[-] AAA@feddit.de 28 points 1 month ago

If it's not genocide Netanjahu doesn't have to fear the ICC. And the fastest way to get out of this, would be to go to trial and make his case.

Makes you wonder why he's so angry about it.

[-] AAA@feddit.de 28 points 2 months ago

It's disgusting.

And even if you go out of your way and dismiss morals, ethics, and international law, who in their right mind thinks that's a good investment? These properties, the whole region, is rife for conflicts and terrorism for... decades. Now more than ever.

[-] AAA@feddit.de 27 points 3 months ago

Social media fatigue is slowly getting traction. I don't have an article or study at hand to back it up, but I read about it the other day. Especially in younger generations it's a trend already.

Also, but that's only my personal theorie, i think it's a trend only among the less-hateful people. Hateful people nonstop spewing their vile messages everywhere is making "normal" people leave, which then turns off even more "normal" people.

The enraged slowly turning (unmoderated) social media into one big echo chamber.

[-] AAA@feddit.de 25 points 4 months ago

Ich hoffe ich irre mich, aber Ich sehe da eine große Gefahr, dass das Gesetz sehr selektiv durchgesetzt wird - um zu drangsalieren. Sei es nach Hautfarbe, Herkunft, oder politischer Einstellung.

Da eine flächendeckende Kontrolle quasi unmöglich ist wird es darauf hinauslaufen auf Basis von Hinweisen Nachforschungen anzustellen. Wenn es genehm ist.

[-] AAA@feddit.de 29 points 4 months ago

Except that actual super villains exist in their universes.

[-] AAA@feddit.de 29 points 4 months ago

He won't because that's exactly how it works. They need a successful delivery to be able to boost their own rating with a fake review.

Someone explained it in more detail I this topic, and there's also a link to the scam warning PSA.

[-] AAA@feddit.de 25 points 6 months ago

Einfach mal klatschen.

[-] AAA@feddit.de 28 points 7 months ago

Die Zierde unseres Volkes, unserer Rasse, oder als was auch immer sie sich einreden... und dann treffen und wohnen sie in so einem stinkenden Loch?

[-] AAA@feddit.de 25 points 7 months ago

Yeah, and about that historical comparison... WhatsApp sold out for $21bn. Signals top earners collectively would have to work for 4200 years to get there.

Those guys deserve every cent of their paycheck, because probably any of them could easily earn multiple of that at another company... given their skills and knowledge in the field.

The biggest miracle is them not selling out.

[-] AAA@feddit.de 26 points 8 months ago

How is it still news what Medvedev saying?

This guy is spewing out the most insane pro-government propaganda ever since he left office, because he knows that he's leaving the building through a window if he ever stops. During his presidency he dared to criticize Russia (and by that the former government, so Putin et al) and took a more western stance.

He's a puppet and will never say anything sane again in his life.

[-] AAA@feddit.de 29 points 9 months ago

Unterstützung der Polizei ist weder nötig noch wünschenswert da diese neutral zu sein hat. Wir sind keine Bananenrepublik wo ein Coup ansteht.

[-] AAA@feddit.de 26 points 11 months ago

Fruhrentner mit 49. Bei so viel Bodenständigkeit und Volksnähe sollte man schon bei der Wahrheit bleiben und sich als Arbeitsloser bezeichnen.

Glaube seine Partei hat dafür noch andere Titulierungen, wenn es andere Menschen betrifft.

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