[-] pelespirit@sh.itjust.works 1 points 5 days ago

There are so many quirky things about humans, I would never tell you you're wrong. I want your sound thing and to keep my visual thing, lol. I was hoping we could learn like that guy who went blind and learned echo location.

[-] pelespirit@sh.itjust.works 1 points 5 days ago

Thanks for explaining so clearly. I hope someone does their thesis on this stuff, it really is fascinating.

I don't know if you're familiar with drafting, but when you draw elevations, it's a flat version of 3d objects. I couldn't really read a map until after I learned how to read elevations. You're sort of pushing through and bringing forward objects from a flat drawing. It's also a section, so it's cut through a certain point of a floor plan. I could understand floor plans easily for some reason, but elevations and details were super hard. Then something clicked and I could read maps and all of the different types of drawings. I even remember where I was. Our brains are wild.

[-] pelespirit@sh.itjust.works 1 points 5 days ago

Someone with aphantasia might be able to learn how to conceptualize in a different way, but I don’t think you can train what’s not there, any more than a blind person could train themselves to see. There isn’t a lot of study into it though, and I’ve found it difficult to get solid information on my condition, so perhaps there’s more to learn. Why, for example, do I have a very vivid imagination of sounds? I can imagine an entire song in all of its different instruments as if I could hear it, but I can’t even conceive even a little bit of what it means to see something in my head.

That is so fascinating. I think I understand now, I probably couldn't train myself to do the sound thing. I asked a friend with what you have to tell me what his home looked like growing up and he said it was white. I asked him if he could picture that home when he said it and he told me that no, it was like memorizing times tables, it's just a fact. It blows my mind how our brains work.

As far as collaborating on the art, don't discount the sounds, you could focus on that and your fiance could focus on the visuals. What a cool blend of talents.

[-] pelespirit@sh.itjust.works 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Similar to people being oblivious to the smell of marijuana when not familiar with it.

I can't smell certain types of marijuana, I can smell the more home grown type. Now I have to be next to 6 people smoking to smell it. I don't smoke it either, so it's not that. I think they've crop engineered it to take the smell out maybe? It could be just me.

[-] pelespirit@sh.itjust.works 1 points 6 days ago

The tides are not an indicator for the health of a body of water. They just move it back and forth.

I didn't say it was indicator, I wondered if it affected us in ways. Having your insides move around with the tides might do subtle things. Then again, it might not.

[-] pelespirit@sh.itjust.works 2 points 6 days ago

Mojeek gives good results, I'll keep trying it. I'm not sure about yep though, how do the people get paid? I didn't see any sign up. It sounds like it's a platform for their SEO subscribers.


Federal rules prohibit dialysis providers from retaliating against patients because of complaints or “noncompliance.” So Tommy was shocked when, one August day in 2021, a DaVita rep told him he was no longer welcome because he’d brought a gun into the clinic and threatened people. Except Tommy insisted he had done no such thing.

He did legally carry a firearm; as a restaurant owner, Tommy dealt with large amounts of cash. But he knew guns weren’t allowed in dialysis, so he would leave his gun locked in the trunk of his aging Escalade. After one session, a technician helping Tommy load his walker into the vehicle spotted the shiny black pistol and immediately reported it to the clinic director. The director, Tommy and Lorene surmised, had spun a tall tale to get rid of a difficult patient. “This is just because you’re trying to shut me up,” Tommy said.


While the Supreme Court was considering the case, much more slowly than expected, the lower court that had invalidated the map said it could be used for this year’s election.

The justices' ruling will therefore have no immediate impact in South Carolina, but it sets the rules of the road for future redistricting efforts, making it easier for maps to be drawn that disfavor Black voters as long as the map-makers can show they are using race as a proxy for political affiliation.


It’s unclear whether Biden will catch up to the 234 judges Trump secured in his presidential term. But the winners of the presidency and the Senate majority in the 2024 election will have the power to shape the courts for the next few years, and the two men have dramatically different criteria in choosing nominees.


The Justice Department filed a sweeping antitrust lawsuit against Ticketmaster and parent company Live Nation Entertainment on Thursday, accusing them of running an illegal monopoly over live events in America — squelching competition and driving up prices for fans.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Manhattan, was being brought with 30 state and district attorneys general and seeks to break up the monopoly they say is squeezing out smaller promoters and hurting artists.

submitted 1 week ago by pelespirit@sh.itjust.works to c/usa@lemmy.ml

In a video shared with WIRED, researchers at the Beijing-based automotive cybersecurity firm GoGoByte demonstrated that they could carry out a relay attack against the latest Tesla Model 3 despite its upgrade to an ultra-wideband keyless entry system, instantly unlocking it with less than a hundred dollars worth of radio equipment. Since the Tesla 3's keyless entry system also controls the car's immobilizer feature designed to prevent its theft, that means a radio hacker could start the car and drive it away in seconds—unless the driver has enabled Tesla's optional, off-by-default PIN-to-drive feature that requires the owner to enter a four-digit code before starting the car.


McGovern took issue with being admonished for mentioning that Trump is on trial, while a Republican had previously referred to Trump’s ongoing hush-money trial as a “sham” without any pushback from the chair.

“Has the chair determined it’s unparliamentary to state a fact?” McGovern asked, to which the presiding chair Rep. Jerry Carl (R-AL), responded that he could not determine the veracity of a statement, and warned McGovern to “avoid personalities.”

“We have a presumptive nominee for president facing 88 felony counts and we’re being prevented from even acknowledging it,” McGovern said. “These are not alternative facts, these are real facts.”


On Friday, Vox reported that employees at tech giant OpenAI who wanted to leave the company were confronted with expansive and highly restrictive exit documents. If they refused to sign in relatively short order, they were reportedly threatened with the loss of their vested equity in the company — a severe provision that's fairly uncommon in Silicon Valley. The policy had the effect of forcing ex-employees to choose between giving up what could be millions of dollars they had already earned or agreeing not to criticize the company, with no end date.

According to sources inside the company, the news caused a firestorm within OpenAI, a private company that is currently valued at some $80 billion. As with many Silicon Valley startups, employees at OpenAI often get the majority of their overall expected compensation in the form of equity. They tend to assume that once it has “vested,” according to the schedule laid out in their contract, it is theirs and cannot be taken back, any more than a company would claw back salary that has been paid out.


A federal judge on Wednesday temporarily blocked the enforcement of a Florida law that makes it a felony to transport undocumented immigrants into the state, putting in question the fate of a key part of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ immigration agenda.

The state law, which went into effect last July to prevent undocumented immigrants from coming into Florida, has already resulted in arrests and human smuggling charges. In one case, a Mexican national has been detained in a county jail for nearly a year on human smuggling charges after he was arrested for driving six other Mexicans in a van from Georgia into Florida.


An amendment in the Federal Aviation Administration re-authorization bill that was passed last week will allow private aircraft owners to anonymize their registration information. President Joe Biden signed the FAA bill into law on May 16th, after it passed in the Senate 88-4 and the House 387 to 26.

Jet tracking has been made possible up until this point because private plane owners were forced to register aircraft ownership information with the FAA civil registry. That registry has been public until now, allowing for those data points to be combined with open radar mapping to understand where and when certain planes were traveling. It’s through this public information that online enthusiasts have been able to track the jet activity of America’s 1 percent.


The head of the Federal Communications Commission introduced a proposal Wednesday that would require political advertisers to disclose when they use AI-generated content in broadcast TV and radio ads.

The proposal, if adopted by the commission, would add a layer of transparency that many lawmakers and artificial intelligence experts have been calling for as rapidly advancing generative AI tools produce lifelike images, videos and audio clips that threaten to mislead voters in the upcoming U.S. election.

But the FCC, the nation's top telecommunications regulator, only has authority over TV, radio and some cable providers. Any new rules would not cover the explosive growth in advertising on digital and streaming platforms.


In the settlement announced Wednesday, the city of Uvalde will pay a total of $2 million to the families of 17 children killed in the shooting and two children who survived, according to a statement from the families' attorneys.

"Pursuing further legal action against the City could have plunged Uvalde into bankruptcy, something that none of the families were interested in as they look for the community to heal," the statement said.


The report, based on a three-year investigation, found that the industry has deceived the public about climate change since at least the 1960s, with its strategy shifting over the decades from outright denial to disinformation and doublespeak. It was authored by the Senate Committee on the Budget, chaired by Whitehouse (D-R.I.) , and the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Democrats, led by Raskin (D-Md.).

In the letter to Garland, the two lawmakers have taken the next step, calling for legal accountability for the wrongdoing they uncovered

[-] pelespirit@sh.itjust.works 85 points 5 months ago

Here's where we stand (pieced together) on all of the state cases trying to get him off the ballot: https://sh.itjust.works/post/11569127

This is Castro from the NPR link: Nine states have active federal lawsuits brought by John Anthony Castro, a tax attorney and longshot Republican presidential candidate who filed challenges in more than two dozen states seeking to block Trump from the ballot under the 14th Amendment. In October, the Supreme Court declined to hear Castro’s case. Afterward, judges in three states dismissed his lawsuits, and Castro voluntarily withdrew his cases in several others.

⚪ Alaska - lawsuit filed by Castro and pending - https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Arizona- case dismissed https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/federal-judge-rejects-bid-keep-trump-ballot-arizona-rcna128239

⚪ California - a call to the secretary of state, but unlikely. Also, Castro withdrew challenge - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/secretary-of-state-downplays-call-for-removal-of-trump-from-california-ballot/ar-AA1lWNv6

✔️ Colorado - Trump ruled to be not on ballot - Won by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). Also, Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Connecticut - Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Delaware - Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Florida - dismissed & US supreme court refused to take it up- https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Idaho - Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Kansas - Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

✔️ Maine - decided by secretary of state -https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/28/politics/trump-maine-14th-amendment-ballot/index.html Previous rulings https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/22/us/maine-trump-ballot.html Also, Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Massachusetts - Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Michigan - State supreme court denied to look at it: https://apnews.com/article/trump-insurrection-14th-amendment-ballot-michigan-colorado-b5a5d9ffa75efa63ab4780b04329e2a2 - brought by Free Speech for Free People - https://www.businessinsider.com/michigan-could-remove-trump-from-ballot-next-2023-12?op=1

⚪ Minnesota - state supreme court ruled the republican party can decide who they want on the primary ballot, but left the case open for another filing for the main ballot- brought by Free Speech for Free People, says they will bring more suits in the future- https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Montana - Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

⚪ Nevada - Lawsuit filed by castro

⚪ New Mexico - pending Castro filed suit https://www.lawfaremedia.org/current-projects/the-trump-trials/section-3-litigation-tracker

⚪ New Jersey - pending Bellochio filed suit https://www.lawfaremedia.org/current-projects/the-trump-trials/section-3-litigation-tracker

⚪ New York - pending 2, Castro & Dewald filed suit https://www.lawfaremedia.org/current-projects/the-trump-trials/section-3-litigation-tracker

❌ North Carolina - Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Oklahoma - Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

⚪ Oregon - going to the state supreme court - Free Speech for Free People brought suit - https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Pennsylvania - Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

❌ Rhode Island - dismissed - https://www.tampafp.com/federal-judge-in-rhode-island-tosses-trump-2024/

⚪ Texas - pending Castro filed suit https://www.lawfaremedia.org/current-projects/the-trump-trials/section-3-litigation-tracker

❌ Utah - Castro withdrew challenge https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1220769191/colorado-trump-candidacy-fourteenth-amendment-insurrection

⚪ Vermont - pending Castro filed suit https://www.lawfaremedia.org/current-projects/the-trump-trials/section-3-litigation-tracker

⚪ Virginia - filed by Roy L. Perry-Bey of Hampton https://www.wric.com/news/virginia-news/motion-filed-to-remove-trump-from-virginia-ballots/

⚪ West Virginia - pending Castro filed suit https://www.lawfaremedia.org/current-projects/the-trump-trials/section-3-litigation-tracker

⚪ Wisconsin - pending Castro filed suit https://www.lawfaremedia.org/current-projects/the-trump-trials/section-3-litigation-tracker

⚪ Wyoming - pending Newcomb v Gray (?) https://www.lawfaremedia.org/current-projects/the-trump-trials/section-3-litigation-tracker

[-] pelespirit@sh.itjust.works 81 points 5 months ago

You have to pay to post pics? When did that happen?

[-] pelespirit@sh.itjust.works 97 points 5 months ago

True, but these are not the words of innocent men.

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told Newsweek in a Saturday email that it is "unprofessional" to ask if the binder was sold to Russia. "What proof do you have?" he asked.

[-] pelespirit@sh.itjust.works 89 points 10 months ago

We're going to be watering plants with Gatorade soon, we're on our way.

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