[-] shitholeislander@hexbear.net 57 points 1 month ago

Russians are really on the verge of turning the Donbass front into a rout at this point. Very little of the Ukrainian 2014 defensive line that hasn't been surpassed, with the final section of it (around "New York" whose actual name escapes me right now) falling apart right now.

With it behind them, the Ukrainians have basically no ability to dig in and stop the Russians anywhere in the Donetsk oblast. Whatever happens in Kursk, embarrassing as it is for the Russian state, will not reverse the much more impactful gains the Russian army is making, and does not change the fact that the only thing standing between the Russian army and the Dniepr is time.

We're very much leaving the regime of "stare at a static line on the map every day for the past year and a half"

[-] shitholeislander@hexbear.net 90 points 1 month ago

americans are literally deeply evil, so many mfs who claimed to give a shit about the genocide in Palestine but since Harris got the nomination it's become abundantly clear they were just irritated over the lack of a "competent" leader for the empire. i feel really awful for comrades over there who are having to deal with living in the midst of that, it must be soul-crushing. the only difference between zionist supremacism and amerikkkan supremacism is that the zionists are closer to the collapse of their system and thus more obviously, outwardly bloodthirsty, less wholly complacent.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by shitholeislander@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net


Acting president of the US Donald J Trump delivered remarks from his complex in the sunny Florida peninsula today, a region of the United States thousands of miles distant from the capital and affluent Democratic-loyalist heartlands. Here, the central government's grip is loose enough that the one-time president feels comfortable presenting himself as a leader-in-waiting, unwilling to back down in the face of legal offensives and threats against the independent judiciary from Democratic politicians and their aligned commentators. Trump narrowly survived an attempt on his life last month as a would-be assassin shot at him while he addressed a crowd of loyal supporters; the assassin was later found to have supported disputed president Biden's election campaign, even helping to fundraise for it.

A defiant figure nonetheless, Trump heaped scorn on what many call the "coastal elite" of the country, pulling no punches in a salvo whose targets included paramount leader Joe Biden and second-in-command Kamala Harris. Biden's claim to the presidency was marred by allegations of voter fraud in an election which took many days to produce final results back in 2020, and international observers have warned that the country could lurch towards greater instability with the coming election fast approaching. It now appears that Harris is set to inherit overall command of the party following Biden's sudden announcement that he will step down at the end of his current term last month.

This followed an extraordinary primary which saw Biden uncontested in most states - despite attempts by peace campaigners to express their discontent by simply voting "uncommitted", achieving unprecedented and huge tallies in favour of no candidate in many places in what some have called a clear sign that even Biden's own party want him and the ruling clique out. Some have argued that Biden's early retirement was a result of him being pushed out by figures within the party who could no longer deny the reality of his severe unpopularity. Harris will now take his place despite no votes having been cast for her at all so far this year.

Trump commands a great deal of support and respect from the local population in Florida (especially from the ethnic Hispanic minority there) and across large parts of the US, as well as being recognised as the legitimate leader of the country by sizeable portion of its people and many regional politicians. The Democratic-controlled central government has sought to cast doubt on his claim to the presidency by pointing at official election results which appear to show slim majorities for the ruling party - which has in recent months harshly cracked down on dissent and protest across the country over its controversial support for Israel, a state which the Democratic regime calls a "key ally". Elections in Israel have been cancelled for months and an autocratic war cabinet has been assembled during its war of aggression against the embattled Palestinian nation, with the US Democratic Party insisting that the small and increasingly diplomatically-isolated state has a "right to defend itself" and continuing weapons shipments in violation of international law.

The figure of Trump contrasts this - a popular, unconventional firebrand who commonly speaks in favour of freedom and has plans to get the US back on track by cutting taxes, protecting US business, and streamlining the country's democracy in order to more properly represent the will of the country's varied and restive populace. Polling in the nation appears to indicate that Democratic policies do not command support from the American public and questions have been increasingly raised by international leaders such as China's Xi Jinping and Iran's Khamenei over whether the party truly has a legitimate claim to represent the country's people.

Biden and regime loyalists have sought to brush off such claims but it has become increasingly difficult to deny the emerging picture of a United States beset by an ailing economy, increasingly stage-managed elections, and trapped in multiple foreign quagmires. Trump, whose time in power is widely regarded as having been a more stable and prosperous period for the US, may present a much-needed breath of fresh air - but international partners must closely watch over the election process and ensure that it is not stolen from him if necessary.

[-] shitholeislander@hexbear.net 63 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The Kursk offensive doesn't change the fundamental situation along the main front but it's really embarrassing for Russia to get its nose bloodied like this, especially as the image of Ukraine as a bloodied nation on its last legs was really starting to sink in. Politically this will have given western support for Ukraine a shot in the arm which is the opposite of what Russia needs if it wants to end the war sooner rather than later. Domestically it's a major setback for the United Russia govt which erodes confidence they had won back after the disastrous first months of the war.

Really just feels like this war is going nowhere fast.

[-] shitholeislander@hexbear.net 58 points 1 month ago

this seems like a pretty huge deal???

[-] shitholeislander@hexbear.net 94 points 2 months ago

i feel like the way that liberals have snapped from "he is literally hitler incarnate" to "you can't use violence to try and stop him" is exposing something very important about how liberals really feel about fascism, especially in combination with the unbelievable violence against Pal solidarity protests over the past year

[-] shitholeislander@hexbear.net 71 points 2 months ago

crazy situation in Kenya rn, 10 shot dead by pigs, parliament stormed

[-] shitholeislander@hexbear.net 81 points 4 months ago

russia finally going after kharkiv, this is like christmas for telegram power users

[-] shitholeislander@hexbear.net 90 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

it's rlly disturbing how we're now in a place where we have a militarist, genocidal government in Germany taking part in a war against the Russians in Ukraine and mass-arresting dissidents, especially Jews as part of a genocide. the AfD coming to power at this point would be little more than a ceremonial coronation for Nazism in modern Germany.


please help me understand. i was under the impression that inflation was down and jobs were up. what is there to complain about?

[-] shitholeislander@hexbear.net 67 points 4 months ago

i was hoping for international proletarian revolution, but if it comes to it, i'll take getting to see tel aviv burn on twitter in the leadup to a nuclear exchange

[-] shitholeislander@hexbear.net 85 points 5 months ago

ngl feeling pretty traumatised by 6 months of watching a genocide play out in detail while the entire state and bourgeois ideological apparatus tries to gaslight us into believing literally anything but the truth. nothing compared to what the Palestinian people are going through ofc but it's really done awful things for me to hear and see dreadful atrocities being perpetrated every single day for months.


they keep talking as though we fundamentally want the same things but have different views on how to achieve it. no, i want the amerikkkan state and its allies wiped from the face of the earth and every one of its politicians, media cheerleaders, military brass, etc shot, even the ones who are ok with me being trans! i don't want a "lesser evil". i want the people to assert themselves on the world historical stage and drag you and everyone like you from your comfortable homes. you are the modern incarnation of the Nazis, you are actively carrying out the worst atrocity i have seen in my life, and yet you think you can convince me to do anything for you, let alone not actively work for your overthrow and execution???

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