[-] mriormro@lemmy.world 10 points 19 hours ago

You simply choosing to ignore valid criticisms and hand waving them away as people "just being haters" does not make it so.

We're not arguing. I'm just pointing out your own bias.

[-] mriormro@lemmy.world 2 points 19 hours ago

Conspiratorial thinking at it's finest.

[-] mriormro@lemmy.world 8 points 19 hours ago

That wasn't technology. It was the literal spilling of blood of workers and organizers fighting and dying for those rights.

[-] mriormro@lemmy.world 9 points 19 hours ago

Being critical of something is not "toxic".

[-] mriormro@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

You're literally talking to a wall, bud.

[-] mriormro@lemmy.world 112 points 4 months ago

It’s not going to be a convenient excuse. There are swaths of C-Suites who genuinely believe they can replace their workforce with ai.

They’re not correct but that won’t stop them from trying.

[-] mriormro@lemmy.world 102 points 4 months ago

I have some money and don't eat like shit now, why no women?

If your personality's garbage, no woman is going to want to be with you.

submitted 5 months ago by mriormro@lemmy.world to c/homelab@lemmy.ml

Hi everyone, I'm looking to see if I could get some suggestions or recommendations on an upgrade path for my NAS in my current home environment. I'm also unsure if this is the best place to ask, so please let me know if this question doesn't fit in here.

My setup isn't too sophisticated at the moment. I had purchased a QNAP TS-453A back in February of 2017 and have it loaded with four WD Red 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) configured in RAID 5. It is solely dedicated to storage and nothing else; with the bulk of it used for media archive. It has proved a shockingly reliable little device. I have a headless Intel NUC6i7KYK that is dedicated to running a majority of the self hosted services I use.

In the next year I'd like to expand my network storage and initially I had planned on simply purchasing replacement Exos X18's and go through the drive swap process but upon further thought, I figured I'd like to purchase an additional NAS and use my current one as a backup solution. I'm not particularly locked in to staying with QNAP and so any recommendations would be welcome. Admittedly, I have been looking at the TS-932PX-4G as I'm interested in adding in SSD caching to the array.

At any rate, thanks for any help or suggestions you may be able to provide! Or, if you can point me to a more appropriate place for this sort of question, I would also greatly appreciate it.

Sometimes, Maybe (lemmy.world)
[-] mriormro@lemmy.world 108 points 6 months ago

It is certainly telling that your first reaction isn't about the real subject of the study.

[-] mriormro@lemmy.world 268 points 6 months ago

I've been pirating since I was a child. That being said, I don't think it's particularly healthy to pin 'media pirating' as a personality trait.

[-] mriormro@lemmy.world 117 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Speaking as a straight cis male who's on the verge of asexuality, it's been incredibly difficult and oftentimes alienating having discussions of sexuality and sexual insecurities with my other cis male friends because a lot of the discussion tends to veer into vulgarity or jesting. Then there's the conversations you have with your partners and sometimes some of those partners implying that you're not 'man enough', etc.

I understand that a lot of this is due to toxic masculinity but I've gotta say, it's been pretty tough.

ride the lightning (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago by mriormro@lemmy.world to c/2meirl4meirl@lemmy.ml

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