Counterpoint: Commander on tabletop sim is really fun. Why yes my deck does cost 800 dollars on mtg goldfish because I put all the prettiest cards in it. How much did I pay? 5 dollars for tabletop sim on sale
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i rly should try tabletop sim for this! i have a krenko (mob boss) deck that i tinkered w/ for quite a while before actually building it, but it turns out getting games can be kind of a nightmare. tried w/ internet randoms over spelltable, never again altho! we might eventually be able to start a pod w/ commune folks & that'd honestly be kinda incredible :3
Arena has mob boss and loads of goblin support.
Idk what all that shit is I just accumulate fun mid decks from doing draft once a year
for real struggle session hours I'll say Cube is the only good format.
I've got a box of bulk I got off ebay and I kinda want to make it into a cube, get more value out of it than just throwing it at a store
Do it! I'd play whatever cube you make if I lived near you. I'm sure you can convince your local gamers of the glory of Cube.
I had an idea for a cube that's entirely stuff from the Unsets and proxies of shit from Hellscube that I want to make sometime
feeling like starting a struggle session this morning
Oh yeah... well uh, fuck you then
Fyi they make very good Chinese counterfeits. But also pauper and Penny are both very fun. Idk I don't play anymore
With the advent of cheap Chinese high quality cardstock printers, anyone can have a proper Vintage cube for like $150.
Limited is the only real format(s?)
Bloomburrow draft is very good. Presumably other drafts are good too but I only play the cute Redwall game.
Made by someone who doesn't play with proxies
why would i need to proxy a card i can get for $0.04 off card kingdom
Fair point. I like the silly stuff the high power cards can do though
i suffer from terminal red player brain so any card with more than two lines of text is bullshit to me
Good take. I've recently been invited to play in a (proxy friendly) Premodern tournament which is a format I've actually never heard about before, and I've also never heard of most of the cards in the big decks. do you think premodern is kosher?
bold of you to assume i know what a premodern is
Yeah I think if someone's inviting me to play a format not mentioned on scryfall it's like wtf
Just built two Pre-Modern decks (Mono-Blue Storm and Sewer Sl*** Black) and plan on building two more. It's amazing how many unique brews there are with a fixed card pool that's 20 years old.
What about commander with proxies?
It's turn 38, no one has moved more than 5 points of life from their starting total, the table is covered in about 147 cards and 738 dice. The average player is taking about 17 minutes to complete one turn. 4 players running a collective total of three pieces of removal in all of their decks combined. No one has swung with anything in the last hour
idk, maybe it's just because i only have the worst pod, maybe it's because i have terminal red player brain, but commander games are all agonizingly boring to me
You need more board wipes.
I have a Henzie deck and I keep thinking about what a funny dick move it would be to say "I Blitz Bearer of the Heavens" and watch the whole table stare at me in horror
Stuff like this is what commander is for. Who can get everyone at the table to go "Aauuugggggguuhhh" at once
casual commander games do tend to drone on tbh. there is a whole...subculture? around basically not trying too hard, but not sandbagging, and it just leads to massive stale boards until someone hits their win condition eventually or whatever. cedh is a lot more fun to me because games dont take an hour or longer and no one cares about "feeling bad" because you play land hate (let's not talk about the green player who just played four lands in one turn) or a counter spell lol.
Believe it or not, aggro/burn exists in Commander too. You can play a quite high tempo deck with the right build.
skill issue
It took me a while to figure out this is referring to Magic: The Gathering formats
Limited is superior to all of the above
I had so much more fun with magic when I decided that all constructed formats are bourgeoisie decadence and shitty day trading disguised as a game and that I would only play limited
alright alright, that's fair
Vintage and Legacy are real formats. Probably the most real because you can fetch + Brainstorm into Force of Will against someone casting turn 1 Trinisphere.
Pauper EDH is pretty cool too.
1v1 only, the lack of sweepers @ common means multiplayer traffic jams will be slowly decided by a 2/1 bird token
Is there so many MtG formats nowadays? I feel schadenfreude looking at that. But i'm not surprised, nobody would survived that crunching pace.
idk but all these formats just make me think of that one XKCD comic. It's probably a similar story to how all the MTG formats developed
Fun but not really, open (iirc it was called extended or something like that) format always existed and everyone could play it, but at the same time nobody should because decks were wild even 20 years ago, i actually quit after witnessing open format tournament with two guys with 1st turn win decks (otherwise entirely obsolete) which both predictably met in finale, ruining quite some fun in the progress, and basically entire match was decided who won the coin toss to start first.
This above formatbloat is effect of opposite direction, to facilitate most possible players who were utterly lost between cutting edge but ultra whale standard and monstrous extended. After all the pillar of MtG success was that they managed to sell that to the wide audience and under that success there are hundreds of already forgotten card games.
Switched to netrunner instead of magic, now I'm 10x more intolerable