I'm not surprised, just disappointed.

Apple will never give developers the tools to produce any real competition against their services, unless forced by legislation.

You say you stick to open source, do you happen to block your messenger apps from using Play Services? I know from experience the fallback notification delivery mechanisms of a lot of apps will keep the radio on for much longer than it would be with Google Play Services, so I wonder if that could make up for some of the difference.

The book is for sale for ten pounds on the Oxfam website. Looks like the ebay seller found this book in a sale or something.

I don't see why they can't ask a reasonable price. They put a little time and effort into listing and posting the thing, they could've just recycled the thing if they were done with it, and OP could've looked around and gotten the book for cheaper.

I think this mildly infuriating because OP clearly missed a good sale, but this isn't bullshit.

You can keep the trademark with FOSS. That's why Debian had Iceweasel rather than Firefox.

I mean, you can just run Winamp in Wine already.

Linux support will depend on how tightly integrated the application is with the Windows API. It may very well be easier to just keep running in Wine, maybe after patching out some Wine related bugs.

It also depends on the llicense. If they don't license Winamp and just show off the code, nobody is actually allowed to do anything with it. The title of their announcement uses"source available" so I assume the license is quite restrictive.

[-] skullgiver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Time namespaces may be the best bet if you also need to run other tools with the same time configuration alongside the game.

For quick one-offs, there's libfaketime with the faketime command. I'm not 100% sure that this will work with things like Wine but it should be relatively easy to test.

On the one hand, the first reaction is "ew, that's gross". On the other hand, that's also the reason people try to ban gay marriages.

Logically speaking, as long as there's no power imbalance and no chance of kids, I can't think of a reason to ban incest. Especially for same sex couples.

In practice, incest is often done as a form of abuse of some kind. Too often for broad legal acceptance, in my opinion.

Gitlab and a few others are actually working on using ActivityPub for this use case. There's still a lot of work to do, though, so give it time.

[-] skullgiver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl 91 points 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Fifty million polygons processed by over 7 hundred ~~thousand~~ processing cores (Intel iGPU), versus 4 million tokens processed by a single execution unit (with some instruction reordering tricky).

The project has build instructions for building your own copy. These are terminal commands.

You may need to install additional software if you get "command not found" errors. If you Google the exact error messages + the name of your distro, you should find out how to install that. The instructions seem comprehensive, though.

And they'll stay wealthy for longer by letting some big companies pay for an ad on the scaffolding covering up the cathedral while restoration takes place.

It still sucks, but I guess it's better than letting monuments crumble.

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