[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 16 points 4 days ago

I'm arguably good at a lot of those things but didn't want to persue a PhD because you can see the writing on the wall when you're deep enough into academia. There's a system in place and boy it can get dark and shitty in a hurry.

[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 13 points 4 days ago

We paid over $320m for this water bridge that is sensitive to ocean waves because our allies won't let us ship stuff somewhere? Why are we sending these people money again? Is everyone dead fucking broke when they want to do military stuff? Ffs our military complex is a bad joke.

[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 98 points 1 month ago

"Ever since we kept the chair out of the break room, sales have skyrocketed!"

  • Make believe logic
[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 64 points 1 month ago

This is the wrong way to go about solving this problem IMO, but then again the problem they're trying to solve is more about security than privacy as a right.

[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 136 points 1 month ago

I know this is a joke but for anyone reading: Linux has many advantages and is great but is NOT immune to viruses or exploits.

[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 76 points 2 months ago

Haha maybe I'm getting old, but people ITT don't seem to understand that "taking nudes" and deciding who, if anyone, gets to see them should be a basic right of privacy and freedom.

You should be insulted by, and scrutinize the idea of being told what you can and can't do with your body and your data, including nudes and beyond.

"Oooo uh, shouldn't have taken nudes!" is incel rhetoric.

[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 112 points 3 months ago

Ah, sounds like what-about-ism. Metas behavior doesn't exempt Apple from criticism. That logic tends to drive all of our standards and expectations down.

Theres room to criticize and expect more from all of these companies who are more than capable of doing better.

[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 71 points 4 months ago

That's gonna be an uninstall for me, Tencent.

[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 105 points 4 months ago

It's weird to sit back and look at this picture and imagine you were part of a world War or one of the other global conflicts. These weapons are tools of destruction and I'm sure many people, soldiers and otherwise didn't want to kill other people if they could avoid it. Bearing these arms meant you had to commit to doing something dreadful, that'll affect you for the rest of your life.

Then these people hold these weapons with smiles on their faces like they'd be excited about ending lives. Oblivious to the notion that many people sacrificed and killed so they can pose and smile in a peaceful house, free from the possibility of harm.

Again it's just weird.

[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 153 points 4 months ago

Good to see someone using Linux for their platform on these handhelds. The big reason I don't want to try the Ally or whatever the others are doing is I can't imagine Windows is making the experience better.

I don't really have evidence to support that, but more Linux investment is better overall.

[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 81 points 7 months ago

Putting aside for a second how the US should be dealing with the very real threat of gun violence in this country, I'm always surprised by the misunderstanding of the gravity that carrying a pistol in public has.

Its not just about keeping the safety on and making sure it doesn't go off in your pants. When you bring a gun with you, you're introducing a firearm to a situation where in many case there isnt one. That puts you and everyone else around you at significant risk of being shot now, where again, those odds used to be zero. Not only that, you're basically steering the bus now on who gets shot if violence should break out, and not everyone is trained to handle an actual confrontation with the appropriate skills.

That's what's so mind boggling. At the end of the day, carrying a weapon just makes you and everyone around you more likely to be shot, and people feel the need to do that as a state senator in Washington? It sounds pointless. I'll also add that the process of getting a concealed permit is mostly saying you won't commit a crime, and getting fingerprinted, that's generally it.

[-] heavy@sh.itjust.works 120 points 10 months ago

I kind of envy the mindset where one has empathy for someone who is so out of touch with reality given their status. I like to think I'm a good, just person that wants to do the right thing but when I think of what the billionaire's perspective is: someone with so much power and influence that most people are just objects or playthings to them, it's frustrating to think about. They think they're bigger than people, the earth, maybe even the universe.

I'm not saying I could be the triggerman, I'm not that kind of person, but yeah, fuck 'em.

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