[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 148 points 1 month ago

Funny how they're calling for riots instead of going to the streets and rioting.
I wonder if they remember what happened to them the last time they tried that shit 🤔.

[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 179 points 3 months ago

I fully understand how people become radicalized now.

[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 148 points 3 months ago

Honestly I don't believe for a second that he actually has the money. I just don't think he can handle people (HIS people) knowing that he's flat fucking broke and at the end of his rope.
Monday we'll find out if Schrodinger's cash was in the box or not.

[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 205 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

One way or another, it might be.

If Trump wins, it'll likely be the last election we ever have. Dictator on day one and all...

If he doesn't win, he will have drained the party and it's donors of all of their cash.

He already gets the lions share of it and dumps it into a legal black hole, and now Lara plans to divert what little funding was leftover for the local and congressional races to Trump too.
They're literally all in on him, so can they recover in 2 years for the midterms if he cleans them out?
If they have no cash for the midterms and we get a blue wave, what happens to their gerrymandered districts?
This election might be it for them.

"if we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed... and we will deserve it"
— Lindsey Graham
May 3rd 2016

[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 180 points 4 months ago

If yelling "Fire!" In a crowded theater is not protected speech then any kind of healthcare misinformation shouldn't be either.
The whole reason you can't yell "Fire!" In a crowded theater is because people could get hurt or killed.
Covid misinformation also gets people killed.
Seems pretty clear to me.

[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 159 points 4 months ago

Yeah, I could see them making people work centuries to pay off the debt, or even worse, it only extends your life by a few years at a time and they turn it into a subscription service

[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 143 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

"we're not wired to save" is a weird way of saying ~~44%~~ 56% of Americans barely make it paycheck to paycheck with no disposable income.

Edit: wrong percentage

[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 203 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

If they're saying "own" on their advertisements then they should be required to refund you when they eventually have to take it away. I'm pretty sure "ownership" has a legal definition and it's probably not too ambiguous.
It should at least be considered false advertising if they can't guarantee access permanently.

[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 192 points 9 months ago

Nationalize Starlink and SpaceX

[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 264 points 9 months ago

22 years? Yeah that is disheartening.

There are several states in the South and Midwest that possession of marijuana can land you life in prison. That's potentially a 70 year sentence for a young adult.

Yet these jackasses can attempt to overthrow the US Government and install an unelected dictator and the longest sentence we've seen yet is only 22 fucking years?

Yeah it is disheartening to see the hundreds that got off with house arrest, probation, or even at best landed behind bars for only a year or so.

[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 203 points 10 months ago

On Amazon you can get a 24pk of Charmin toilet paper for $37. That's $1.56 per roll.

There are 150 sheets of toilet paper on a roll so that's $0.01⁰⁴ per sheet.

The Russian ruble is at 101.00R to $1.00USD, making it equivalent to $0.00⁹ (9 mil) in USD.

It's now officially cheaper to wipe your ass with Russian money than toilet paper

[-] Chainweasel@lemmy.world 156 points 11 months ago

In South Korea most fans have timers so they're not left on overnight, because people think it'll kill you if you do leave it on.
This belief wasn't helped by medical examiners putting "death by fan" on the death certificates of suicide victims to help the dead save face and spare the families the embarrassment of a "cowardly death" for a few decades.

submitted 1 year ago by Chainweasel@lemmy.world to c/news@beehaw.org
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