[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 3 points 8 hours ago

I looked at the rates they pay doctorate level clinicians and decided they were not worth doing business with on any level.

[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 1 points 13 hours ago

Sorry my pronunciation guide was unclear, she pronounced it "correctly" my "doh" being in the classical homer-simpson sound. Not much difference in god-oh vs. ga-doh, just slight emphasis shift. Good video, however, thanks.

[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 8 points 17 hours ago

I just about made my wife pee laughing at me.

Me, reads post, feeling it speaking directly to me, but never having put absurdism direclty in front of me, despite my absolute die-hard adherence to it. "Waiting for Godot", huh wonder of the "Godot "(in my head pronounced go-dot) game engine.

Ask wife, Have you ever read "Waiting for go-dot"...

"You mean, waiting for gah-doh"


I'd heard of the play, with the correct pronunciation, but never put it together in my head.

Anyway, I'm off to find more defined absurdism. Thanks for this so that I could get it out of the way with my wife and not in front of regular humans.

One of my favorite lines in one of my favorite song.

"Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all" - In an Aeroplane over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel

[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 day ago

I assume they all share the same Tandy 1000 to IRC with hot-singles in their area.

[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 105 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Grizzled police-chief: get me those IP addresses

Nerd: setting up the back-trace now, wait, the ip is

Grizzled police-chief: don't give me that geek-talk poindexter, speak english

[Zoom in]

Nerd: the post was coming from inside the station.

[No one is shocked]


[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 23 points 2 days ago

Looking good Billy Ray!

[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 days ago

I want to see him American History X go in a shit-heel and come out a better person. Doesn't seem likely, but here we are.

[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 143 points 1 week ago

No one was able to replicate the level of health complications from the movie. Apparently he was a raging alcoholic.

Alcohol kills. McDonalds is just sorta bad.

[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 144 points 1 month ago

That is a lot of toner.

[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 160 points 1 month ago

The Princess Bride

If you have seen it. You are happy to watch again. If you haven't, you will love it.

[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 70 points 1 month ago

Rental income is considered income, and taxed assuming reasonable tax brackets much higher than investment income (That is to say, caiptal-gains. Interest/Dividends are also taxed at the higher income rate)

The cost of maintaining a livable home, property taxes, insurance, property depreciation, and renter interactions eat into the supposed windfall that landlords make.

I'm not saying it doesn't suck sometimes and that certainly these formulas are out of whack in some situations, but there are no easy answers.

-vvvv (mstdn.mx)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by stanka@lemmy.ml to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml

-v --verbose

-vv --verboser

-vvv --verboserer

-vvvv --verbosererer

submitted 3 months ago by stanka@lemmy.ml to c/drg@lemmy.world
[-] stanka@lemmy.ml 97 points 5 months ago

Browser save-as-type to the rescue.

Firefox extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/image-converter/

Chrome too, but find it yourself if you are still using that.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by stanka@lemmy.ml to c/dadjokes@lemmy.world

I said I'd rather see an original.

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