Will I get bullied for not meeting standards here?
Chat is a text only community for casual conversation, please keep shitposting to the absolute minimum. This is intended to be a separate space from c/chapotraphouse or the daily megathread. Chat does this by being a long-form community where topics will remain from day to day unlike the megathread, and it is distinct from c/chapotraphouse in that we ask you to engage in this community in a genuine way. Please keep shitposting, bits, and irony to a minimum.
As with all communities posts need to abide by the code of conduct, additionally moderators will remove any posts or comments deemed to be inappropriate.
Thank you and happy chatting!
I think reading small stuff is just fine for getting practice! It will get you more comfortable with reading and build up your stamina for it just the same.
Here here! Our capitalist world works to stunt our intellectual capacity and attention spans in order to ensure we remain perfect cogs in the machine. Just the act of trying to read something more terse than marvelbrained witty oneliners in tik tok comment sections is already an excellent start to enriching your mind!
This should be a tagline
Edit: not in a bad way, but just so that everyone on the site could see it.