Latheposting (hexbear.net)

Discord's ad integration will be a chat bot that you can't remove from your server. You also can't block it. Using the power of AI®, it will regurgitate ads every x minutes based on conversational context. This way adblockers can't get rid of it.

[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 93 points 1 month ago

We are all wine moms on this blessed day

[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 58 points 1 month ago

Does anyone have a clear idea on how the populations of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, et all are pressuring their governments to do something? I know there is basically no freedom of expression or political activism in most MENA countries, but that's why I'm asking. Even if their leaders have gone full sellout to US / Zionist interests, the people definitely haven't. Erdoğan is a slimy fuck, but he's at least nominally answerable to the electorate. The Moroccan, Algerian, Jordanian etc leaders aren't. So are any of these populations trying to influence their governments? Protests? Disruptions? Some group of soldiers looking to depose Sisi? Are the authorities in all of these countries strong enough to just officially shrug their shoulders about the situation and clobber anyone who tries to speak up?

[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 82 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Direct link, Archive link

Israeli society continues to fray. Displaced colonizers from the north are yelling about how they want to break away and create the "State of Galilee". I have no idea how serious their intentions or capabilities are, and I'd hazard a guess that if they try to go through with it, they'll just be a bunch of armed vagrants wandering around killing people.

[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 66 points 3 months ago

abortion is on the ballot in many states

Who should I vote for if I want to protect women's bodily autonomy? The party that is limiting it, or the party that shrugged and said they won't do anything to protect it?


Brandon Sanderson woke up in his bed. He emitted a miasma of anger, like a shart emits a miasma of shart-smell. Most people would have thought that Sanderson had no reason to be angry, let alone emit a miasma or anger. After all, he had a new book coming out. But that was the problem. A new book meant inevitable criticism of the Mormon by his greatest critics: the critics.

Brandon Sanderson hated the critics. Ever since he had become the best author they had made fun of him. They had mocked The Well of Ascension, The Hero of Ages, The Way of Kings, The Alloy of Law and even The Bands of Mourning.

The critics said his writing was juvenile, repetitive, artless, and drab. They said his prose was swamped in a sea of poor metaphors and contrived SAT vocab words masquerading as obscure. For some reason they found something amusing in sentences such as “it seemed to hold in the heat and the humidity, like a merchant hoarding fine rugs.” They even say my books are packed with banal and superfluous description, thought the 5ft 2in man. He particularly hated it when they claimed his wit was dull. How he longed to retort with a retort as skillful as Wit’s retorts, a witty character in witty novel The Stormlight Archive. He’d already drafted a few possibilities: “It takes one to know one”; “shut up, you toxic heap of vomit”; and, best of all, “you critics are a band of morning anal discharge”. However, his restraint prevented him from sharing these witty retorts. After all, his critics were primarily heterosexual cisgender white men, his favorite group of people except, of course, heterosexual cisgender white women, like his wife, whom he had married.

Brandon Sanderson got out of his fancy bed in his pricey house and walked back and forth repeatedly. He knew he shouldn’t care what a few envious critics thought. His new book Rhythm of War was coming out on Tuesday, and the 980-page hardback published by Tor with a recommended US retail price of $29.95 was sure to be a hit ($189.95 for the calfskin edition).

I’ll call my agent, thought the writer. He reached for the telephone using one of his two hands. “Hello, this is Brandon Sanderson,” spoke Brandon Sanderson. “I want to talk to literary agent Yesmahn Sycofant.”

“Mr Sycofant, it’s Brandon Sanderson,” said the voice at the other end of the line. Instantly the voice at the other end of the line was replaced by a different voice at the other end of the line. “Hello, it’s literary agent Yemahn Sycofant,” informed the new voice at the other end of the line.

“Hello agent Yesmahn, it’s Brando,” commented the writer. “I’m worried about new book Rhythm of War. I think critics are going to say it’s written poor. Hey, that rhymes! I'm witty, like Wit.” He did not notice the issues with his grammar, and even if he did, he wouldn't have cared.

The voice at the other end of the line gave a sigh, like a big oak toppling into a big river, or something else that didn’t sound like a sigh if you gave it a moment’s thought. “Who cares what the stupid critics say?” advised the literary agent. “They’re just snobs. You have millions of fans.”

That’s true, mused the author of tomes combining fantasy, magic, and wizardry. His books were read by everyone from famous actor Henry Cavill to famous actor Vin Diesel. Besides famous white male actors, it was said that a copy of Mistborn had even found its way into the hands of famous white female actress Rosamund Pike. He was grateful for his good fortune, and gave thanks every night in his prayers to Mormon-space-deity-God.

“Think of all the money you’ve made,” recommended the literary agent. That was true too. The thriving writer’s wealth had allowed him to indulge his passion for great art. Among his proudest purchases were a specially commissioned landscape by acclaimed painter Vincent van Gogh and a signed first folio by revered scriptwriter William Shakespeare.

Famous author Branderson smiled, the ends of his mouth curving upwards in a physical expression of pleasure. He felt much better. If your books brought innocent delight to millions of readers, what did it matter whether you knew the difference between objective and subjective pronouns? Especially given you considered pronouns something warranting eternal damnation.

“Thanks, Yesmahn,” he thanked. Then he put down the telephone and perambulated on foot to the treadmill desk behind which he frequently stood to write his famous books on a laptop in Courier point 12 double spaced font on Microsoft Word using Outline mode. He needed the exercise. He was developing his newest book Rhythm of War, the latest in his series about fictional character Kaladin, a paladin, a fictitious paladin to be precise. It wouldn’t be the last in the lucrative sequence, either. He had all the sequels mapped out. The Pace of Combat. The Tempo of Strife. The Beat of Bloodshed.

The 290lb adult male human being nodded his head to indicate satisfaction and returned to his bedroom by walking there. Still asleep in the luxurious four-poster bed of the expensive $10 million house was beautiful wife Ms Sanderson (the Mormon church had done away with endorsing polygamy). Branderson gazed admiringly at the pulchritudinous brunette’s blonde tresses, flowing from her head like a stream but made from hair instead of water and without any fish in. She was as majestic as the finest sculpture by Caravaggio or the most coveted portrait by Rodin. I like the attractive woman, thought the successful man.

Perhaps one day, inspired by beautiful wife Mrs Sanderson, he would move into romantic poetry, like market-leading Mormon rhymester Neil Aitken.That would be good, opined the talented person, and got back into the luxurious four-poster bed. He felt as happy as a man who has something to be happy about and is suitably happy about it.


Turns out we don't have a c/books and I didn't want to shit up c/literature lol

[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 79 points 4 months ago

Gaddafi would never have put up with this shit

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Someone is truly in here going nerd The hundreds of people gunned down daily is really a small percentage of the population so it's all just scaremongering. Several dozen people are upvoting it. I think I'm done with hexbear for a bit. Thanks for the fun posts, everyone

Being a child is criminalized. And the children are suffering. The point of childhood anymore doesn't seem to enjoy some innocence and learn life lessons and make mistakes in a loving or caring environment where you're shielded from most of the consequences. The purpose of childhood is to mold you into an ideal member of the proletariat. And to never ever misbehave, because the Eye in the Sky (whether that's your parents or the police state) is always watching and you'd better get used to it.

I've talked about the atrocious state of childrens' rights in this country, and had some really good discussion here about it. It's only getting worse. Don't walk or bike home from school, wait for your parent to come get you in an SUV. Don't go skateboarding, you hooligan. Don't hang out with friends or other kids in the neighborhood with only the admonition of being back before dark. Don't drink a beer, even as an adult- you'll go to jail. Don't host a party, you'll go to jail. Don't have awkward teenage sex. Don't go hang out downtown or explore the woods, you'll be raped and abducted and sold into slavery! Just stay home, on your phone where it's safe.

I fucking hate this. This shit honestly makes me despair more than climate change. I'm not sure why that is, obviously what we're doing to the climate could well spell the end of human civilization. I think I'm just really upset at this very clear, yet less dramatic impact of living in a fascist society. Being a child is criminalized.

[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 55 points 6 months ago

They had a Congressional majority for two years LIB

[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 60 points 7 months ago

sry sweatie the britbong video was too long and he's associated with a CRINGE subgenre so here's me screaming for several replies on why it's bad actually

[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 72 points 7 months ago

My brain is so damaged by the internet that I can't see the word shekel as describing a legitimate currency; it only exists in reactionary memes about Jewish bankers

[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 54 points 7 months ago

Why not just like jerk off into a tube before you're deployed? I truly don't get it

[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 61 points 8 months ago

I'm lucky enough to have stuck with the same employer for almost a decade. Reading the non-insane fragments of resume made my skin crawl. I hate it. I hate everything about how self-aggrandizing you have to be, I hate the phraseology, everything about this is antethical to the way humans communicate. Also this MF listed "avid skier" as if a hiring manager would give a fuck lmao

[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 84 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Moids are fucking fixated on what women are doing. Does she have tattoos? Is she fucking? She's fucking, right? Probably aborting the pregnancy too. And she's not wearing a dress, but instead she's wearing shorts like a WHORE.

Everywhere it's the same. Whether they have the legal power to back up their bullshit or not. Niqabs and anti-abortion laws and mass murder and FGM and MGTOW and denial of education and on and on and on. Masculinity can basically be defined by its terror of, and opposition to femininity at this point. How many of men's problems are blamed on women across all generations, and why does every generation of moids fall for it every time? I'm so fucking sick of all of them.

submitted 9 months ago by AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net
[-] AbbysMuscles@hexbear.net 54 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I've been complaining for years that our overlords are so fucking boring. Some of the most intensely concentrated wealth and power in human history and this is how they spend it. If just one of them had an underground fortress in a volcano I'd respect them all so much more. Screw fancy cars, buy some elephants to haul yourself around town. Hire enough people to throw yourself an old-school Roman triumph to get to capitol hill. Something

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