Lost my 20 year old FB account. Because I responded to a blatant "The South Will Rise Again" terror post by a bot. I as a joke said. "Can't wait to meet you in battle." and that was enough to ban me there. FB is protecting the hateful bigots that click on the Ai content.
Lost my 20 year old FB account. Because I responded to a blatant "The South Will Rise Again" terror post by a bot. I as a joke said. "Can't wait to meet you in battle." and that was enough to ban me there. FB is protecting the hateful bigots that click on the Ai content.
Pay no attention to the fascist behind the curtain.
The fascist in front of the curtain is loud enough already.
Streisand effect: I had never heard of the “network state” until now. Uh, thanks for being such an asshole, Zuck!
I just found out like a week ago. Look up techno feudalism. Apparently these guys have been talking about it for a long time.
Next Reddit will start banning you for upvoting anything about it.
Please share this document far and wide. People need to understand what's going on, to stop it.
This man has a bunker and everything. He's scared shitless and he is ready to hide. Their assets need to be seized and accounts drained
That's not a joke, ALL these dudes have extensive doomsday prep. Secure facilities, staffed and stocked. There's a ton of reporting on it. They're gonna fare a LOT better than we are if shit gets really outta hand. Unless we do something about them before it gets to that point, anyway.
Edit: added a detail
Of course they are. They'll ban discussion of democracy next, and then voting.
Delete your facebook products.
If you know someone who works at facebook, try to convince them to leave.
If you see someone who's in a leadership position at Facebook bleeding out, perhaps after a car accident because their brakes were sabotaged, let them die.