely reversible.

Even more, if we do consider him a seperate entity from his parents, that means he is not Starfleet, but has intimate knowledge of sensitive Starfleet information, as well as not being a proper member of the crew. He's too dangerous to let go even if he has no ill intent, their enemies could find and interrogate him, and too untrustworthy to allow free reign of the ship, which would lead to him being becoming jaded at being held in custody for not intentionally committing a crime despite know from Tuvok's knowledge why he can't just be allowed to roam.

[-] Davidchan@lemmynsfw.com 19 points 6 months ago

Probably similar to wolves, run it down till its too tired to fight, bite the legs till it can't support its own weight and them go for the throat.

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