[-] lowleveldata@programming.dev 38 points 6 hours ago

He wanted the leaf too so it's just normal priority

[-] lowleveldata@programming.dev 3 points 7 hours ago

Wyll looks cool! I never take him out of camp either

[-] lowleveldata@programming.dev 7 points 7 hours ago

Or you can watch it during the day

[-] lowleveldata@programming.dev 11 points 9 hours ago

*If a and b are float

[-] lowleveldata@programming.dev 3 points 11 hours ago

I won't have the heart to separate Sis and his lil boulder

[-] lowleveldata@programming.dev 9 points 11 hours ago

Or the other way around. We can never be too sure.

[-] lowleveldata@programming.dev 33 points 11 hours ago

Actually we don't know whether 2+3 equals to 3+2 without seeing the definition of the + operator

Yes. Otherwise why would they register the wrong way of hanging toilet paper in the patent?

[-] lowleveldata@programming.dev -5 points 1 day ago

It makes sense when you consider that they don't even have ball pens in the 19th century. People back then must be very stupid.

[-] lowleveldata@programming.dev 5 points 3 days ago

You can have documents in Agile too

[-] lowleveldata@programming.dev 32 points 4 days ago

OMG is this what whales do too? What about other fishes?? What have they been lying to us??


I'm crying now and I suggest everyone to play it


Do we just live and suffer and die?


asking for a close friend


I just recast until it succeeds and one-turn kills the victim with the guaranteed critical hits. What did they think I'm trying to do to them with "Hold person"?


Just finished it and it's a good game. Definitely worth your time IMO if you like detective games.


Can't wait to listen to the sound tracks


All siblings fighting each other in this episode

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by lowleveldata@programming.dev to c/patientgamers@lemmy.ml

I was just randomly installing game from my (massive) library and this one is so much fun.

  1. Setup kill zones with Arrow Wall + Tar Trap
  2. Send orcs back to kill zone with Spring Traps
  3. Endless fun

There are a few traps seems pretty much useless tho (what's the point of Steam Trap?). Also I hate the maps that you can't focus on building 1 single kill zone. Just let me kill the orcs!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by lowleveldata@programming.dev to c/gamedeals@lemmy.world

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales ($28.99 / 42% off)


I don't like Shaddiq's new hair cut

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joined 1 year ago