are you really vacationing if there is no one to witness it
Only if you're doing it right. Witnesses are a problem.
Wait, did you say vacation?
you are both vacationing and not vacationing until is observed
The problem with trying to observe a vacation is the amount of light involved. Experiments have shown that applying the necessary amount of light to render the vacation observable often results in the whole thing being called off anyway.
The need for vacation within a closed system always goes up.
Two for one you sly devil you! Niiice!
you can not measure the location and the speed of your vacation at the same time with high precision
If you're on the beach do you get Schrödinger's tan?
I volunteer to witness vacations if anyone needs help.
are you really vacationing if there is no one to witness it
Only if you're doing it right. Witnesses are a problem.
Wait, did you say vacation?
you are both vacationing and not vacationing until is observed
The problem with trying to observe a vacation is the amount of light involved. Experiments have shown that applying the necessary amount of light to render the vacation observable often results in the whole thing being called off anyway.
The need for vacation within a closed system always goes up.
Two for one you sly devil you! Niiice!
you can not measure the location and the speed of your vacation at the same time with high precision
If you're on the beach do you get Schrödinger's tan?
I volunteer to witness vacations if anyone needs help.