[-] flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works 2 points 15 hours ago

Crazy stuff, thanks!

[-] flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works 2 points 15 hours ago

Holy crap that's bonkers! Thanks, you've blown my mind

[-] flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works 1 points 15 hours ago

Or in the case of American politics, arrogance is bliss

[-] flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works 1 points 21 hours ago

Now just hang on a minute, this is the internet after all! How dare you have a sane and rational take on the situation!?

I demand to be called the spurn of a worthless whore ...or something!

[-] flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works 3 points 21 hours ago

Thanks for confirming I'm still a dumbass :)

[-] flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works 2 points 21 hours ago

Wow, that's cool. Completely makes sense but not something I'd thought about...

Would the temperature differences need to be very large for this effect to occur?

See above comment about this not being donations from the company but the employees.

Also, in surprised IBM owns lenovoo - never saw that coming

Holy shit, is that the actual sauce? I had no idea about where this came from!

[-] flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works 17 points 2 days ago

This isn't competition, it sounds like the CCP heavily subsidises the manufacture, in an attempt to kill the American industry off.

Thinking in decades or centuries is a very powerful tool!

[-] flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works 38 points 2 days ago

Agreed. Totally cock blocked himself for family (I'm sure there's a better joke in here somewhere)

As an EUC engineer deep in the Microsoft fustercluck: fuck Microsoft. Fuck teams.

That shit's abhorrent. All the ex-mobile developed stuff just doesn't translate to classical computer methodologies (probably largely due to the very different UI/UX and OS design differences)

[-] flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works 23 points 3 days ago

Way back when my dad was in his 20s he worked in a sawmill for a time. One of the dudes had no teeth, do everyone called him 'fang'

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works to c/progmetal@sopuli.xyz

This is a phenomenal (but short) album, has anyone got other equivalent they're sleeping on?


It's very proggy, which I love, but also very heavy. Super-tasteful use (sparse!) of blast beats, etc


A sign for cyclists indicating to perform a hook turn with graffiti "abolish all forms of government"

Dunno why, it just seemed funny


I'm delighted about the chance of this even happening. I'm under no illusions, however after the abortive duopoly review of our supermarkets. But this isn't comcom and had a clearer harm to the community, so maybe it'll happen?

God, I'd love to see it revoked entirely, but maybe there'll be some clearer oversight...

The company said it had invested significantly in systems to maintain the highest standards of host responsibility best practice, and prioritised minimising the impacts associated with problem gambling.

As. If.


So I've got some rusty old floor screws that I can't loosen with a Phillips head (they're old, so I'm betting it's not posidrv). The notches are all rusted and it hardly bites at all.

If I drill them out, I know I'm in for a hard time but am I better off going for a really fast rotation or slower?

And should I start with a narrow drill bit and work my way up (historically I've broken a few doing this in the past) or just begin at the intended diameter?

Yes, in fact I do work with computers - isn't it obvious?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works to c/newzealand@lemmy.nz

I've hidden this 'cos it's a dupe and the other has more accurate conversation

Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

So how’s it going?


I'm curious what other folks are doing pressure-wise.

I'm fairly lightweight (70kg, possibly after lunch? With back pack and water, who knows? I usually carry extra tools, etc...), and run 2.6" 27.5/650b tires.

Rear is around 20psi, but it's tubeless so I generally catch it once it's slipped down to 15 or 17 after a few weeks :). I've just realized I'm not even sure what the tire is, but it's a maxxis brand, so probably actually 2.4" wide compared to most other companies - not much clearance on my Intense Recluse

My front is usually about 18psi, on a specialized 2.6" somethingorother (pretty sure it's not a butcher)


So, I spent most of the day troubleshooting a website that drastically slows down when 'a browser looks at it funny'...

Usually it behaves fine - it's not the volume of requests, my teammates think it's something about the kind of requests. But they're struggling to get the logging properly configured.

I'm an EUC engineer (p.o.s. website requires IE11 and ActiveX controls - yay healthcare!), so mostly helping on the sidelines, but I'm looking for some 'supportive' suggestions...

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