I'm proud of this guy! I'm trying to click follow, but it's not working.

Exactly! I'm always complaining about the illiterate. I like to write them letters because I know it makes them sad.

Your deeply emotional desire to mulch people trying to fix themselves has been duly noted.

In the real world, we like it when people who would do crimes never do.

Funnily, CSA prevention experts actually find you enabling; you make their jobs harder. Why do you want abusers to hide from us, hm? Are you a CIA plant?

You don't think there's a difference between a pedophile who commits rape and a pedophile who seeks help to prevent rape?

Such as described here.

And this analysis of Australia's Sexual Assault Reform Program (SARP) as mentioned in the above article.

I think the point, though, is there should be a redundant system to handle failures, like a mechanical-only door handle.

Another example: your dashboard touchscreen fails, there should still be a button to turn on the AC. Or off. Whatever makes this analogous to the safety concern about doors.

I will let myself bleed out in a Safeway parking lot before installing McDonald's stupid fucking app to get a 1.99 boiling hot coffee to cauterize the wound with.

How do you feel about negotiating the price of a new car down?

Personally, I think it's really cool that people without social skills are charged more. It's like "take that! ya fuckin loser."

I read the first bullet point and immediately had a prophetic, future-sight vision of the comments before even scrolling down. I'm so sorry, man, haha.

I know a few people who have become more anti green because of JSO,

And you let them? What kind of limp-dick shit is this.

Eating a donut? Or eating the ice cream?

This isn't "a few people glued to a road," this is a threat. "Fix society, or tensions will escalate."

The way you keep minimizing these efforts tell me you either don't really understand protests or are actively trying to make them seem trivial.

I saw you complaining earlier about them "shoving moral superiority down your throat," which is curious. It's like your biggest problem with them is just that you have to hear about it.

I'm sure your shed is nice. We need other people to build nice sheds.

But they don't have language

Ant.. pheromones? Whale song? Whatever crows do to remember peoples faces they haven't seen.

Not every animal is as sophisticated as we are, but communication in general is pretty integral to herd survival strategy.

How does an animal know sex leads to pregnancy?

We're not.. different. We have schools and parents and movies we aren't supposed to see yet that tell us it does.

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