Bidet users stay winning
Breadtube if it didn't suck.
Post videos you genuinely enjoy and want to share, duh. Celebrate the diversity of interests shared by chapochatters by posting a deep dive into Venetian kelp farming, I dunno. Also media criticism, bite-sized versions of left-wing theory, all the stuff you expected. But I am curious about that kelp farming thing now that you mentioned it.
Low effort / spam videos might be removed, especially weeb content.
There is a cytube that you can paste videos into and watch with whoever happens to be around. It's open submission unless there's something important to commandeer it with at the time.
A weekly watch party happens every Saturday (Sunday down under), with video nominations Saturday-Monday, voting Monday-Thursday. See the pin for whatever stage it's currently in.
For a second I thought someone made a parody
you guys really have all the emojis dont you
So many... And they load super slow so i still haven't seen all of them
eg here's one I've not seen before
MAXWE LL!!!!!!!
wow not going to lie new favourite
we do come on over
posting swines with excrement on its balls, and getting yelled at by libs sounds like a good time
Embrace the ppb
I came over, but I'll never learn the dark art of emojis
~psst!~ ~click~ ~the~ ~smiley~ ~face~ ~above~ ~the~ ~text~ ~window!~
You needa hexbearian acct ofc
I feel the need to stand up for Cookiejar. It is very unfair to blame E-N's illness on her being a dirty slut, which is basically the argument being made here.
The butt and the vajayjay are close together and microbes can easily travel during sexual activity. This is why people commonly get UTIs from peen in vajayjay activity even without butt sex being included.
It is unlikely you'd be able to trace an infection like this to a single moment of lazy filthy behaviour by one's careless partner as described. In fact they kept showing how they were cooking together and E-N was like putting his fingers in his mouth as Cookiejar was chopping. An infection like this can be on objects, such as the knife she was using, and of course her hands themselves. BAM fecal->oral. But almost certainly in the bathroom: faucet, doorhandle, light switch, fixtures, flusher, towel etc. You don't need to eat a poo smeared vajayjay to get an infection like this. If such intimate contact was required, then there is a whole missing piece of the story about Cookiejar's vacation.
Overall I wish the people who made the video had not leaned on the characterization of vajajays as dirty vectors of disease to spice it up. There is enough cultural confusion about this; adding to it is not helpful. It could also be very confusing for someone who found it while learning about a diagnosis they (or someone close to them) got, to have the idea of maybe it's a STI. That's the kind of misunderstanding that can cause a lot of conflict in a relationship.
And for goodness' sake if everyone in your home has diarrhea for weeks and weeks on end don't wait until your hands stop working to address it. Because then you won't be able to wipe forward or backward.
I agree. I think the whole "wiped back to front lol dirty cunnilingus amirite" is really dishonest and clickbaity, especially because if you're having such bad diarrhea, you have to assume that every surface on the bathroom is covered in poo particles, and short of wiping your whole taint and inner thighs with hand sanitizer, cleaning won't change things so much.
Also he was for sure eating her ass
There it is. THERE IT FUCKING IS! All of you are constantly making fun of the volcel police, never taking them seriously. BUT there’s no denying that they could have saved him from his horny hell.
Or, well you know, she could have just gone to the doctor earlier when the symptoms didn’t improve.
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
Be american
Shit out your doodoo ass for 2 weeks, don't go to doctor because it's expensive
Wipe it around because you are an unhygienic pig
Don't shower before sex
Husband eats you out, gets infected.
shits out his doodoo ass for 3 weeks, doesn't go to the doctor because it's expensive.
Don't drink water, no potassium in coca cola
Organs shut down, dies
Go to poll, with doodoo all over your ass
Vote for trump
Reading this rn on the work toilet with no bidet knowing i'll have to use the handsoap, sink water and like 20 pieces of toilet paper folded over itself so it doesnt disintegrate so i can feel even slightly clean
Half the time I get sweet home bidet action but when I have to go into the office, I have my own stash of GOOD toilet paper. Fuck the disintegrating stuff.
For the record they didn't die in the video I guess the organs decided to wake back up
It's like these shitheads learned nothing from the pandemic
Was about to say this sounds like a chubbyemu vid and yup there it is
when a video really, really should have been an article instead
This is a Wizards WIth Guns parody vid, right?
...This is a Wizards WIth Guns parody vid, right...?
My dudes face on the intro looks like he's crawling under the house to fix a leak lol
yeah this gives misogynistic vibes
yeah kinda does its kinda the dudes fault for fucking with his wife while shes diarrheaing anyways
not just fucking, deciding to eat her out?? like bro ofc you died
for the record he didnt die just shat out his doodoo ass till his organs failed (they got better)
oh thank goodness he might be stupid but we need men willing to eat out in this world
dining out tonight
The actor playing Ian is so good lmao.
Holy shit, the animations for the mud butt LMFAO!!
Wait i wipe back to front
Don't it spreads bacteria from the back to the front
I don’t think it matters much with peens, but im not a doctor
Perhaps but I didn't know your peen status before now
People have some wild takeaways here wow.