[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 103 points 1 week ago

Not really news but still pretty funny and I just heard about it for the first time.
A different kind of blowback:

Dust from the Sahara is being blown over to France, bringing with it radiation left over from French nuclear weapons tests from the 1960s.


[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 56 points 2 months ago

Afghanistan: Taliban negotiate with USA

The Taliban, who rule Afghanistan, have negotiated with the USA about a prisoner exchange, as Taliban spokesman Sabihullah Mujahid told journalists in Kabul on Wednesday. Two US citizens are in custody in the country. They are to be exchanged for Afghans who are interned in the US prison camp at Guantanamo in Cuba. The talks took place on the sidelines of a recent summit with UN representatives and Afghanistan envoys from various countries in Qatar. Nothing is known about the results so far.

[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 84 points 2 months ago

Balloons from North Korea disrupt air traffic

The balloons full of garbage that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has been sending to South Korea for weeks are having an impact on air traffic. More than 110 flights have been disrupted by the balloon launches that have been going on since the end of March, said South Korean MP Jeong Jun Ho on Wednesday, citing the Ministry of Transport. More than 10,000 passengers were affected. The DPRK is using the balloons to respond to previous actions from South Korea in which propaganda material was also sent north in balloons.


[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 66 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Blowback's here

Magdeburg: "Centuria", one of the most powerful neo-Nazi organizations in Ukraine, has an offshoot in Germany

full articleThe leader of the “National Militia” of the “Azov” movement swore his comrades to the final “clash of civilizations” on August 1, 2020 at the edge of a forest near Kiev. “The age of absolute darkness lies before us,” predicted Igor “Tcherkas” Mikhailenko and demanded that the hundreds of mostly masked fighters of his “vigilante group” present would make sacrifices for the idea of a “Greater Ukraine.” He gave a new battle cry: "Aut Caesar, aut nihil!" (all or nothing). By torchlight and with Nazi pomp, which was based on the war aesthetics of ancient Rome, the “Centuria” organization was born – and the “National Militia” was history. Since 2017, they had been practicing brutal vigilante justice in Ukrainian cities and, for example, tyrannizing the LGBTQ scene. “Centuria” has enjoyed the admiration of the small neo-Nazi party “Der III. Weg(The third way)” in this country for years.

The organization (not to be confused with the military order of the same name and also associated with "Azov", which already existed before 2020) now has an offshoot in Germany: On August 24, 2023, immigrant Ukrainian fascists founded an initiative group in Magdeburg: "Although the Ukrainian youth are not in their homeland, they are starting to unite,” they announced on social media. The "enemies" of their country, whom they want to cause a "hellish storm" against, must understand that "Ukrainian emigrants" are not prepared to "forget their national identity for a few hundred euros."

Photos and videos show a nationalist rally on the Old Market in Magdeburg on the 32nd anniversary of Ukraine's independence - as usual unmolested by Antifa and critical media reporting. According to its own information, the march was organized by “Centuria”. The participants posed with a flag of the Bandera wing of the fascist Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). The “German-Ukrainian Society of Saxony-Anhalt” is also said to have been involved. Most recently, the group organized a solidarity rally for the “Defenders of Azovstal” in front of the Red City Hall in Berlin on January 27th, Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Since its founding, “Centuria Magdeburg” has also been inviting people to go on hikes together in the Harz Mountains. For example, with the nationalist scout association “Plast”, which has been based in Germany since 1951 and had already set up its first tent camp in Mittenwald in 1947. According to its own information, “Centuria Magdeburg” has members in a total of six cities and is networked with Ukrainian organizations throughout Germany. The group is currently raising funds for its parent organization's combat unit, which has been integrated into the third "Azov" assault brigade of the Ukrainian army under the command of Nazi leader Andriy Biletsky since 2022, and is participating in "information warfare." Not only against Russia, but also against minorities hated by the fascists: the "German Caliphate", Palestinians and other migrants from predominantly Muslim regions, as well as "black rapists" who are allegedly protected by the police, and "pedophiles", as the group calls homosexuals.

“We are creating a new generation of heroes!” they promise. True to its leader Mikhailenko - who wants to "destroy everything anti-Ukrainian" and was head of the Nazi organization "Patriot of Ukraine" in the Kharkiv region and commander of the "Azov" regiment of the National Guard from 2014 to 2016 - the group relies on violence: "Free People have weapons,” it says on her Telegram channel. The German traffic light government supplies these in abundance to the Ukrainian armed forces and thus also to the fascist and other ultra-right units belonging to them. It can therefore be assumed that “Centuria” will be able to expand its structures in Germany unhindered by the local security authorities.

[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 52 points 7 months ago

Israel-Lebanon border plan

France has made a proposal to Lebanon to bring an end to the confrontations between Hezbollah and Israel. The dpa learned this from Lebanese government circles on Tuesday. The proposal therefore calls for Hezbollah to withdraw its fighters from the border - to a distance of around ten kilometers. The border region is to be monitored by the Lebanese army and UN peacekeepers. The proposal was developed together with government representatives from the USA, Qatar and Egypt. There was initially no official confirmation from Lebanon or France. Hezbollah circles said that they had not officially received any paper with suggestions.

Le evil French scheming again macron

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by CoralMarks@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Continuing on from yesterdays revolution in 1894, the French, with a bit of help of the Soviet Union, were able to establish the Paris commune. Which at some point just flipped the whole of France communist.

Now I was looking at my relations and it's not looking good smh

In other news, in 1903 Teddy Roosevelts US declared war on us to force us to go capitalist.
In return I now could also define some wargoals and I chose to do the opposite to them.
If they lose, which looks like a likely outcome at this point(we got a bigger army and they already tried doing naval invasions when it was still Russia), they will have to become a council republic, ban slavery and liberate California.

We'll see how it goes....

submitted 7 months ago by CoralMarks@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Just finished the revolution, which I kind of stumbled myself into, and was able to form the Soviet Union in 1894.

I thought this was pretty early, what year where you all able to get communism to kick off in your saves?


[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 64 points 9 months ago

Hostages killed by mistake were waving white flags
An initial investigation into the incident in which three hostages were mistakenly killed by the Israeli army in Gaza were holding up a white flag, a military official said on Saturday. The incident occurred in an area of intense fighting where Hamas militants operated in civilian clothing and used deception tactics, the official said. The hostages were shot at in violation of Israeli rules of engagement, the official added.



Dear readers,
One wall, two posters: In Hamburg, unknown people at Rote Flora changed the clear statement against Hamas into a statement of solidarity with Palestinians. It should no longer be written on the wall that the killing of Jewish people in Israel and around the world is not a liberation struggle. Anti-imperialist movements have been criticized for years for uncritical solidarity. The occupied cultural center in the Schanzenviertel has not changed its position. “Free the world from Hamas” is now hanging there. This demand reflects that Hamas is an Islamist terrorist organization. On October 7th of this year, the Islamists, who have controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, confirmed that they were, above all, carrying out terrorism by targeting civilians, murdering the defenseless, executing babies and children, raping women and displaying the dead. That day, Hamas hoped to murder as many Jewish people as possible. They killed people true to their fundamentalist Islamism. On that one On that day, Hamas didn't just take over 250 people hostage by kidnapping them from Israel. They also took hostage the approximately two million people in Gaza, who serve as human shields alive and as propaganda material when dead. Propaganda and contempt also seems to come from parts of the Israeli government post October 7th that articulated scenarios, such as the relocation of all Gazans to the Sinai or the use of nuclear weapons.

With all justified compassion for the civilians in Gaza: If you are a leftist, you do not demonstrate with reactionaries, if you are a feminist, you do not show solidarity with the rapists and murderers of Hamas who are close to the Iranian regime. If you are an anti-fascist, you stand with the Jews and against anti-Semitism, especially in Germany. Any secret joy for the organization driven by religious fanaticism is no less an anti-Semitic reaction. The criticism of parts of the migrant communities and the left-wing solidarity spectrum because of anti-Israel positions and/or anti-Semitic sentiments is not new. It has been expressed for years and often comes from the respective milieu. In the current discourse, some politicians and journalists are now taking a harsh tone against migrants and “the” left. And they suggest that the entire migrant left and all migrants living here stand in unison against Israel. A generalization that also applies to other leftists. The fact that the German section of Fridays for Future is quickly drowned out when it spoke out clearly against one-sided “Free Gaza” solidarity. It is even more quickly drowned out that anti-Semitism is not just virulent in majority society, but omnipresent. But let's not talk about the Aiwangers and Walsers of this society. Let us also not remind you that the German fraternity decided to exclude Jews at the Würzburg Burschentag in 1822. Let's better forget that "Death (...) is a master from Germany". Anti-Semites are always the others - especially the strangers, the immigrants.

Your editorial team
MAGAZINE #derrechterand 205/2023 3

Just got this in the mail and immediately cancelled my subscription.
Like literally reproducing every Israeli propaganda talking point that has been debunked already and calling yourself leftists, all the while scolding every actual leftist that is not a Israeli lapdog. Infuriating.

German original

The cover translates to "Against all antisemitism - without question!"


[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 73 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Your average German antifascist Magazine:

Dear readers,
One wall, two posters: In Hamburg, unknown people at Rote Flora changed the clear statement against Hamas into a statement of solidarity with Palestinians. It should no longer be written on the wall that the killing of Jewish people in Israel and around the world is not a liberation struggle. Anti-imperialist movements have been criticized for years for uncritical solidarity. The occupied cultural center in the Schanzenviertel has not changed its position. “Free the world from Hamas” is now hanging there. This demand reflects that Hamas is an Islamist terrorist organization. On October 7th of this year, the Islamists, who have controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, confirmed that they were, above all, carrying out terrorism by targeting civilians, murdering the defenseless, executing babies and children, raping women and displaying the dead. That day, Hamas hoped to murder as many Jewish people as possible. They killed people true to their fundamentalist Islamism. On that one On that day, Hamas didn't just take over 250 people hostage by kidnapping them from Israel. They also took hostage the approximately two million people in Gaza, who serve as human shields alive and as propaganda material when dead. Propaganda and contempt also seems to come from parts of the Israeli government post October 7th that articulated scenarios, such as the relocation of all Gazans to the Sinai or the use of nuclear weapons.

With all justified compassion for the civilians in Gaza: If you are a leftist, you do not demonstrate with reactionaries, if you are a feminist, you do not show solidarity with the rapists and murderers of Hamas who are close to the Iranian regime. If you are an anti-fascist, you stand with the Jews and against anti-Semitism, especially in Germany. Any secret joy for the organization driven by religious fanaticism is no less an anti-Semitic reaction. The criticism of parts of the migrant communities and the left-wing solidarity spectrum because of anti-Israel positions and/or anti-Semitic sentiments is not new. It has been expressed for years and often comes from the respective milieu. In the current discourse, some politicians and journalists are now taking a harsh tone against migrants and “the” left. And they suggest that the entire migrant left and all migrants living here stand in unison against Israel. A generalization that also applies to other leftists. The fact that the German section of Fridays for Future is quickly drowned out when it spoke out clearly against one-sided “Free Gaza” solidarity. It is even more quickly drowned out that anti-Semitism is not just virulent in majority society, but omnipresent. But let's not talk about the Aiwangers and Walsers of this society. Let us also not remind you that the German fraternity decided to exclude Jews at the Würzburg Burschentag in 1822. Let's better forget that "Death (...) is a master from Germany". Anti-Semites are always the others - especially the strangers, the immigrants.

Your editorial team
MAGAZINE #derrechterand 205/2023 3

Just got this in the mail and immediately cancelled my subscription.
Like literally reproducing every Israeli propaganda talking point that has been debunked already and calling yourself leftists, all the while scolding every actual leftist that is not a Israeli lapdog. Infuriating.

German original

The cover - it translates to "Against all antisemitism - without question!"


[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 52 points 9 months ago

I don't know if we had this one already, F16 this time


US fighter jet crashes over Yellow Sea
An F-16 fighter jet belonging to the US forces in South Korea crashed during a training flight over the sea between the Korean Peninsula and China. The US armed forces said on Monday that the pilot was able to escape using the ejection seat. He was rescued from the Yellow Sea by the South Korean Navy and is in stable condition. The plane took off from the US air base in Gunsan in the morning (local time) before an in-flight emergency occurred, it said. The cause of this is being investigated.

[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 53 points 9 months ago

In Germany, more than a million children live in permanent poverty. Politics could alleviate misery. The federal government has other priorities

According to a study published on Wednesday by the children's fund UNICEF, 17 out of 39 OECD and EU countries have been able to reduce the risk of poverty by ten percent since 2012. Poland, Slovenia, Latvia and Lithuania even reduced it by 30 percent. Poland, for example, by investing in family benefits, and Slovenia because it increased the minimum wage.

The Federal Republic of Germany is one of the countries in which child poverty has not been decreasing for years, but is actually increasing. According to the study with the telling name “Child poverty in the midst of prosperity,” 15.5 percent of people under 18 in this country are currently poor. 7.9 percent or more than a million children are there permanently. And that is measured conservatively, as a UNICEF spokeswoman explained to jW. The Joint Association, for example, comes to a poverty rate of more than 21 percent among those under 18 years of age. In the overall assessment of the UNICEF study, Germany still comes in 25th place out of the 39 countries examined. And therefore in the lower midfield. Countries like the USA, Great Britain, France and Switzerland are worse.

rest of article:

This reveals another important result: a low risk of poverty does not depend on the country's economic strength overall. For example, Spain and Slovenia have a similarly high gross domestic product per capita, but Slovenia has a significantly lower risk of poverty among children than Spain. In Germany, too, poverty is high relative to economic output.

To combat child poverty, UNICEF recommends expanding social security systems and improving access to educational infrastructure. Because what the Federal Republic of Germany is offering is also inadequate, according to the UN organization. When calculating the subsistence minimum, not all of children's basic needs are taken into account. Across the EU, Germany and Romania invested the least in primary education. Youth welfare services are being cut.

UNICEF sees a more family-friendly working world as a further lever. Because 69 percent of children from families without working parents are poor in this country. For children from couple families in which both parents work full-time, it is only one percent.

Conclusion of the report: "Politicians are largely in control of effectively combating child poverty." The Federal Ministry of Finance did not feel responsible on Wednesday and referred to the Family Ministry. This expressed alarm at jW and referred to the planned basic child protection.

New plans were announced on Wednesday. Federal Family Minister Elisabeth Paus (Alliance 90/The Greens) is reviewing her schedule for basic child welfare. The corresponding law should “come into force on January 1, 2025,” the Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on Wednesday from an internal government paper. The government is now examining “whether and, if necessary, how (…) adjustments are necessary on this date.” With a later or gradual introduction, the costs could fall in the introduction year of 2025. That could defuse the “problems” with the 2025 budget. Because the federal government's priority is balanced finances and not children or the poor.

Things are going great in Germany

[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 56 points 9 months ago

5 years to basically repair one plane, amazing.

[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 65 points 10 months ago

A growing number of reports indicate Israeli forces responsible for Israeli civilian and military deaths following October 7 attack

“The Coordination and Liaison Office was attacked on October 7 together with all the outposts along the division’s line. A large Hamas force seized the adjacent Erez Crossing, which was closed for the Simhat Torah holiday. From there, within minutes and with no resistance, they advanced into the military base, killing and kidnapping the soldiers of the Civil Administration, though a few of them managed to return fire before being hit… Brig. Gen. Rosenfeld entrenched himself in the division’s subterranean war room together with a handful of male and female soldiers, trying desperately to rescue and organize the sector under attack. Many of the soldiers, most of them not combat personnel, were killed or wounded outside. The division was compelled to request an aerial strike against the base itself in order to repulse the terrorists.”

This dry, complimentary description of the high commander, hiding with a few soldiers in an underground bunker and ordering an aerial bombardment of “the base” where his soldiers were fighting against Hamas militants, maybe wounded and maybe taken as prisoners, has a lot to say about the Israeli psyche in these bloody times.

On October 11, Quique Kierszenbaum reported in The Guardian about his tour of Kibbutz Be’eri, a tour organized by the Israeli Army’s propaganda unit. He writes:

“Building after building has been destroyed, whether in the Hamas assault or in the fighting that followed, nearby trees splintered and walls reduced to concrete rubble from where Israeli tanks blasted the Hamas militants where they were hiding. Floors collapsed on floors. Roof beams were tangled and exposed like rib cages.”

In another report in Haaretz in Hebrew (it does not appear to be available in English) on October 11, probably following the same army-guided PR tour, Nir Hasson and Eden Solomon interviewed “Erez, deputy commander of an armored reserve battalion.” He described how he and his tanks unit “fought inside the kibbutz, from house to house, with the tanks.” “We had no choice,” he concludes. Most recently, Nir Hasson returned to Be’eri and interviewed a local resident named Tuval, who was lucky to be away from the kibbutz at the time of the attack but whose partner was killed. In Hasson’s October 20 Haaretz article, he reports:

“His voice trembles when his partner, who was besieged in her home shelter at the time, comes to mind. According to him, only on Monday night and only after the commanders in the field made difficult decisions — including shelling houses with all their occupants inside in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages — did the IDF complete the takeover of the kibbutz. The price was terrible: at least 112 Be’eri people were killed. Others were kidnapped. Yesterday, 11 days after the massacre, the bodies of a mother and her son were discovered in one of the destroyed houses. It is believed that more bodies are still lying in the rubble.”

This quote is important for several reasons; one is because it adds to the understood timeline of events. This testimony would seem to indicate that many Israeli captives were still alive on Monday, October 9, a full two days after the events of Saturday, October 7. While it might be understandable if captives had been killed in the hectic crossfire of an initial Israeli response to the attack on the 7th, this account would seem to indicate that the decision to assault the kibbutz and everyone inside was made as a clear military calculation.

[-] CoralMarks@hexbear.net 67 points 10 months ago

Celtic fans defy club to fly Palestine flags inside stadium

rest of articleFans of Scotland’s Celtic Football Club have defied their club’s directives and waved thousands of Palestine flags during their team’s Champions League match against Atletico Madrid.

Hours before the match at Glasgow’s Celtic Park on Wednesday, the club issued a statement saying both sets of players and coaching staff would wear black armbands “as a show of respect and support for all those affected by the conflict” but told fans to refrain from displaying their support in the stands.

“We ask that banners, flags and symbols relating to the conflict and those countries involved in it are not displayed at Celtic Park at this time,” the club said in its statement.

Video of them singing "You'll never walk alone" in support of Palestine over on reddit-logo
Of course the comments are locked, but cool show of support tho imo.

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