[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 22 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I think it should definitely be pointed out, constantly, how much of a hypocrite and liar Trump is, just to get it (and keep it) on the record. Ignoring it would only normalize it more. And maybe some fence sitters didn't know about it and now they do. Which is a good thing.

At the same time, however, I also believe it's absolutely pointless, if your goal is to convince any of his followers. They already know all of this and they don't care. They don't love him despite the lies and hypocrisy. They love him because of it. And even if they don't like it per se, they still won't turn against him, because they're accepting way worse and nothing has been a deal breaker so far.

Edit: I have often wondered what Trump would have to do for his followers to abandon him. Is there anything they wouldn't accept?

[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 49 points 1 month ago

False claim? How about we call them lies? Trump is a liar. He lies.

A false claim implies it could be made with good intentions, simply out of ignorance. No. Trump lies. He lies maliciously.

How many lie-filled years need to pass before media call it what it is?

[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 44 points 1 month ago

Well, there's a shocker. But not to worry! He'll surely not get away with the next crime he commits.

[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 52 points 2 months ago

This is because we can be of two minds about these things. You can have a personal response to heinous acts, but still think the government ought to be better.

If some guy murders the murderer of their kid, I can absolutely 100% understand why, and I could even admit that I might do the same in their position. But I still think that as a society we should not lower ourselves to this standard and I will always be against the death penalty (especially because the system will never be perfect and I will never think it's worth killing even one innocent person by accident).

It's why vigilante justice is so easily understood, but it's still something we, as a society, shouldn't accept.

Emotional reactions can cloud our minds to these things. But I absolutely agree with you. This is horrendous and barbarous. I can still somewhat understand the "he deserves it for what he did"-response, but I'm absolutely against this on a deeper level.

[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 44 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Except nobody was physically forced down and vaccinated against their will. You can still choose not to be vaccinated, but choices have consequences. I'm not saying the government should arrest people for not being vaccinated, but people, institutions, companies and hospitals should definitely have the choice to not want to let those people inside.

[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 32 points 4 months ago

Why does it matter the guy is Polish? Like, why even mention that? I never understood why people do this. What's wrong with saying "Our repair guy sent [..] ?"

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world to c/nmsglyphexchange@lemmy.world
[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 103 points 4 months ago

And even if the girl was trans, she still shouldn't be bullying kids online. Jesus fuck, these people are so disgustingly pathetic.

[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 28 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I recognize everything you're saying, and I know it's presumptuous, but I doubt it's actually hatred. It's a very visceral reaction that turns into frustration because it's often situations you can't change or extricate yourself from. And if there's no outlet, anger/rage is one of the easiest emotions. Maybe you should look up Misophonia and see if you recognize it. It won't fix your issue, but it might help to put a name to it, to know you're not crazy and you're definitely not alone. For me it's not just kids, I also need to get away when I hear people eat. Loud eaters just kill my apetite instantly and the response to it is physical. I just can't be around it.

Whenever kids make noise, I get this uncontrollable, physical reaction. It's kind of like nails on blackboard stuff, you know, but a thousand times worse? All it makes me do is wanting to get the fuck out of there. I can actually FEEL it. It's visceral. And I know they're not doing it on purpose, and I would never ever let the kid know, because it's not their fault. But I just can't deal with it. It's so bad that I've gotten off buses/trams when some baby starts crying, just to wait at the stop for the next one. I've actually exited stores, when kids are being loud, which as you know, in some stores is pretty useless because there are almost always kids around. Internet really saved me there, I haven't been shopping in years, just order pretty much everything online. The worst time for me was a flight where I got stuck with a screaming 4-year old for hours, which actually brought me to tears from frustration, because I couldn't leave and I couldn't blame the kid, especially because his mom was a total moron and only made it worse by yelling. Luckily the flight was only a few hours across Europe and not transatlantic, because I might have offed myself.

Sadly I don't have a fix for you, but if you find one, please let me know. ;) I've been luckier than some, in that I only have one sibling, who also doesn't want kids, and while I do have 2 cousins with kids, we never see each other, which is mostly because I moved abroad over a decade ago. Avoiding places where kids congregrate is easier if there are no kids in your social circle, although of course you can never avoid them 100% of the time.

[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 172 points 8 months ago

Jesus, what a nightmare story. That entire article is filled with horror. She must have felt so terrified and alone.

"After Caswell delivered her baby alone and lost consciousness, staff still refused to render aid and instead took photos of her baby without her consent, her lawyers allege. When she returned to the jail from the hospital, staff denied her access to her prescribed breast pump and ibuprofen."

Wtf is wrong with people? It's so fucking petty and mean. I'm gonna assume that none of the staff will actually face any consequences..?

[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 57 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

How would this even work? How are they going to stop brigading, bots, low effort spam crap for upvotes, massive reposting, etc? How will this actually increase quality of content?

Also: this would mean giving reddit your actual information, right? How else are they going to pay you? Or are they going to try using crypto and nfts?

It sounds like a terrible idea to me, tbh. Maybe they should start with paid moderators to deal with all the extra spam, crossposting, brigading and bots that will result from this move.

[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 51 points 11 months ago

r/interestingasfuck still doesn't have moderators. It's been closed for 18 days now.

[-] wide_eyed_stupid@lemmy.world 21 points 1 year ago

r/interestingasfuck has been without mods for 2 weeks now. It's just so idiotic. They remove all the mods and then... don't replace them? Now there hasn't been a post in 2 weeks on a sub with 11+mil members.

I wonder if they just forgot about that particular sub?

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