[-] variants_of_concern@lemmy.one 11 points 7 months ago

That bag and two small chicken strips seems normal for an average sized human depending on where you are in the world

[-] variants_of_concern@lemmy.one 34 points 7 months ago

It's crazy how actually caring about the source makes things so much better, they did a great job with the Terminator game so I imagine a lot of those fans also like RoboCop and are excited by the same team making it and putting so much effort into the nostalgia and story

[-] variants_of_concern@lemmy.one 11 points 7 months ago

Probably tagged 'tacobellorgy' for easier searchability and filtering

[-] variants_of_concern@lemmy.one 22 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

The other day my wife asked me "what's that pipe website you use to be able to watch YouTube videos" then I realized it was because she got blocked by YouTube haha

[-] variants_of_concern@lemmy.one 10 points 7 months ago

Oblivion for me

[-] variants_of_concern@lemmy.one 46 points 7 months ago

That squirrel is nuts

[-] variants_of_concern@lemmy.one 11 points 7 months ago

Why not jellyfin or plex

[-] variants_of_concern@lemmy.one 23 points 7 months ago

For buying large moon sized weapons and getting points

[-] variants_of_concern@lemmy.one 25 points 10 months ago

Well that's concerning

[-] variants_of_concern@lemmy.one 8 points 11 months ago

And most of those new accounts are in countries where there was no password crackdown and Netflix lost about 8% on share price so they want to spin the idea


One of my Discord buddies is an artist and was commissioned this overview of New Vegas

ZFS pools (lemmy.one)

Hi all, so I have about 6 nvme drives in my server, I use them in pairs for download cache, appdata, and vm's. Would there be a benefit or would it act worse if I combined all 6 drives into one ZFS pool to have the bitrot protection on my VM drives, and the increased storage space.

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