submitted 20 hours ago by chloyster@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Whatcha all playing!

I played and rolled credits in animal well which was really fantastic. I am still looking for secrets! Also checked out caves of qud's new UI update on the beta branch. It's outstanding

submitted 4 days ago by knokelmaat@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

The format of these posts is simple: let's discuss a specific game or series!

Let's discuss the Half-Life series. What is your favorite game in the series? What aspects do you like about it? What doesn't work for you? Are there other games that gave you similar feelings? Feel free to share any thoughts that come up, or react to other peoples comments. Let's get the conversation going!

If you have any recommendations for games or series for the next post(s), please feel free to DM me or add it in a comment here (no guarantees of course).

Previous entries: Earthbound / Mother, Mass Effect, Metroid, Journey, Resident Evil, Polybius, Tetris, Telltale Games, Kirby, LEGO Games, DOOM, Ori, Metal Gear, Slay the Spire


Can't wait to listen to the sound tracks


Just finished it and it's a good game. Definitely worth your time IMO if you like detective games.


A Starfield remake, of sorts, has been created in 48 hours, incorporating seamless travel between planets, something missing from the actual Bethesda RPG.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by rikudou@lemmings.world to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Finally some good news! I've been waiting for quite a while for such a ruling.

Edit: Seems this cites an article from 2012, I didn't notice that (and it's still news to me). Though there's still hope that it'll happen, EU is slow, but usually eventually gets shit done.

submitted 9 months ago by ejl@lemmy.lucitt.social to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Just thought I'd share something I thought was pretty interesting. I have a mother in law who is... well let's just say she's a stereotypical older mom who doesn't own a computer, just an iPad. During the pandemic, she started getting into Nintendo games and bought herself a Switch. Fast forward a few years later and she's interested in getting a Steam Deck, since one of her "mom groups" told her about some pandemic inspired games, similar to Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing that are only available on Steam.

When it comes down to it, she doesn't care about her computer, she just wants to play computer games in a way that's easy and accessible for her. We'll be getting her a Steam Deck for her birthday, which in my opinion is just super neat. Even PC gaming is becoming extremely accessible, and it's a fantastic time to be a gamer.

submitted 11 months ago by Rick@lemmy.world to c/gaming@beehaw.org
submitted 5 months ago by alyaza@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Trolls still enlisted int he console wars tried to get streamer, PlayStation employee Alanah Pearce fired for playing an Xbox game.

submitted 8 months ago by Five@slrpnk.net to c/gaming@beehaw.org
submitted 1 month ago by BevelGear@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org
submitted 9 months ago by iagomago@feddit.it to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Long story short: I am absolutely inexperienced with Linux distros but made the switch from Windows a bit more than a year ago. Right now, everyone's talking about Baldur's Gate 3, including a lot of the podcasts and shows I follow: since I never experienced the OG games, I wanted to try them out. They were on sale on GOG, and I had previously set up Lutris so that it interfaced directly with it. But the game refuses to start. Every installation method I tried has miserably failed at some point or another, and when it didn't, the game just won't boot up (either in Lutris or out of it). I'm out of options and I have asked for a refund. Is the situation with the Steam versions any different?Am I missing something? Help!

submitted 7 months ago by Goronmon@kbin.social to c/gaming@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by chloyster@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Hey y'all, what have you been playing!

Well for me I have been on a big helldivers 2 kick lol. I got into it kinda slowly but am fully hooked now and spent most of the week playing it 🫡


Just got an amazing deal for these three and wondering where I should start!


It sounds dumb but my pick would be the SNES. There's just something about 16 bit games I love.

The SNES has so many good games, like sf2. The first party games and some good arcade ports.

It also has a lot of good RPGs, like chrono trigger

The controller is really cute

Tho, the PSP is a close second. Tekken dr running at 3x resolution looks beautiful

Yes I'm a sucker for dpad centric devices. Yes i love emulation.

16 bit stuff looks amazing


In Square Enix's latest epic RPG, the moral monstrosity of slavery is effectively reduced to window dressing

submitted 1 month ago by delitomatoes@lemm.ee to c/gaming@beehaw.org
submitted 7 months ago by fraxix@lemm.ee to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Yeah, no.


Palestinians are being persecuted from their homes in an ongoing genocide. Due to the armed actions of Israel, they lack access to essentials such as food, water, electricity and medical care.

In response to this crisis, all proceeds from the Palestinian Relief indie bundle will be donated to the PCRF (Palestine Children's Relief Fund). PCRF describes itself as "the primary humanitarian organization in Palestine, delivering crucial and life-saving medical relief where it is needed most". By donating to the PCRF, Palestinians will have better access to medical relief, food and water.


Playing Starfield and wondering why the NPCs look like they’re dead inside? One developer reckons they’ve worked out why.


I'm not usually a huge fan of rogue-likes, but I've enjoyed a few, like Hades. I bought Balatro last week and have been absolutely smashing it ever since then. I love the way the game works, each run being so different even within the same framework, and the feeling when your build starts to go off is so incredibly satisfying.

Anyone else hopelessly addicted to joker poker?


Since I haven't seen anyone post this, I thought I'd share the new Star Engine demo video from Cloud Imperium Games.


Baldur's Gate 3 is currently taking up all the storage space I would give to Bethesda's sci-fi RPG.

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