Why you need see Dar'grock's Foeskull? Dar'grock forget Foeskull today, but look at Dar'grock face, he have full beard so Dar'grock clearly come of age already....

Please, Dar'grock will bring Foeskull next time!

I once applied for a "database admin" job at one of the big credit card companies. The job description was basically "run all our Oracle databases" and the salary was in the mid 2 millions USD, but I assumed that figure was typo'ed or something ( an extra 0 maybe?)

In the interview I learned that there was no typo and it was to be one of the seven people on the planet that run the databases for this credit card processor. They said "if the database goes down then we are losing billions of dollars a minute".

Anyways I didn't get the job, but they're not all underpaid.

[-] planetaryprotection@midwest.social 66 points 10 months ago

I used to work for a startup that laid claim to all "ideas" that I had, in or out of working hours, during my period of employment with them.

[-] planetaryprotection@midwest.social 81 points 11 months ago

Corporations are not people, therefore do not have a right to free speech.

[-] planetaryprotection@midwest.social 16 points 11 months ago

Like when I'm going from my shift at my first job to my shift at my second job?

I had COVID a couple months ago. I was told to strictly self-isolate for two weeks after my first day of symptoms. That meant not leaving my house, even if masked. I was also told to strictly mask for two weeks following that self-isolation period.

A German once sent a dozen giant rabbits to North Korea in order to kick start a giant rabbit breeding program there. The intent was to help them overcome a famine, but instead the rabbits were all eaten at Kim il Sung's birthday party.

Programmer: 2 + 2 is 3.99999999999999999

I at least had the cathartic experience of being told "hey we need to shut down EVERYTHING before 7pm because that's when the email will turn off, so log into every service you know we use and delete it all." And then I spent the next couple hours clicking every delete button I could.

K8s clusters? Delete. Prod DB? Delete. Prod DB backups? Delete. S3 buckets? Delete. Cloudflare account? Delete.

It was actually kinda fun.

Randomly got a message from one of my reports asking what this "Mandatory Team Meeting" was on his calendar. I hadn't been invited, but it was our whole company shutting down ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In practice, I believe the private key should contain the public key (or at least sufficient data to recover it): https://superuser.com/questions/814409/gnupg-opengpg-recovering-public-key-from-private-key#814421

I believe you only need your private key to sign files so, technically you only need to back up the private key, but you should test this to be sure it fits your use case.

Depending on how you're backing things up, and what your security goals are, remember that backing up a private key may involve putting that private key on somebody else's computer - i.e. if you use a remote git repo, or cloud backup service, or even send the key to your own (different) machine over an insecure network. Make sure that you've got a way of securely backing up your private key, otherwise you may undermine the whole cryptography thing anyways :).

As always, you should test by backing up your key(s) and then testing that you can actually restore them and successfully sign a file. Backups are only as good as the last time you tested restoring from them.

Sampson Boat Co. - British man and friends rebuild wooden sailing boat. If you have any interest in boats or craftsmanship you'll enjoy. Watch from the very beginning to see their incredible progress.

Beau Miles - Charming and slightly rough Australian man has strange adventures and philosophizes along the way. He gets excited about particularly useful/edible bits of trash along the highway.

Primitive Technology - Silent man with blue shorts exists alone in the jungle and has been working his way up to iron tools. He is freakishly fast at making fire with only two sticks. Watch in order to see his progression and turn on captions to see his commentary.

Spirit Of The Law - Extremely thorough Age of Empires II science and analysis. If you thought this 24 year old video game was dead, think again.

Settled - Old School RuneScape player plays the game with extra restrictions that create surprisingly compelling storytelling. "Swampletics", his Morytania-locked Ultimate Iron Man is legendary.

DIY Perks - British guy makes mostly brass/wooden PCs and other tech. His creations aren't always the most practical but they are always interesting. His slim PlayStation 5 was neat.

There's a handful of sustainable farming channels that I like: No-Till Growers, Richard Perkins, and Josh Sattin Farming. If your interests include food or growing stuff then these are for you.

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joined 1 year ago