[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 9 points 1 year ago

I can wholeheartedly vouch for lichess.org. Not only because of their privacy policy but for what they offer in terms of chess. Besides the standard game you get an analysis engine that points out good moves, how likely a player is to win, let's you switch sides, etc.

But my favorite thing is actually the different chess variants you can play. There's one where you are facing a legion of pawns, another where captured pieces explode and take down adjacent pieces and another where you get to replace captured pieces on the board. But my go to is simply chess with randomized but symmetrical positions in the backline (pawns stay the same). This makes every game unique and challenging; you actually need to think about your best moves from turn 1 instead of memorizing openings which is perhaps my biggest gripe with default chess.

Give it a try, I say 😉.

[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 7 points 1 year ago

One reason to keep in mind is backwards compatibility and the expectancy that every Linux system has the same basic tools that work the same.

Imagine you have a script running on your server that uses a command with or without specific arguments. If the command (say tar) changes its default parameters this could lead to a lot of nasty side effects from crashes to lost or mangled data. Besides the headache of debugging that, even if you knew about the change beforehand it's still a lot effort to track down every piece of code that makes use of that command and rewrite it.

That's why programs and interfaces usually add new options over time but are mostly hesitant to remove old ones. And if they do they'll usually warn the others beforehand that a feature will deprecate while allowing for a transitional period.

One way to solve this conundrum is to simply introduce new commands that offer new features and a more streamlined approach that can replace the older ones in time. Yet a distribution can still ship the older ones alongside the newer ones just in case they are needed.

Looking at pagers (programs that break up long streams of text into multiple pages that you can read one at a time) as a simple example you'll find that more is an older pager program while the newer less offers an even better experience ("less is more", ¿get the joke?). Both come pre-installed as core tools on many distributions. Finally an even more modern alternative is most, another pager with even better functionality, but you'll need to install that one yourself.

[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 15 points 1 year ago

I guess it would be best to change the rules so that they cannot trade their company stocks at all while working there and a reasonable period beyond. I think some legislations already restrict floating stock like that but I'm no expert on the matter.

[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Russia's recruitment process is mind bogglingly disgusting. They have even begun to kidnap thousands of Ukrainian children which they attempt to "reeducate" and russify.

As Russia is facing huge demographic problems (less and less young people that can serve in the military) yet has long term imperial ambitions and a history of preferring to sacrifice ethnic minorities on the front line it's likely that at least some of these children are to be part of the next generation of soldiers.

[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 8 points 1 year ago

It's so dumb that JSON doesn't officially have comments.

So much this.

Used to work at a company where I sometimes had to manually edit the configuration of devices which were written and read in JSON. Super inconvenient if you have to document all changes externally. As a "hack" I would sometimes add extra objects to store strings (the comments). But that's super dicey as you don't know if it somehow breaks the parsing. You're also not guaranteed the order of objects so if the configuration gets read, edited and rewritten your comment might no longer be above/below the change you made.

Always found it baffling that such a basic feature is missing from a spec that is supposed to cover a broad range of use cases.

[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 9 points 1 year ago

One of the mechanisms that is thought to affect long term weight gain is the following:

Your body offets heat loss by burning calories from food intake. In healthy people this is well regulated so that the body radiates off about as much heat as you gain through food. Some medications or conditions however can mess with hormones involved in regulating your body's temperature. Even just being slightly colder (it's imperceptible, you won't be shivering or anything) kickstarts a different homeostasis mechanism which essentially tries to make up for the heat difference by upping the other side of the equation: more food intake. That means you feel more hungry than usual and eat a little more than you need. Over time this adds up and you gain weight.

Of course in the real world many more factors are involved, for example how much you move or how much sleep you get. But it's still an interesting piece of the puzzle.

[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 7 points 1 year ago

Updated to newest version and now I have the same option. Thanks.

[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 9 points 1 year ago

I'm quite torn about Dorfromantik (a tile placement game) in this regard. The relaxing music and ambience, the beautiful graphics and the minimal interface and lack of time pressure all point to a relaxing game.

Getting a high score however -- one of the game's principal extrinsic goals -- puts my brains into a bit of a stress modus because I'm mentally rotating pieces, moving around the board, evaluating probabilities and hedging against the luck of the draw. To play optimally actually takes a lot of focus.

You can build your landscape solely based on aesthetics but unfortunately most of the game's unlockable content is gated behind milestones that can only be reached by a min-max playstyle. This is a conflict in the game's design imo.

It's worth mentioning however that the game also comes with a map editor in which you can place arbitrary tiles to create your dream landscape. You are completely free of any pressures but also can't unlock additional content in this mode.

[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 8 points 1 year ago

Denn der Mondzyklus dauert 29,5 Tage, unsere Kalendermonate aber zwischen 28 und 31 Tagen. Weil die beiden Zyklen nicht ganz übereinstimmen, gibt es daher hin und wieder zwei Vollmonde in einem Kalendermonat - und der zweite Vollmond wird dann "Blauer Mond" genannt.

Also das mit dem blauen Mond finde ich net sonderlich interessant; ist ja iwie klar dass sich die Natur nicht an menschengemachte Kalender hält. Der Supermond dagegen ist schon toll. Leider ist es hier in der Großstadt mit der Lichtverschmutzung so arg, dass sich weder Mond noch Sterne schön vom Firmament abheben, ob Supermond oder nicht.

[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 10 points 1 year ago

No idea why lol.

This always confused me, even as a native speaker so I looked it up some. Ultimately it's because modern German is the confluence of multiple older, historic languages one of which came from a tree with a strict male/female rule for nouns while the other one's grammar defaulted to a neutral case.

As languages merge or adopt from others they often becomes a conjoined mess of multiple rules coexisting at the same time. A contemporary example is that in English the plural of a word is usually formed by attaching the suffix "s" to the singular form, aka house becomes houses. However there's plenty of exceptions (mouse, mice) in particular if the words stem from a different language (octopus, octopi but nowadays octotuses is also acceptable). In that sense to people not privy to the etymology of words and who only study/learn the language per se there would be no perfectly accurate mechanism to predict the plural of a word.

[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 10 points 1 year ago

Yean, I hate it too. The difference to selecting text on a desktop system is night and day especially because with a proper mouse you can shift click the desired start and end points and don't even have to drag.

I've found that zooming in generally makes it more precise but that doesn't help if it means that you now need to scroll the screen because of the zoom. For some reason drag-selecting text upwards also yields better results for me than downwards.

Another trick is to request the desktop version of a page instead of the mobile version and see if it's easier there.

[-] sonnenzeit@feddit.de 7 points 1 year ago

Deswegen sind Ausgleichsbemühungen, hier CO2 Kompensationen durch Aufforstung, im großen und ganzen Augenwischerei. Niemand kann euch garantieren, dass wenn ihr heute auf einem Grundstück Bäume pflanzen lasst, dass sie nicht jemand im Jahr 2123 einfach wieder abholzt. ¿Glaubt ihr die Roder werden sagen: "Aber vor 100 Jahren war da mal jemand der jetzt lange tot ist damit die Flugreise kompensiert hat, dann wollen wir es eben doch lieber sein lassen."? Wohl kaum.

Mit jeder Flugreise, jedem versandtem Paket die so kompensiert werden wird ein Teil der Erdoberfläche für die nächsten Jahrhunderte "reserviert" und darf nicht mehr anderweitig genutzt werden. Neben der Unabsicherbarkeit dieses Versprechens sollte aber auch klar werden, dass dieser Ansatz sowieso nur begrenzt funktioniert, denn die Oberfläche der Erde wächst nicht mit unserem Konsum. Im Gegenteil die nutzbaren Flächen stehen schon heute unter hohem Ressourcendruck durch konkurrierende Landnutzungsformen und in der Zukunft wird das prinzipiell nicht besser sondern schlimmer.

Mehr noch: solche Bestrebungen schadhafte Prozesse zu kompensieren lenken von dem ab was wir wirklich dringend brauchen: Produktions- und Konsumweisen, die den Schaden erst gar nicht erzeugen. Sie sind eine Art Beschwichtigung die sagt: weiter so bisher, aber mit kleinem Obolus für das Gewissen; grundsätzliche Veränderungen sind nicht notwendig.

Wald bindet und speichert CO2 demgegenüber nur vorübergehend. Wenn ein Baum gefällt wird und vermodert oder auch abbrennt, setzt er das gespeicherte Treibhausgas wieder frei. Erreicht wird durch – erfolgreiche, korrekt aufgesetzte – Waldschutzprojekte sicherlich, dass mehr Wald für längere Zeiträume erhalten wird, wodurch in den entsprechenden Zeiträumen die CO2-Speicherkapazität des geschützten Waldes höher ist als im hypothetischen Szenario ohne das Projekt. Dies ist allerdings ein völlig anderer Effekt als der, den der Verbraucher aufgrund des Klimaneutral-Claims erwartet. Die produktbedingten, anthropogenen, zusätzlichen CO2-Emissionen sind hunderte oder tausende Jahre nachweisbar, gebunden und gespeichert wird die entsprechende Menge an CO2 durch das konkrete Waldschutzprojekt nur für Jahrzehnte. Danach ist die vorübergehend ausgeglichene CO2-Bilanz des Produkts wieder unausgeglichen. Um sie dauerhaft auszugleichen, müssten kontinuierlich – auch in 100 oder 1000 Jahren – weitere entsprechende Waldschutzbemühungen unternommen werden

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