Berring strait land bridge. Damming the Mediterranean.
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New city built all at once before the 5over1s and suburban sprawl get their hands on it. Get into the street car nerd, we're going to the missing middle.
About 5,000 years ago neolithic farmers committed an act of mass deforestation in the British Isles the likes of which this damned island has never recovered from.
As the ages passed, all each successive generation has done is further damage the ecosystem, and its biodiversity.
I'd try to undo some of that damage. By reforresting from shore to shit stained shore. Let new woods swallow the follies of the petty tyrants who turned rolling hills and green meadows to fetid slag heaps.
Space Elevator
A network of modernized aquaducts, superconducting energy backbone and high-speed rail corridors that are also parallel to nature preserve greenbelts.
The water, eletric, transit supergrid.
Dyson sphere
I'm drunk enough and surly enough to say it:
Executives, CEOs, Billionaires, the ruling class. Put them on cattle cars that run on time, somewhere with ovens and walls for them to go against, fill their old boardrooms with videos of it happening as a warning.
bad idea? big floating city, stargate atlantis style
i just think it'd be fun
Commuter dirigibles.
soil-melanin project: build massive reservoirs and genocide the desert
worldwide 2 child policy (with exceptions for indigenous peoples)
job rotations: everyone (including me) shovels some shit, basically all jobs are put into a 4-year rotation period since degrees and work experience are useless in reality (except for a few highly specialized STEM jobs)
I would hire Dahir Insaat and they just build whatever crazy shit they come up with.
Bring back the Age Of Sail. It's gonna take immense amounts of government funding, it'll cripple global shipping if it's successful, it will definitely cripple national shipping industries and every supply chain coming here all for ~~no benefit at all~~ cool sea shanties, high employment (need about 200 people to off-load one ship and it'll take about a week) and cool ships. I wanna see a 6-masted fullrigger, I wanna see what crazy shit we can come up with.
Either that or a persecution of all farmers that will make Stalin look like a lamb and rehabilitation of the soil, though that isn't a bad idea.
Fund the arts too much. A statue in every home.
Build a mountain. We don't have one, I want one.
Sink Lynetteholmen (an actual megaproject being undertaken right now that is so immensely stupid you would not believe me if I described it). Drown everyone involved in it's construction.
Dig a deep hole. Deeper than the soviet deep hole.
Bio-engineer a Kraken.
Make zebras a horse.
Teach rats how to use guns. Teach seagulls how to use guns. Have them wipe each other out, and then eat fries in peace.
Make guns, but for crabs.
Make France a real place.
Make Britain a fake place.
A chair for your pants.
NEOM, purely for the sake of amusement
upper atmosphere aerosol injection geoengineering hail-mary to try and save a few million species and a few billion humans
several dams on the east coast of the US at extremely obvious points to prevent flooding
it's a bad idea because New York City doesn't fucking deserve it and the entire climate-denial political class (which is the entire political class) would raise fascist hell to prevent their own fucking homes from being embraced by the sea
geo-engineering to reverse or ameliorate the heating of the earth's atmosphere
- Men-loving machine learning multi-level Marxist-Leninist Mecha Lenin. 'MLMLMLMLML' for short.
- Palace of the Soviets. Optionally with a hidden rocket silo. For going to the one place not corrupted by capitalism.
vacuum tube train
if it can work in OpenTTD it can work in real life, right?
I would make Robot Jocks real
pneumatic tube transportation like in futurama
A cannon that shoots you to your destination and you land on a bouncy pad to break the fall. Of course, AI would be used to guide your trajectory so there's no room for human error
I have this idea of a new transport technology. It’s basically a monorail except rather than share carriages with people you have your own like a car. The monorail can deliver you to your driveway with it branches. It sits > 10ft above ground allowing some of the old roads to be for bikes, children and redeveloped into green spaces. The monorail sits on posts that means it can be installed alongside existing roads whilst it takes off.
Cars/cabs will be computer controlled and self-driving, obviously unable to leave the rail, and can be summoned or shared as a family. Self-parking. Take you home drunk. Usable by teens independently. Powered by the rail they’re on. Technology wise each cab has an electric motorbike engine and is otherwise your own customisable swinging box. One day you could pack your shit into it then sleep inside and wake up on a far away beach for your holiday.
nuclear war
Giant space project like a man-made ring around the planet. It'd be so fucking cool and it could help develop technologies that simply don't exist yet. Now finding the resources for such a project is where it gets tricky.
bering strait high speed rail