But you don't get paid the "Pendlerpauschale". You can only deduct it from your taxes.
The entire story is a buildup for anon to sing the lyrics of the song allstar by smash mouth.
I think there are even dongles that let you charge while listening to music.
It's probably meant to be circumference which would be about 4.1 cm in diameter, which is above average but not humongous.
Doesn't seem unlikely that they had blood samples of him, given he was a legitimate military target for the Ukaine long before his falling out of favour with Putin.
How does a microchip help when apparently the name "Parmigiano Reggiano" isn't protected in the US? The article doesn't seem to differentiate between actual counterfeit that claims to be from the region vs. cheese that is made in the US and sold as made in the US. The chips would only help against the second kind. Also, the article claims that parmesan is one of the oldest cheeses of humankind even though it is less than a thousand years old while people have made cheese since the stone age. Personally, I don't really see a reason, that people in the US should only be able to call parmesan from Italy parmesan if most parmesan sold there is already made in the US. I don't think it really matters where the cheese is produced and it doesn't really make sense, to transport it over the ocean when it can be produced locally.
For me "Mäusespeck" are smaller marshmallows that usually come in white and pink and in different shapes. Sometimes the shape of a mouse. Marshmallows are the larger white and cylindrical or cube ones that you put on a stick to roast on a campfire before eating.
Generally as long as the symbol isn't used to endorse nazi ideology it is fine.
Das Problem ist glaube ich, dass er nicht besser filtert als eine Maske und dazu noch sehr schwer ist und einem ständig Luft ins Gesicht bläst, wodurch Schleimhäute austrocknen können. Die Nachteile im Vergleich zu einer Maske gleichen denke ich die Vorteile nicht wirklich aus. Erst recht bei dem genannten Preis.
Wouldn't the salts derived from organic acids like citric acid technically be organic salts? Like sodium citrates for example?
Wenn man in der Siesta tatsächlich schlafen würde bräuchte man ja nachts weniger Schlaf und könnte abends länger wach bleiben. Hätte also nicht weniger Freizeit. Ich fände das gut, bräuchte dann aber auch einen wirklich ruhigen Schlafplatz den ich Tagsüber aufsuchen könnte. Sonst würde ich das bestimmt so machen.
Sashimi is usually just fish without rice. Sometimes rice is served as a side. I think it is meant for people that order Nigiri with little rice. They should just order Sashimi.