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Life of the party.
I choose Dirt_Owl as my favorite
Makuhita is one my favorites. They are big body fighters that love chillin' and that learn from their mistakes to better in the future. Truly the highest form of dudes rocking
Mr. Mime
I love Ditto. I haven't played any pokemon other than Gen1 and i don't think i ever understood how it works
You're bombastic and confident
I'm not gonna ask what it means im just gonna post it
In elementary school I borrowed another kid's gameboy and spent like 4 hours levelling up this little drip goblin after finding him
Sableye fucks
Gengar always
Here’s my favorite Pokémon(s)!
Respect for Betamon and Blucomon
I never played the game but Wooper is my fav based on the art, cute little fellow, always jolly
I was never a big Pokémon fan, but the one Pokémon game I played as a kid had the blue crocodile starter and I love that guy
Totodile! He's one of my favourites too
Not (originally) because of Luigi, but because it learns False Swipe and Spore, which makes it a great Pokémon to keep in your party for catching other Pokémon. It also learns Cut (and Strength?), which also makes it worth keeping for getting past barriers.
I've never met anyone else who loves Scyther, but I love Scyther.
Not my favorite but galarian rapidash deserves a mention too
No fuck you, I'm gonna answer this question: It's Ribombee
here's a picture of me and my son
Gyarados because I miss my koi
Gyarados was always my favorite because all you gotta do is put some effort into your little comrade Magikarp and suddenly you got this adorable big beast friend that is still your baby Magikarp at heart but now has teeth
Also sorry about your koi friend 🥺
You have hidden depths that people appreciate the longer they get to know you
My favorite Pokémon is Absol and it's not because I'm edgy dammit it's because he was cool in the Jirachi movie when I was like eight
One day you'll finish that high fantasy novel, you just gotta get back to it.
i love Furret
You are highly adaptable to any situation and have great instincts.
You are underestimated but are actually incredibly based.
I like the stage 2 evolutions of the starters (Venasaur, Blastoise, Charizard), Cubone, Scyther, and Alakazam. Psychic Stall is my preferred deck and I still have all my Pokémon cards in good condition. I'm never sure when I should pull the trigger and sell them, though.
Hmmm how do I make this about beans...
Pretty sure Venasaur can learn hyperbeanis. Or was it hyperbeam? IDK I was only 10 or so when I played Yellow version.