[-] notceps@hexbear.net 4 points 3 hours ago

Really depends on your map, some have nothing built in them some have some towns and some even have industries so you actually can requisition stuff from elsewhere, your country is just the map there's no 'elsewhere', but you can for example relocate people living in one town to a coal mining workers district, or use the already existing sawmill to source logs you might need for construction.

[-] notceps@hexbear.net 31 points 3 hours ago

Biden looks pretty similar to von Hindenburg at this moment

Brüning recalled that once the president came to meet him at the railway station, but failed to recognize him. On the other hand, Franz von Papen, a later chancellor, found that despite minor lapses the president remained competent until his last days. Hindenburg was persuaded to run by the Kamarilla, and supported by the Centre Party, the Deutsche Volkspartei (DVP) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), which regarded him as the only hope of defeating Hitler.

Hindenburg was 82 at that point.

We all know how it ended after Hindenburg was elected he let the Brownshirts back on the streets then he and von Papen did a bunch of hemming and hawing until they made Hitler chancellor and did pretty much everything Hitler asked for like dissolving the Reichsttag. Two years later the guy would croak and Hitler would take everything over.

[-] notceps@hexbear.net 5 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

They don't? Like there's cosmonaut mode which I've done, that goes all in on the idea of not importing anything from other blocs except for the starting stuff.

Money is only used for a few things

  • Buying resources from the two blocs
  • Buying labor from the two blocs
  • Buying vehicles from the two blocs
  • Inviting workers from the two blocs
  • Transport costs when you don't want to pick up whatever you bought at the border

If you have your construction office set up properly then buildings cost literally nothing

[-] notceps@hexbear.net 59 points 2 weeks ago

Dang Barsoap I almost forgot about that guy, he's definitely not a nazi just a german guy really into 'Homeland' and 'Germanic Tribes'. I remember way back arguing with this dolt about the war in ukraine and him going on unhinged rants, about like fighting to the last ukranian and tankies and shit. Glad to see this 'german green voter' has their priorities right and is concerned about the rising tide of tankism and still not about AfD, CDU/CSU and you know germany in general being complicit in a genocide.

[-] notceps@hexbear.net 56 points 1 month ago

It's Joever

Trump is ahead according to Gamblers

submitted 1 month ago by notceps@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

First time on the map, was incidentally on the domination map which meant couldn't really expand and on year 6 I was attacked and crushed.

[-] notceps@hexbear.net 53 points 2 months ago

The Omen from the Böögg has been made clear for all of us as we got hail and snow yesterday and today, it seems that the ancient gods have not been appeased and an eternal winters shall envelope the world. I'm very sorry you all.

[-] notceps@hexbear.net 63 points 2 months ago

Small bloomer news incoming:

A swiss organisation called 'Climateseniors (f)' (Klimaseniorinnen) won a case in front of the European Court of Human Rights, they argued that because Switzerland is not doing enough against climate change their human rights have been violated. Women seniors are especially at risk during heatwaves and are much more likely to get sick or even die, so they argued Switzerland was putting their lives at risk. The ECHR agreed with the Climateseniors and now Switzerland has to 'do more'.

Some background info on this group, it was funded in 2016 with around 150 members but has since attracted up to 2500 members, they were contacted by Greenpeace who saw a legal argument that climate policy that harms people be brought in front of the court of justice.

4 Individuals also brought their forth but were denied by the court.

This thing is somewhat historic and opens up a path for similar arguments in the other 46 countries that are party of the European Council.

[-] notceps@hexbear.net 60 points 2 months ago

NATO going to push another 100bnUSD towards the Ukraine/Russia war, which I don't think anyone here is suprised to hear.

Solve world hunger for 3 years or give some scrap metal so guys on this side can blow up guys on that side.


lemmy.ml is terribly moderated - how and where do you settle this?

I'm not quite sure how I best encourage this discussion - so I'll ask this here. I am somewhat shocked, how /c/worldnews@lemmy.ml is moderated. Large parts of the instance are in my view in tankie-territory like lemmygrad or hexbear, so much so that I find it borderline unaccaptable.

I question myself, how something like this could have consequences. Feddit has blocked both lemmygrad as well as Hexbear, lemmy.ml is several times larger and in many parts not problematic. Would that instance be blocked users would be unable to access a lot of content.

I ask myself, how do you settle this in the Fediverse, especially when it comes to larger instances. If the admins on feddit find the mods on lemmy.ml problematic, which avenues could they pursue to pressure them without defederating.

Other titles I thought about:

Feddit.de not beating the nazi instance allegations

Lemmy.ml welcome to the resistance

Also the incident that caused this very reasonable and very normal fedditor to get not mad at all

[-] notceps@hexbear.net 62 points 3 months ago

With just how awful everything is this feels like me just adding stuff to it but here goes.

Germany currently is diving headlong into fascism after germans patting themselves on their collective backs for protesting the AfD and them polling 2% worse now (21% to 19%) all is fine again.

So fine that the German Landstag is currently thinking about forcing asylum seekers to work. Literally enforced labour, don't say slavery though because they'll be paid handsomely, 0,80€ per hour. Germany is quite literally doing a repeat of the last century and with the given trajectory they'll literally have work concentration camps up by the 2030s, only this time they've learned and will only do this against Muslims.

And worst is that germans feel very good and accomplished about themselves because again went on the street to hold up a cute little anti-AfD sign, when all politicians are currently falling each other trying to pass the latest fascist law and policy.


[-] notceps@hexbear.net 55 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Walk me through this then.

I'm russia I'll send a plane to Ukraine with no one on it, though I'll claim that this plane is for a prisoner exchange. I know that the Ukranians are going to shoot down that plane because reasons.

What do I do when that plane doesn't get shot down? Like what do I do if it lands and the supposed prisoners are not on board?

And the whole 'this was a prisoner exchange plane' is confirmed by both sides. Ukranians said quite literally after this happened "There was supposed to be a prisoner exchange happening today after this [the plane shotdown] it is no longer happening"

Edit: Also media has lied, hell governments lie, why are the ukranians unable to lie, after they've been lying about all other things like remember the rocket that killed two polish farmers and how everyone fell over themselves because ukr said wasn't theirs and then it turned out it was theirs instead of this weirdo theory that russia was able to put an s-300 inside western ukraine to shoot at a random farm in poland to cause strive or some shit like that?


In my ongoing crusade to make myself miserable I once again am looking towards reddit-logo for the newest in how to just be an absolute piece of shit.

One may critique the way Israel is operating this war, and especially questioning and discussing if this is proportional.

Why thank you Holger it's really important to me to talk if Israel is allowed to kill 1000 brown people or 10'000 brown people this is why the moderate center is the moral center of germany.

A "genocide" this however not make, no matter how much this is repeated on tiktok and co.

Go fuck yourself

The hereby arguments of South Africa (You can find the hearings on youtube) were in any case weak. For example reprimanding closing the border to Gaza, without mentioning that they are closed since 7. October, because they were overrun by Hamas, partially destroyed and the people manning it butchered. In general, one has the impression, Hamas wouldn't exist in the eyes of South Africa.

Oh those unwashed barbarian hordes, they overran our defensive walls they butchered the people peacefully defending those walls by shooting the kneecaps.

Like I'm sorry this is your entire thing? Hans over here 'watched it' and all he gets from it, 'But ze afrikaners zey didn't mention the horrible attack of ze border crossings'. Literally laying out all the horrible shit Israeli government officials have said pubically, all the shit Israel did and is doing. 'Ze Afrikaners did not condemn ze Hamas so I have to make an arguements zat it is not a genocide'. Also fuck your passive voice Albert trying to be objective.

reddit-logo germany-cool

Link because I'm not a lib fuck all


submitted 7 months ago by notceps@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

This is without abusing cavalry cheese instead using the germans and austrians to fight the french while their ally the english were having a tough time.

I'd say overall larger countries have become a lot stronger now in this patch and you can't 100% ignore society techs anymore due to how the whole local price system works. Which is good but I think quite a few don't know what exactly is happening so can be confusing for some. Also performance is noticeable early then there's a weird slow down around 1900s which then clears up again in the 20-30s

Do better tankies (hexbear.net)
submitted 7 months ago by notceps@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

he-admit-it and just to be clear

I tried my best (hexbear.net)
submitted 8 months ago by notceps@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net
[-] notceps@hexbear.net 66 points 9 months ago

10% bf

He's lying, I can already see the dialog tree:

No I haven't done a DEXA

No I don't actually work out anymore but I used to do high school wrestling and the coach there told me I was 6% bf and I'm a bit chubbier now so 10% seems right.

What do you mean I've been lied to?

As I said I go to the gym, I'm not a cardiobunny.

Why do you want to know how much I squat?

Why do you say that I don't lift?

Why do you want to know these things I'm a manly man not a soyboy cuck beta like you. frothingfash

The Expression (hexbear.net)
submitted 10 months ago by notceps@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net
[-] notceps@hexbear.net 53 points 10 months ago

The one that stated that 80% of the land in italy was owned by 20% of the people? I think they did hear about it and did apply it to Cuba but I might be wrong there.

Kubrick Stare (hexbear.net)
submitted 10 months ago by notceps@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

The “Kubrick Stare” is one of Stanley Kubrick‘s most recognizable directorial techniques, a method of shot composition where a character stares at the camera with a forward tilt, to convey to the audience that the character in question is at the peak of their derangement.

NVK Has landed! (www.collabora.com)
submitted 10 months ago by notceps@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net
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