[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 25 points 2 weeks ago

Thunder doesn't kill you, lightning does

[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 29 points 7 months ago

Pro tip: If your code gets flogged by git, you can always get revenge with git reflog 😉

[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 29 points 7 months ago

Solidarity to our Swedish comrades, showing Tesla the power of united labour!

[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 24 points 8 months ago

They just salty because the profit margins are lower than ICE vehicles. Many of the legacy automakers will fold as BYD and Tesla take most of the EV market share, they're the only ones producing EVs profitably and at scale.

[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 25 points 8 months ago

Well the IDF train many police forces in the US so it checks out.

[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 25 points 9 months ago

They're Hot Chips if you're being fancy

[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 24 points 9 months ago

To be fair to conservatives... there are 61 comments in here

[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 34 points 9 months ago

I'm impressed how much these manage to infuriate me every single day!

[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 53 points 9 months ago

Programmers are probably chill af, looks like a very bad day for some network people though.


I love this channel and it'd be great to share it with others and discuss the project.

submitted 9 months ago by stilgar@infosec.pub to c/socialism@lemmy.ml
submitted 9 months ago by stilgar@infosec.pub to c/socialism@lemmy.ml
[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 26 points 10 months ago

There are some massive intrinsic advantages of the CLI though, that apply for everyone, not just leetcoders:

  • The terminal can remember everything you ever did. Forgotten the command you wrote 2 months ago? You can do a search for it with a tool like fzfand run the exact same command again.
  • Communicating with others. GUI programs require step by step instructions, often accompanied by screenshots while CLI may be copy/pasted.
  • Combining programs together. There are a few different techniques for combining CLI programs to search/format output, use secrets without ever having them in the clipboard or on disk, monitor something frequently/constantly etc etc

So while I agree with you that there's plently of elitism around the CLI, you do yourself a disservice if you try to avoid it.

[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 23 points 10 months ago

Percentage of people who describe mayo as "a bit tangy"

[-] stilgar@infosec.pub 49 points 10 months ago

No one cares about the rich assholes who own other car companies, so why Tesla? For example Toyota were some of the biggest campaign donors to Trump.

Also what does this have to do with Fuck Cars? This is about the minutiae of car culture... We should be talking about trains and bicycles here.


We appreciate the work y'all do

Chore tracking (community.home-assistant.io)

Does anyone know of a simpler chore tracker than Grocy? I essentialy just want reminders for recurring tasks like rinsing heat pump filters, oiling wooden work surfaces etc.

Grocy seems like overkill for that, but maybe it's the easiest option?

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