[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 2 points 3 days ago

It's the kind that drives Conservation Efforts and Media Attention. So yeah, I guess they tend to be colorful.

[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 3 points 3 days ago

I'm totally fine with something like 540p or 480p, although I guess that's because my preference is good ol' TV shows that aired in the 90s or 00s over TV cable, so I'm fine with SDTV quality. And honestly, there's not much sense in downloading all seasons of, say, Ally McBeal in 4K when you can download 8 full glorious 90s shows with their entire seasons in SDTV in the same space.

Even with "modern" stuff, I've seldom found a movie or TV show post 2012 that merits anything higher than 720p. I don't get why don't movie codecs get a multi-res options so that for example you can get the action scenes in 1080p, even 60fps if you want, but the melancholic scenes and the quiet drama scenes and the credits in 480p. Would save lots of space without losing quality where it matters.

[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl -1 points 5 days ago

Oh, you believe law is fair? You sound so cute.

[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 2 points 5 days ago

Maybe filing a charge.org petition to raise an alternative service to charge.org. Maybe something in the Fediverse, even!

[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 3 points 5 days ago

Next on your road: charismatic megafauna!

[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 133 points 3 months ago

In fact, files end up corrupted,

Backup often and check the backups.

data is improperly transferred

Backup often.

hard drives fail

Backup often.

formats change

Use an open format. For extra sure, make sure it doesn't carry DRM.

work simply vanishes.

Uuuuh don't be corrupt?

Like, really, it's not like one's asking too much.

[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 56 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Pipewire: works.

Pulseaudio: worksn't.

Really, it's as simple as that. Pulseaudio tried to be the systemd of sound and ~~failed~~ succeeded pretty horribly. Even its packaging was horrible, back when it was first put into Fedora and I tried uninstalling, it threatened taking down Libreoffice and Gedit with it.

[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 91 points 4 months ago

"Piracy is Difficult to Compete Against"

Have you tried

Not Enshittifying


[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 42 points 4 months ago

Of all the things I expected to enshittify during 2024 I certainly didn't expect we'd start with the Pi.

[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 27 points 4 months ago


uuuuh since G5 the Pokémon plots are rehashed and banalised as heck, and there's almost never any sensation of valuable risk or conflict to the plot. G6 literally makes the first arc of the plot "join this bunch of loser schoolers and do nothing".

[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 31 points 5 months ago
[-] nintendiator@feddit.cl 59 points 11 months ago

lol. lmao. What am I even reading?

The CSS is literally openly served along with the website. One line change in the HTML (in allows you to make your own CSS for a site. There's a world of difference between that and "Google's new trusted web bullshit". And you know who sits much closer to Google than HTML and CSS?

Javascript. That's who.


Half serious question because I've been browsing this for a while, but, is this /c/ really about Linux gaming? Most if not every post is about Steam, Proton, Windows games, and Windows game companies. Feels more like /c/windowsgamingonlinux to me, which I'm not contra to but, I feel it deprives some naming space (good names are finite!) from something like... well, native Linux games.

Could help if there was a way to tag posts that are not really about games for Linux.

submitted 1 year ago by nintendiator@feddit.cl to c/chile@feddit.cl

Los eventos climáticos e hidrológicos de estas últimas semanas me recuerdan una triste realidad de este país, que es lo ignorado que ha sido el aspecto hidrológico del medioambiente a la hora de la construcción y urbanización. Y, por supuesto, pic related.

Dejo el espacio para pensamientos al respecto.

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joined 1 year ago