Partner Communities (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by _MoveSwiftly@lemmy.world to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world

To partner with our community and be included here, you are free to message the moderators or comment on our pinned post.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by bartolomeo@suppo.fi to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world

Palestinians are at #8.


There's a cool government program that trains and gets people jobs. They give people Housing, Basic Medical Care, Meals, Books, an Allowance, Clothing, and a Network of instructors and peers.

It targets low-income young adults ages 16 through 24. Check it out, share it around to people who need it. It seems pretty unknown.



It's a website that lets you sort amazon by price per ounce/pound/count


Some examples are:

Cheapest rice per pound https://bangyourbuck.com/search/rice/Lb/US/grid

Cheapest batteries by count: https://bangyourbuck.com/search/aa%20batteries/Count/US/grid

Hard drives by terabyte: https://bangyourbuck.com/search/hard%20drive/Terabyte/US/grid

Been using it for months, and I can't stand using Amazon without it now.


Or by only putting one stick of memory in, or changing the slot you're using.

I was assembling a computer and everything seemed to be correct, the fan would spin up, I'd get some lights, but there was no image on the screen, not even the BIOS. I saw someone else make this suggestion and didn't think it was likely to work, but it did. First I just tried one stick, and it booted. Then I tried both sticks and it didn't work, but I reseated and then it did.

(Also worth pointing out that your motherboard should have diagnostic lights which if you check the documentation may point out which component has an issue)

Thinking about Lemmy's demographics many here may have heard of something like this, or have more helpful suggestions about troubleshooting which would be welcome. But thought I'd write out a little post about my experience to contribute to Lemmy SEO supremacy.


Check out the full list of what staples accepts now part of their expanded recycling programs.


More companies should start to follow staples lead and offer return points for packaging and products that reach their end of life.


While it is no secret that exploitative practices are interlaced with capitalistic tendencies, the practices are becoming intolerable. Signing up to pay usually takes only two clicks that are prominently visible whereas cancelation options are hidden away in deep settings requiring multiple clicks. Pricing often feel arbitrary with no reference points. Every large company grows with the intention of exhibiting monopolistic behavior. This is not sustainable and should not be tolerated.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by speaker_hat@lemmy.one to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world

Car rental prices might decrease over time as the rental getting closer to its due date.

I encountered it when booked a car rental, waited for about a month, cancelled and then re-booked again.

I rented from https://www.booking.com/cars

These are the rental prices over the months before the rental due date:

  1. $547.73 (first price) - cancelled
  2. $502.27 - cancelled
  3. $475.10 - cancelled
  4. $439.86 - final price
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Asudox@lemmy.world to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world

This is a pretty neat feature which is unknown for some reason. For example, in the Lemmy frontend, you can "speak as mod" which basically distinguishes your comment from others. It highlights it, pins it to the top of the comment section and also adds a red shield next to your username.

Try it by commenting in a post as mod, click on the three dots on your comment and click on the shield on the right.


Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian all offer account freezing for free. Take advantage of it! It is a great way to prevent someone from wrecking your credit


Consider supporting Lemmy development or donating to your local server if you have the means. Peace!

Liberapay (preferred)
Open Collective

Stats source


Why YSK: Suppose, you want to copy multiple parts of texts from different documents to a single document. You can copy all of them and paste one by one by bringing up the clipboard history. This is one of the many useful cases of a clipboard history.

Here's how to do it:

Step 1: From the Windows Start menu, go to "Settings" and then "System". Go to the gear icon for "Settings" in the Windows Start menu and directly after that go to "System".

Step 2: Click "Clipboard" in the left sidebar and set the toggle at "Clipboard history" to "On".

This works in only Windows 10 and 11.


Why YSK: Some banks have no minimum age for authorized users, and report credit usage for them. If you have a credit card you don't use much, you can add your kids as authorized users, set up a reoccurring payment from the card and an automatic payment to the card, and then forget about it. Your kid could become an adult with an already-maxed credit score.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by hamid@lemmy.world to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world

I was talking about hygiene with my partner who is a nurse and they were telling me that a lot of people remark that their armpits are smelling worse than normal and they are using more and more deodorant and people just think it is normal.

Trichobacteriosis looks like a yellowish coating on some of your armpit or groin hair and you need to shave and wash the area every day for 2 weeks. It is more common in men than women in the US only because it is more common for women to keep their armpits shaved. Most of the patients who are affected by it think that its actually residue from the increasing amounts of deodorant they end up using.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by bdonvr@thelemmy.club to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world

Why YSK: Because that's friggin awesome?!

Screenshots (themes also have dark versions):




There's also an odd "i386" theme, along with a "pure black" darkly.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by MaximilianKohler@lemmy.world to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world

It's refreshing to see a major news outlet discussing collateral damage and not just resistance. Over the past decade, 99% of the time antibiotic overuse is covered and warned about it's always only in regards to resistance.

It's a good article that also doesn't spread the common misinformation of "just take some probiotics and fermented foods after antibiotics and you're good to go".

Swallowing an antibiotic is like carpet-bombing the trillions of microorganisms that live in the gut, killing not just the bad but the good too, said Dr. Martin Blaser, author of the book “Missing Microbes” and director of the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine at Rutgers University.

“I think the health profession in general has systematically overestimated the value of antibiotics and underestimated the cost,” Dr. Blaser said.

No shit. And it has spread like a virus to the general populace as well. The majority of people seem mentally addicted to antibiotics and think they're going to die if they don't get an antibiotic for every minor issue.

  • Find out if you really need an antibiotic.
  • Ask for the shortest course.
  • Rethink probiotics.

I appreciate the NYT for finally helping spread this.

Just yesterday people on Lemmy were cheering about AI discovering new antibiotics. When I shared info about the concerns of collateral damage, the responses were more unintelligent and close-minded than on reddit. Extremely depressing.

For more info on this subject there's a wiki and forum at https://humanmicrobiome.info.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by BoisZoi@lemmy.ml to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world


If your RSS feeder doesn't allow you to filter out keywords (looking at Reeder on  Devices), this service allows you to exclude content.

I personally use it to remove ads, sponsored articles and articles about Trump/Elon. For podcasts, I used to remove both sponsored podcasts and episodes featuring the word trump or Elon.

If you find the service useful, the creator has a BuyMeACoffee Page here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/siftrss

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by SoonaPaana@lemmy.world to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world

Prisoner's dilemma is a problem commonly featured in game theory. Each player is given an option to be either nice or nasty. Each combination of player plays multiple number of rounds. When tested against different strategies, it is found that the best performing strategies are :

  • nice first ( they don't start the provoking),
  • retaliatory (when opponent is nasty they also resond nasty),
  • forgiving (they don't hold grudges),
  • clear (their strategies are clear for opponent to interpret) and
  • generous (when the opponent has been nasty, they do not retaliate 10℅ of the time )

In the past, laminated glass was usually installed in the windshield, with side and rear windows being tempered only.

The difference is that tempered glass is per-stressed so that when it cracks, it shatters into many tiny and dull pieces. Laminated is the same thing, but with layers of plastic sandwiched with layers of tempered glass. Laminated glass will still shatter, but will be held together by the plastic layers.

In an emergency, small improvised, or purpose built tools meant to shatter tempered glass will be useless if the glass is laminated.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by DannyMac@lemmy.world to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world

Many have microSD cards soldered to their circuit boards.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by ickplant@lemmy.world to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world

Why YSK: These email tips are helpful for people who struggle with boundaries and want to communicate more assertively.


I've been working as an automation technician for around 5 years now, and I've come across several services that promise a substantial improvement in energy efficiency when it comes to heating, especially involving district heating with water. Most of these are subscription services.

While they usually quote numbers that are based in reality, the way they are accomplished is often covered in technical jargon and straight up BS that a person without experience won't be able to understand and so believes the seller.

That's where this post comes in.

All that the impressive sounding, weather pattern considering, ultra-futuristic solution really does is take the existing setpoint for the heating system and lowers it by ≈2°C. That's it. One line of code. Takes any competent professional 5 minutes to implement. What's worse, some systems are laid on top of the old one, with a higher priority. Meaning that you need a specialist provided by the "optimization" company to adjust the heating. So if you're too cold or too hot, tough shit. Your building's maintenance company can't change it.

The existing system in most cases already bases its setpoints on the current outside temperature, with a pollrate of around a second. What the weather is going to be like next week, or even tomorrow, does not matter. The system already adjusts the setpoints in real time.

Maybe a bit of a niche rant, but hopefully helps at least someone. Thanks for reading!

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