Internet as an art
Rule 1: All post titles except for meta posts should be just plain "hmmm" and nothing else, no emotes, no capitalisation, no extending it to "hmmmm" etc.
I will introduce more rules later and when I finish doing that I will make an announcement post about that.
For overall temporary guide check out the rules here: https://www.reddit.com/r/hmmm/wiki/rules/
I won't be moving all of them here but I will keep most of them.
I want to see in the little cupboard underneath it.
Probably great for one chopping board?
Or cookie sheets, the cupboard seems tall enough for that. The drawer is just..I'm thinking maybe a bunch of skewers. That's it.
The drawer looks stupid. The cabinet would be great for cutting boards or cookie sheets and could use the extra height ….. I’m assuming it’s useful since it doesn’t have the sides of the drawer taking up space.
Mine is just wide enough for the drawer to be useful but sometimes I want the extra height.