[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 15 points 1 month ago

I just don't get the non voter. Granted I'm not a US citizen, but not voting in your election is effectively voting for fascist theocracy. Your electoral system sucks but if I could choose between having an arm or my heart removed I know what I'd choose.

[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 16 points 3 months ago

True, but people generally understand hammers. Llms? Not so much

[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 14 points 4 months ago

Where do the Jews come into play you nutter?

[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 15 points 6 months ago

No actually! It's not a problem for me to write text per se. Actually it's a significant part of my job to write guidelines, documentation, etc.

What's difficult about replying to people is putting my opinions in relation to the other's expectations.

[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 14 points 8 months ago

Voice recognition is the most infuriating replacement for physical buttons.

[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 13 points 8 months ago

It's the ultimate test of how much you love the almighty. It's really for your benefit bro, thrust me.

[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 16 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Maybe they should just change their jobs if they don't like it? It's a frREe CoUntRy you heathen commie!!

[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 15 points 10 months ago

Lol, ach komm schon, niemand würde seine Energieversorgung an ein Land anknüpfen das einen völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg starten würde. Das ist doch Anti-Atom-Propaganda.

[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 15 points 10 months ago

Do you have a source for your list? The article doesn't mention anything.

If apple complies that would be huge!! Funnily enough if they would comply I might just be interested in an iPhone for the first time.

[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 15 points 10 months ago

Kannst du dir den Skandal vorstellen? Dann wäre das victim blaming erst so richtig losgegange.

[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 14 points 11 months ago

I'm guessing because left handed people exist?

[-] pufferfischerpulver@feddit.de 13 points 1 year ago

Honestly seems like it could be the GOP's definition of free speech.

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