I went like 10 minutes with no stimulation (phone, tv, music, internet) and has an idea for a story in which all life on earth descended from a lonely super organism that kept splitting itself into smaller and smaller pieces so it could have more life to interact with, and the story unfolds in the reverse of the process as life becomes untenable on the planet and the super organism recompiles itself one death at a time as told through the eyes of a handful of characters who begin to acquire foreign memories as people and animals die
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Are ya ready kids?!
It's 5am, and I've just woken up for like 5 minutes and I'm about to go back to sleep, so I may be reading more into that than there is, I'm not sure. But that sounds strikingly similar to the ideas found in Hindu qualified nondualism, or vishishtadvaita, in which all that exists is Brahman, and each time one of us escapes rebirth we are rejoined to Brahman and become one
Oh yeah, no. That sounds kind of exactly the same. Guess I'll have to read up lol
Vishishtadvaita is what's called qualified nondualism, or basically nondualism that allows for a little bit of dualism, in that differences exist between the observer and the observed.
Not to throw you in the deep end or anything, but there are a lot of very similar, though different, schools of philosophy within Hinduism. Bhedabheda, or dvaitadvaita, is another, as well as Shiva Advaita. There's also Advaita Vedanta, which is pure nondualism, no difference between God/the universal constant and everything else.
There are also nondualist traditions in many other religions, including all three major Abrahamic faiths, and most eastern traditions. I'm way more familiar with pure nondualism than I am with qualified nondualism, but if you want any recs for YouTubers or reading, lemme know and I'll link. :)
Explanation of terms and pronunciation:
Advaita: ad white uh, or ad vite uh. Means not two Dvaita: white uh or vite uh, but with a little tap of the tongue before, a bit like the d sound in butter. Means two, or dual.
Vishishtadvaita: vih sheesh tuh ad white uh. Means with difference not two
Hold on a minute…
This isn't !autism@lemmy.world or !adhd@lemmy.world
Its not !autisticandadhd@lemmy.world either
What is going on?
You can feel the blood clot working it's way towards you brain
This is going to be an amazing match that you never expected. octordle is a puzzle game. Specifically the word puzzle. Try to guess this word as soon as possible and enter it immediately. We don't want to be stuck in a situation where there isn't. the number of remaining attempts is less than zero. of the total grids left to explore. It's an impossible situation and means you've lost the game.