My one coworker at my old company claimed that Europe was banning people from growing their own food in their own gardens, and that the fires in Western Canada last year were caused by women firefighters in a diversity firefighting group that can't do that job because they're women and accidentally let a blaze out of control.

[-] 70 points 2 months ago

If your position is, "bring on the US collapse; maybe it'll ease the boot off the Palestinians' necks," all I can say is that I hope you're right and I hope you're prepared.

If your position is, "bring on the US collapse; I mean how much worse can it actually get?" you probably have no clue what you're talking about unless you've personally spent time in a war zone or lived through Katrina or something like that.

One of the things that struck me while studying the Russian revolution is just how much of an academic relationship we communists have to major periods of historical change. From our position it's way easier to imagine ourselves in the room with Lenin trying to make a tough decision on agricultural policy than it is to imagine stretching your food store through a region-wide famine and crop failure, or watching your family all catch cholera, or getting shot by the white army...

[-] 41 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

A radical anti-porn activist, upset at his affair with Stormy Daniels, who was completely juiced up on a 93-day nofap streak.

That or a YIMBY who felt betrayed that a developer president never deregulated zoning via executive order.


I made it 546 kilometres in 19 days, with ~350 left to go. Idk if my water filter failed or there was a hygiene slipup, but I woke up Thursday feeling super fatigued and that quickly slipped into beaver fever symptoms (or some kind of infection/parasite).

Now I've spent the last few days recovering on the couch and picking up reading again. Still feels like a big achievement, but I had a bit of a short time window to finish the trail. Now I'll probably be too busy for the rest of the warmer season and have to wait until next year. sadness

[-] 56 points 4 months ago

It's so stupid because there's such a simple gotchya response. You think there are too many people for the resources we have, and some need to go one way or another? Then it makes sense to start with the people that use the most resources, right?

In fact we probably don't even need to get rid of that many - let's just off the 5000 or so richest people on the planet, expropriate their stuff, and that will free up far more fuel, land, water, energy, money, whatever than you could possibly hope to get from letting millions in the global south perish.

[-] 51 points 4 months ago

Wow the only thing I've seen that comes remotely close to this is Ajit Pai with the fidget spinners seven years ago.

Pro tip for the libs: do not try to use the latest, hippest memes to paper over a gap in youth support that exists for material reasons.

[-] 36 points 5 months ago

-once they are done coming, I am less leftist.

[-] 54 points 5 months ago

The last stage of the Marxist evolution of communism involves the decay of state institutions through neglect, as they become redundant in a post-scarcity no-cops Utopia.

But there are a bunch of prior stages (including capitalist industrialization even!) that are neglected. And even then, the utopian end-game is routinely disputed by the subsequent generations of Leninists and Maoists who believe we will never truly escape the revolutionary cycle.

There absolutely are Already Existing Socialist states attempting to move themselves from primitive accumulation, through industrial capitalism, and into a collectively governed socialist post-scarcity society. And people absolutely are living in them. And none of them are Utopian (although the quality of life in many of these countries is exhaustively propagandized to be by degrees to be between Unbearably Hellish and FALGSC-adjacent).

The problems that these countries typically have, however, aren’t ones that armchair communists on a niche western internet platform are capable of solving. You’re not going to break the Cuban blockade. You’re not going to settle the endless territorial disputes plaguing Vietnam. You’re not going to undo the legacy of generations of apartheid in South Africa overnight. You’re not going to Make the USSR Great Again.

So maybe save yourself some angst and stop trying to tell Nicholas Maduro and Kim Jung Un how to do their jobs. Maybe worry more about why your local chapter of the DSA can’t get a teacher’s union off the ground.



I mean something like marketplace or kijiji, but not necessarily monetary. It's probably a ridiculous question but I'm curious if anybody's been exploring this space.

[-] 40 points 11 months ago

Twitter trending is personalized, no? I mean good news regardless but I feel like people always assume this means more than it does.

As someone who doesn't know the scene, I think the general point is that if you're okay with animals being locked up, tortured, impregnated, killed, etc. without their consent, then you no longer can condemn bestiality on those terms.

Back when I was a major LIB I followed that line of reasoning for a hot second to the conclusion that it must not be that bad. Then I was like wait wtf this is messed up, went vegan, and now take a more consistent hardline stance on animal consent.

I don't tell people. They infer both almost immediately from my physical stature and vocabulary. gigachad

Why the fuck are you libs still using capitalist economic terminology to describe intimate, consensual acts between real human beings?

Fuck off with this "job" nonsense and learn to kill the boss in your head.

A fash dude in person tried to get into a group I was organizing with. We went on a day there, day back roadtrip with him before we really knew him and by the end of it we cut him out completely.

Two biggest red flags were:

  1. He had a paranoid obsession with societal collapse, kept repeating stupid shit like "we're nine missed meals from murdering each other in the streets"
  2. Pretty much the first thing he asked was our ethnic background, and he had a bit too much of an "interest" in ethnic cultural differences and the like

It didn't take long for the full fash ideology to be on display and as soon as we dropped him off we blocked him on everything and never looked back.

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