[-] proudblond@lemmy.world 2 points 17 hours ago

Honestly, it has never occurred to me to try any canned fish. I don’t even like seared ahi. As soon as it’s cooked at all, it tastes like the nasty childhood tuna. Fully raw sushi tuna is okay though, thankfully.

[-] proudblond@lemmy.world 6 points 20 hours ago

Canned tuna. Childhood daycare food. Both my brother and I can’t stand it. It never made me vomit but it was a real challenge to get down, and I think he threw up from it once. I’m not sure what she did to make it so vile but there was a lot of mayo too and I couldn’t handle mayo for a very long time.

[-] proudblond@lemmy.world 27 points 1 day ago

Also still accurate for a lot of people, sadly.

[-] proudblond@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

I have one of those too. Due to lack of space, my desk is next to the tv and couch, and she gets pretty demanding when she thinks it’s couch time but I’m working.

[-] proudblond@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

I guess I don’t think of the higher agencies as cops, even though they are. And those higher agencies (FBI, NSA, CIA, etc.) don’t strike me as the type of groups who want to keep the public informed—quite the contrary, actually. I would expect local cops to praise themselves if they got something right, sure.

[-] proudblond@lemmy.world -1 points 5 days ago

Or they have stopped them, so we haven’t heard about it.

I’m not advocating giving up privacy but you don’t know for sure that these tactics don’t “work.”

[-] proudblond@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

I wasn’t actually so mad at first. They bought back our smaller cheaper car and we felt very compensated. But for the second car, which was much bigger and more expensive, they only offered a “fix” which they said wouldn’t affect performance (yeah right), and a small amount in restitution. It felt like a slap in the face. In hindsight I would have gone about things differently but let’s just say that I have little to no faith in the way our justice system works anymore due to how we decided to proceed after that, and we will never buy a car from VW ever again.

Meanwhile, we actually replaced those cars with Teslas. And now we feel like we’re kind of back in the same place, having given money to a company that is pretty shit. We try to vote with our wallets as much as possible but there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, after all. It’s just really depressing and disheartening and makes me not want to buy anything anymore.

[-] proudblond@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

Please tell me about any sewing-related communities you’re subbed to because I want to make sure I am also subbed to them! (I love linen)

[-] proudblond@lemmy.world 18 points 6 days ago

I’m in the opposite camp. What are the reasons you don’t like Rivian? (I don’t like VW because we had not one, but two vehicles caught up in Dieselgate. They’re dead to me. Which is a shame because I really liked them.)

[-] proudblond@lemmy.world 81 points 2 months ago

For the first two decades of the century, what it meant to be Texan—as explained by the state’s politicians—was largely wrapped up in a feeling of competition with California.

As a Californian, I can’t help but think of that Mad Men meme: “I don’t think about you at all” or some such. Do all Texans really think this way or does this author just have a huge California-shaped chip on his shoulder?

[-] proudblond@lemmy.world 84 points 3 months ago

It’s a hard balance, being parents right now. I’m going to make an assumption and guess you mean you see them in public, yeah? The thing is (I say this as a parent of currently 9 and 7 year olds), our society — at least, my society in the US — still feels a bit like it expects children to be “seen and not heard” while in public. If even seen, to be honest. I don’t see it as much here on Lemmy but I saw anti-kid posts on Reddit all the time. I don’t mean childfree; I mean they constantly complained about other people’s kids. Yes, sometimes that can be due to a lack of structured parenting, but kids are also just little socially-inept, impulse-driven creatures who are still figuring the world out. The urge to hand them a magical little device that will occupy them and keep them “seen and not heard” while you are out somewhere is perilously strong.

All that being said: just last week I was sitting to the side at my son’s martial arts class, and next to me was a mom on her phone who had a young girl, maybe 3 or 4, next to her. The girl was squirmy but quiet. I could not help noticing that the mom barely looked up from her phone the whole time. I felt really bad for the girl.

[-] proudblond@lemmy.world 109 points 6 months ago

If your normal breathing is really that audible, it might be worth checking with a doctor. You could have something going on, even as simple as a deviated septum or something like that.

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