[-] APassenger@lemmy.world 4 points 3 hours ago

I'd enjoy Katie Porter. Dunno if she's ready for something like the presidency, but I'm ready for a president like her.


This seemed more balanced and upbeat than other reporting on the topic.

I'm always happy to see support for Matter and increased awareness.

The more we expect matter devices and insist on them, the better things get for consumers.


Now that HA is getting further with local voice control, I'm working towards a full non-cloud, de-googled home experience.

We have a Google Home Hub and we love the slideshow aspect of it. If the Hub goes, I'd like to replace it with something visually appealing and take on the responsibility of putting photos into some directory(s) for use in a slide show.

Does anyone have:

  • Preferred HA card/integration/HACS solution?
  • Recommended hardware (ideally it's a screen, not a tablet)?
  • Advice for me while I'm on this journey?
[-] APassenger@lemmy.world 43 points 3 months ago

Solid recommend at the end.

[-] APassenger@lemmy.world 61 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The video title is "Depressed" not "Depressing."

He based that on the suicide rate. It's hard to have a metric for happiness/depression, but that's a credible one.

The article took liberties with the message.

He spoke directly with many people across South Korea. Interview style and not coming at it with a load of certanties.

By the second sentence he said, "South Korea."

I don't know why so many people here have to imagine a slight and then react against it.

[-] APassenger@lemmy.world 39 points 5 months ago

What was done here? Cut out a six, re-color it and put it back upside down?

[-] APassenger@lemmy.world 40 points 6 months ago

I remember reading the original articles. It's a worthy story with good reporting behind it.

Pushing to have these removed only makes him seem even worse.

That is unless he wins in a fair trial. I'm at the point that I trust Reuters over an Indian court and that that's true troubles me deeply.

[-] APassenger@lemmy.world 69 points 7 months ago

Democracy is a fist fight. I've grown tired watching Democrats spend their time wringing hands and clutching pearls.

THIS? This is good stuff. Get in the fray, fight for what's right, for us, for results. I'm enjoying this.

[-] APassenger@lemmy.world 201 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

jumps over the lazy dog.

Otherwise there's no "s."

It tells a short story that's visual and full of words people know how to spell.

[-] APassenger@lemmy.world 42 points 8 months ago

And we didn't fight it because the enemy were bad people. We fought it because we were attacked.

[-] APassenger@lemmy.world 67 points 8 months ago

It's this part.

We're telling them they've gone too far, seeing rules... and giving them weapons. Are we giving them seasons so they listen?

And if they don't listen, doesn't this make us complicit and with exceedingly poor intensional optics?

[-] APassenger@lemmy.world 50 points 9 months ago

Hawaii was occupied and taken. Taiwan was not.

That Mao captured the mainland does not make the island conquered. Or annexed.


I'm hoping someone here has recent experience and can tell me how things worked out.

We have international data and sms built into our plans and really, that's all we need. We know we're covered there.

We'll be travelling lesser-known and well-known sites in Italy and I'm concerned about connection quality and connection speeds. We did okay in the past, but always found ourselves doing anything meaningful when we got back to our room (WiFi).

Does anyone know if we should expect 2G, LTE, 5G?

Genoa-Cinque Terre (area)-Florence-Rome


A community to discuss Niantic’s Pickmin Bloom game. Tips, tricks, events, questions, rants and raves are all fair game.

Pikmin Bloom App


It's a work-in-process, but it already has many of the items people seek and additional commenters are welcome!

submitted 10 months ago by APassenger@lemmy.world to c/world@lemmy.world
[-] APassenger@lemmy.world 110 points 10 months ago

All the self righteousness of lemmy is strange.

There's not just better opinions, even small decisions are morally imbued and if someone steps out of line...

Wait, does using sync cause hurricanes? Earthquakes? Will the four big ponies of the lempocalypse arrive and snort angrily?

Otherwise, I get that a surge of people elated they have something you don't/can't have is off putting. FOMO is real.

But it doesn't need all the meme-shade.

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