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And they'll stay wealthy for longer by letting some big companies pay for an ad on the scaffolding covering up the cathedral while restoration takes place.

[-] FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world 16 points 2 weeks ago

It also helps that they took out a huge litigation (read: rape) insurance policy.

[-] idiomaddict@feddit.de 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I know it’s just another type of lawful evil, but if it helps, I used to work in those types of insurance claims and we denied every single one where they knew or should have known about it (and the rapists themselves were never covered).

I quit, because generallyfuck that, but part of what made me leave was the experience of gathering lists of credibly accused priests and finding their earliest accusation. Any wrongdoing after that could be considered expected and there would be no coverage for it. At the very most, we covered the person who initially hired the perpetrator, but only until the point that they should have fired them (first complaint, sketchy behavior, etc.). If they ignored or reassigned the priest into a new position with access to children, then often even that was denied.

I’ve since moved to another country, where insurance works completely differently (and the church is in nearly every country), so they definitely have a variety of policies, but at least in the US, you can’t insure expected or intended consequences with most companies, and you can’t insure illegal conduct at all.

this post was submitted on 13 May 2024
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