Yea, it voids the warranty. So when you get poisoned after eating it without label, you won't be able to get a refund.
Porting Doom to run in real life.
Es ist mir auch ein Rätsel, wie man so einen Hass haben kann. LGBTQ Menschen haben keinen negativen Einfluss auf das Privatleben dieser Menschen (oder allgemein der anderen Menschen), sie wollen nur in Frieden ihr Leben leben. Was hat man davon diese zu unterdrücken?
Oder in irgend ein unbewohntes Fläckchen Land und geben ihnen den autonomen Staat, der sicher keine GmbH ist, den sie doch wollten. Mal sehen, wie es dann läuft.
If I remember right, DuckDuckGo called it 'ducking' or 'duck it' themselfes.
I'm new to Go and wanted to copy some text-data from a stream into the outputstream of the HTTP response.
I was copying the data to and from a []byte with a single Read() and Write() call and expexted everything to be copied as the buffer is always the size of the while data.
Turns out Read() sometimes fills the whole buffer and sometimes don't.
Now I'm using io.Copy().
Turned out that the bug ocurred randomly. The first tries I just had the "luck" that it only happened when the breakpoints were on.
Fixed it by now btw.
Can also be the other way around when for example biology finds a new immune therapy and chemestry a new way to dissolve your lung.
And then the quick hack gets a permanent solution and the next employee has to fight trough the spagetti.
Der deutsche E-Perso hat bereits genau diese ">= 18" Abfrage.
Which brings me to boil is that they use 'pardner'.
I'm not your pardner in any way. I just wanted to read an aswer in my search results for a quite specific question.
Every time I read this 'whoa there, pardner' I want to scream at my screen that they should shut the fuck up.
Also eine Schwarz-Blau-Gelb Koalition würde bei mir nur genau einen Kurs steigen lassen: Anzahl an Formularen zur Ausbürgerung.