[-] leverage 6 points 1 week ago

I've never had trouble staying engaged with something I actually like and want to do. I will fall asleep if I don't have my narcolepsy meds and I'm trying to do something I'm not truly interested in, yet can binge watch something I'm truly hooked on, into the wee hours, even without the meds.

My advice, start paying more attention to the things you are interested in and stop trying to be interested in things once you realize it. There's no such thing as superiority of any entertainment or hobby over another, yet so many people shit all over themselves because they get it in their head that their interests are somehow wrong. Not liking something that everyone else does is fine, liking something no one else does is fine. Strive to be you, if you can't focus on any movies you're probably not watching movies you're interested in. Maybe you aren't interested in any movies at all, plenty of people just don't get poems, paintings, music, literature, beer, wine, shoe culture, car culture...

Neurotypicals have the ability to be at peace with being bored, so much so that it's called a disorder when someone can't sit still and suck it up when the shit being served is just not interesting (to them). You literally have to smoke weed to attain that same level of apathy.

[-] leverage 5 points 2 weeks ago

Are you comparing raw dollars or percentage of property tax? Accounting for inflation and the increase of your property value? What about the whole situation where Texas collects the taxes but only disburses up to some amount to schools. Probably easier to just look at the ISD financials. Just need to remove all expenses for non education activities, like sports and administration. I wonder if the ISD funding also gets used to pay for ISD specific police. Just asking questions, without actually doing the work, betting teachers have lost way more than 30% in 5 years. Texas government is actively trying to prove that public education doesn't work so they can justify privatization, and bring back legal segregation plus religious schooling funded by taxes.

[-] leverage 7 points 2 weeks ago

Totally different situation regarding admins. One was a community they built, this is a foreign land they stuck a flag down and declared theirs, and abandoned it.

[-] leverage 5 points 1 month ago

Counterpoint, most of the stuff I learned in my highschool A+ class (aimed at teaching you enough to pass a certification test that proves you can repair computers) was outdated already that year, and it's like 95% outdated now. Typing and business productivity app skills are still directly valuable for most modern people.

Most valuable skills are things like learning how to learn, critical thinking, judgement, understanding the value of time, humility, etc. I'll say that the A+ course was much better than most classes at growing those skills for me, but I could say the same thing about the construction course I took. American school system, at least when I was in it, is totally happy to output kids that only know math, science, english, and arts. It's hard to teach those life skills, harder to test for them, do we just don't.

[-] leverage 8 points 1 month ago

Psychology is doing their best, it's just that their best isn't great compared to most other modern medicine. At this point, autism is still held by many in the same way it was in the 90s, only the negative traits, as some developmental disorder, etc. Some of the best tests compare the average answers to questions like that from previously diagnosed autistic people and non-autistic people. The way we think is so different, I'd wager studies would find this sort of difference with anything they asked, assuming they asked the question in a certain way and the autistic person gave the first answer that came to mind instead of the answer they'd give when masking. That doesn't make the test invalid, it just proves how profoundly different the neurotypes are.

Autism wouldn't be a disorder if everyone had the neurotype. The label is still strongly attached to the diagnosis given to people with this neurotype who also have severe mental disabilities. People still resist giving the diagnosis to high functioning adults, which muddies the field's ability to study the neurotype and throws off all the statistics.

[-] leverage 5 points 2 months ago

Great to hear you challenged conventional wisdom and found improvement. I'm someone with zero experience doing any serious running, but get paid to challenge conventions. The idea that there's some universal pace sounds absurd. Bodies are so different, if there is some magic number it would at least be ratio based. Sports medicine is full of charlatans, and conventional wisdom in sports is constantly being upset by someone that tries something new and succeeds by shocking margins.

Just remember that there are still people alive today that believed in their 20's that it was unsafe for women to run in marathons because it would damage their reproductive organs (early 1970s before women were allowed to compete at all). That people holding an opinion as incorrect as that had a hand in writing the phys ed textbooks that were used over the next 50 years.

Remember the history of world records for the fastest mile, that it was thought impossible to go faster than 4 minutes for more than 50 years until suddenly someone did, and then two more people did the same within a year. We are so prone to believing bullshit, don't let anything set your limits.

[-] leverage 6 points 2 months ago

Unbound on my OPNsense firewall. I don't have advice for you, do you have some specific goals besides just having a DNS?

[-] leverage 8 points 2 months ago

I really enjoyed I Parry Everything, weird to see it so low or not even ranked in categories it makes sense for. I also watched No Longer Allowed in Another World and it's way weirder to see it at the top of so many lists. Maybe some of the charm is lost in translation or I just don't appreciate the play on tropes as much.

Makeine is great so far, half way through about to binge the other half. Lovely art, generally avoiding the gross tropes that turn me off with these types of anime. When those tropes are visited it still manages to frame things in a believable way. I need to get my wife to watch it for her take, but it feels like the girls are represented respectfully as their own relatable characters and not strictly some object for the male viewers to desire. Probably still not totally there, but feels nice to see some growth in that direction.

Curious if anyone can compare Makeine to Days with my Stepsister, and Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian. Both of those shows have some face value ick that's keeping me from starting them.

[-] leverage 7 points 5 months ago

You can encode base 2 as base 10, I don't think anyone is saying it exists in binary form.

[-] leverage 5 points 5 months ago

Because those are beaches of the 4th amendment, so of course you don't see that happen very often. That's the point being made.

[-] leverage 6 points 5 months ago

Revenue, not profit. So every dollar incoming, regardless of dollars outgoing. Usually not exactly that simple, but on average it's just that.

[-] leverage 6 points 6 months ago

Start expanding your fundamental understanding of what is happening. Words give power over problems, prior to understanding triggers were even a thing you weren't looking for them. Read experiences of others, what triggers them. Consider that you can alter your relationship to the triggers, not just avoid them. I hated almost all music as a kid, that changed once I started playing music rhythm games like DDR and guitar hero. I'll argue that music was information I didn't understand how to process, which dysregulated me. The unwanted information of songs being stuck in my head really upset me. Improved understanding of the sensory input opened ways to stim in response to it.

Expand what you consider to be inputs, expand what you consider to be a stim. Inputs are anything happening to you, including your own thoughts and actions. Stims are your outputs, including thoughts. Inputs you don't understand cause frustration. Your brain expends energy to find the correct response and gets nothing for it. Pressure builds up and if we don't do something in response we blow up. There are so many things that get better once you can understand them.

Consider cilantro, wiki says between 3 and 21 percent of people have a gene mutation that makes it taste unpleasant, I'm in that lucky pool of soapy disgust. Before gaining this understanding I simply could not process how my family enjoyed food with cilantro. In fact, I didn't even know it was cilantro at fault, I just hated some of the food and my family loved it. Lack of knowledge let me believe it was a subjective taste preference, and I would suffer for that, going hungry or being forced to eat soap. Learning in my late teens of this genre mutation empowered me to avoid my own disgust while explaining how others aren't disgusted by it.

So much in life is improved by expanded understanding. I think that's the core of why kids dysregulate more often, they have less tools to explain the world. I think that's why super smart kids with this brain don't dysregulate as often, they pull themselves out of the darkness.

I'll leave you with this link about how words literally grant your brain power to process inputs. https://news.mit.edu/2023/how-blue-and-green-appeared-language-1102

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