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[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 54 points 8 months ago

My step sister is going to homeschool her kids, which will be great for her youngest since she named him Jedidiah. Shockingly someone who named their kid that stopped coming to family gettogerthers after my sister's kid came out trans.

She was sad she didn't get invited to my wifes baby shower, even if my niece wasn't planning on going I still wouldn't invite her because you can't just choose to cut out part of the family because you're a bigot and expect everyone else to still want you around.

[-] HawlSera@lemm.ee 45 points 8 months ago

My father was uninvited from the yearly family reunion due to him not joining the anti-transgender circle jerk that formed there.

Ironically though I still get emails asking me to come, for the record I am my father's transgender daughter.

I feel like they either missed a key detail or they're just not very bright. I'm pretty sure it's a little column a little column B.

If it wasn't a 2-hour drive, I would crash it for the free food and just not say anything to anybody.

But I think I could get a bucket from the colonel to myself for just a little bit under what I pay in gas money. Plus that side of my family is so old that all they're going to bring is fast food anyway. Everyone who was good at cooking is either dead or is too arthritic to do so. A shame, I am a southerner who appreciates the truth of The Stereotype of the home cooked meal.

The only two reasons why I'm not going to go ahead with that plan of just getting a bucket for myself, is that I would probably get a better meal and support a smaller business by getting my eight piece from Church's Chicken. Well that and it's going to be a tight month, my car and my switch need to be repaired at the same time. And I only pray Nintendo leaves my fucking Pokemon data intact because it's not like I could back that up somehow. I mean theoretically it might have been possible if the damn thing would have turned on.

Please pray for the safe return of my shiny Dialga, I gave a good Zacian for it.

[-] thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 30 points 8 months ago

Maybe i'm already half asleep, but i love this comment that starts out on topic then drifts into a unrelated rant written in the most entertaining way.

[-] jadedwench@lemmy.world 14 points 8 months ago
[-] DarthBueller@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago

Oh my dear little baby fetus Jesus in the morning, just covered in bacon and smoked Gouda cheese and stapled to a tiny little 3” cross, that made me laugh my ass off and blush at the same time.

[-] HawlSera@lemm.ee 2 points 8 months ago

For extra fun. Read it in the Skyrim Female Argonian voice

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