[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The original Call of Duty was my favorite. I didn't have a good computer so I played it at a LAN center for a good while. The game also kicked off a domino of events in my friends life when I gave him a CD key for it.

My friend got pretty good at the game and joined a competitive CAL-M team, and even played at a CPL championship tournament. Well after he graduated college one of the people he played with on the team and he started a company making websites. When he told me what he was doing, I told him just don't blow too much money on it.

They ended up pivoting from their original plan of making fitness blog sites, among other niche sites they felt could generate ad revenue to making flash game sites.

They did moderately well in their endeavors and scored some high ranking search results for a few categories of flash games. They were making hundreds of thousands each and he moved to another to save on income tax. In the new state he met a woman and they ended up getting married, so I was able to draw a direct path from me giving him a CD key for cod to him getting moderately wealthy and finding a wife.

Unfortunately the last domino hasn't fallen, and it turned out she was a lieing, money grubbing, cheating whore. Flash games died out but my friend moved on to other things. He is doing great, happily remarried and we both had our first kid within about a month of each other.

[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

The Alaskan wilderness is going to be "The Great Valley (Land before time)" to post apocalypse survivors

[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 32 points 1 week ago

You mean after most people got vaccinated and it mutated to a less deadly version and deaths went down and it became less of a news story.

[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 36 points 1 week ago

There was a while in 2019(I think) when all the office talk(software firm) was crypto then it just stopped it was glorious.

[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 17 points 1 week ago

Right now it's more like megablocks

[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 16 points 3 weeks ago

Found the boot licker

[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 28 points 3 weeks ago

I'm slightly confused, was this a lesbian relationship where the driver came to realize they are more gender fluid or a trans man? The rest I get.

[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 57 points 1 month ago

He looks like a guess who card.

[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 71 points 2 months ago

We could make it work on a guide line and attach a bunch of trailers to one truck. You're a genius.

[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 20 points 2 months ago

I'll riot if I ever need to write pure js again. 98% of web devs would be better served writing in TS. If you're actually knowledgeable enough to write more efficient js, more power to you but honestly I was probably being generous saying 2% of web devs fall into that category.

[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 21 points 4 months ago

That's future Republican Supreme Court nominee white supremacist Cormac J Carney to you bub.

[-] Zannsolo@lemmy.world 54 points 8 months ago

My step sister is going to homeschool her kids, which will be great for her youngest since she named him Jedidiah. Shockingly someone who named their kid that stopped coming to family gettogerthers after my sister's kid came out trans.

She was sad she didn't get invited to my wifes baby shower, even if my niece wasn't planning on going I still wouldn't invite her because you can't just choose to cut out part of the family because you're a bigot and expect everyone else to still want you around.

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