[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago

I keep my drives encrypted with a key currently hosted in my router hoping they wouldn’t steal that. I’m thinking of actually putting it to cloud so I can disable it remotely.

It was quite a ride to make everything work and I made a blog post explaining it so I remember what I did.


[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 17 points 2 months ago

This is more European thing. At least it’s same or similar in Poland and Scandinavia. In Poland you can own a forest but you’re not allowed to fence it nor deny entry and mushroom picking. Also in Poland it’s not even that easy to cut a tree. Even in your own backyard. Unless it’s a fruit tree.

[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 78 points 3 months ago

Useful idiot

[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 69 points 4 months ago

ISP can’t see pages. They can see domains or IPS but that’s it.

[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 32 points 4 months ago

It’s called Dead Sea effect and can be a killing factor to an IT company.

Sometimes though it can be good overall if company has too many seniors I guess.


[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 61 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I like how first queries you guys make are attempts to SQL inject and XSS it.

EDIT: if you find something let me know, PRs also welcomed ;)

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by sznowicki@lemmy.world to c/programming@programming.dev

So, in the era of increasingly good AI powered tools and general search engines full of SEO spam, last week I started creating something little old school and against the trends.

For now It's a have-fun-and-find-out project that main aim is to provide good search results for general web development queries with a special focus on independent blog authors.

The thesis is that no SEO spam website is in the index, which will already filter out most annoying noise on Google/Bing.

Search results are grouped per type: docs, blogs and magazines (e.g. blog platforms or bigger websites).

For now it's far from being done in terms of having a full index, but in most cases it already replaces my go-to search engine when I'm looking up some stuff during work.

I'm looking forward hearing out what y'all think and if you think it makes sense overall I can only encourage you to post some links to blogs or docs that are still missing in the index. I'm more than happy to add it to the crawler.

Responds like: "nei, total shit, who would need that" also accepted but constructive critique more appreciated ;)

EDIT: everyone many thanks for all your voices and comments. I'm super grateful for all of them and happy that we have such place like Lemmy!

[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 19 points 6 months ago

Nothing to see here screenshot of this post with "nothing to see here" placeholder instead of comments

[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 21 points 8 months ago

Yes it’s Germany. Hessen.


[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 43 points 8 months ago

Any German car company since they have unions, strict labor laws and many other regulations which make the life of workers decent.


I wonder if others also have this feeling that during evenings smurfs are more prominent.

I’m silver 3 for some time and when I play during lunchtime I win all the games. Not super easily but I win them. Then I go up in ranking and in the evening when I play again I see a drastic increase of skill in my opponents. Which makes me barely win or loose and then I go down again few slots.

I have to say it’s quite annoying and I consider not playing competitive any more during late hours to finally be able to jump to gold.

[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 33 points 8 months ago

Out of curiosity: what is a “car’s drive away” according to fellow Americans? I mean how many meters would that be?

[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 33 points 10 months ago

I didn’t read other comments, I just came to say this: for your child it doesn’t matter what you lack or what you are not able to give him. With a healthy relation, full of acceptance of your own problems that child will respect you no matter what because you will teach him things no other parent would: that everyone has some difficulties in life and it’s a matter of your own decisions how you deal with it.

Kids love their parents in so much shit situations that it’s unbelievable. If you love that little human they will love you back no matter what.

I have some speech problems like stuttering and more and my son never considered it as a problem, because that’s who I am and that’s how I speak.

That’s also something kids do that we adults don’t, they take everything as is without questioning it. Dad sometimes can’t pronounce everything like others and that’s how it is. They don’t judge whether it’s bad or good. It is what it is.

If you try being a good parent (and parents who fear being a bad parent usually are good) it’s gonna be all right.

[-] sznowicki@lemmy.world 35 points 10 months ago

Which is cheap or free in literally everywhere except the country of free. It’s US problem, not industry.

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