Idk I like it.

Does not belong in this community though so OP please delete and post it in One of the AI communities. could you give a warm welcome to the man who adopted you so you would join our beautiful bean cult community? Please make sure to tag him in your message as "". how would you solve a captcha? This an important test, so don't mess this up.


Why the hell washe not awarded his whole fees? Maybe the jury didn't think he'd been spending that much money? Well what an annoying outcome.

Not a crypto hater so much as the idea of it goes.

It's a lot like the rest of the internet: anonymous things moving and interacting can be unpredictable. From what I've seen on the dark net, I'd assume we will see the same extremes manifesting in transactions; that is that it will be very helpful for crimes, but also very helpful for ppl who need weed medically but can't get it legally, ppl who need money because they are pursued politically, or ppl in other dire circumstances.

It's all very complex, and I think there is a legit good reason for it. That said, I'm not the person to judge what outweighs, I just know it's far more complex than "crypto bad" or "crypto yes". Let's just hope whoever will be in this position is far knowledgeable in that regard than me.

Sincerely, a small developer and 3d artist.

I might be ignorant, but where's the relevant case law making copyright apply to AI?

I know that copyright definitely applies if you record things 1:1. I also know we're on the brink of getting new laws regarding AI. But from what I know there's still nothing that a lower court can safely rely on. And I'm talking EU, as well as US.

If I'm wrong please tell me, I'm excited to learn about what I missed.

Ooooh can we sue them? I'd love to sue them. Shout it out loud that they are purposely manipulating users and investors into thinking how bad Lemmy is and how many ppl have opinions.

That's one of the things that this platform's name is appearently based on. Just FYI; so you and the main developer have something in common :)

Man there's literally only one thing stopping me from using mastodon and that's likes.

I know marketing, and shit, and likes sometimes skew things, but without likes any toot is given the same weight, no matter if it's a good or bad toot. There's no way for me to see through the chaos that emerges from this.

I know there are reasons not to do this, but I damn well know I'm not the only one, and I'm sure it would make it more appealing for a lot of ppl unfamiliar with mastodon. You could even make it optional so ppl can turn it off and there would be no harm done.

I don't actually know what bad actors can do.

Well, you're not gonna like this but every pentesting / vulnerability scan starts with a port scan. It's really there to probe a PC for anything interesting. Although it's not strictly illegal because you're just kindly asking a PC to handover any meta information on what is currently running on the PC exposed to the internet, the trajectory is clear and in the contrast the goal is opaque which makes it shady af.

Apple is really testing how long it takes until they get sued over it

In the past I would be pessimistic but nowadays the EU has been far more active with this stuff

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