[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 1 points 3 hours ago

Even on userland stuff Apple controls tightly. If they want to require a user to manually click, they will get that. If they want it to be a physical mouse and keyboard doing it, they will get that too. They own the device, and have complete control, not the user or "owner".

[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 4 points 1 day ago

Unfortunately, in mobile phones, there is little choice. It is almost 100% Android or iOS. Even a lot of "flip" phones are now Android. I'd love to have a KDE based phone, but the options are slim, and the functionality is missing.

[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 16 points 1 day ago

Theoretically, Microsoft could protect against most attacks. Apple has done it by making it increasingly impossible to touch kernel level stuff without an MDM. Every release they lock up more of the system. It means they are drifting toward iOS on their Macs, where the user doesn't own their device, but it is an effective blocker to stuff like this, baring zero day kernel issues.

I think that is where Microsoft is headed, but they also aren't able to let go of backward compatibility, so they really aren't getting any closer to a system that is secured enough to handle such sensitive data.

[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 3 points 5 days ago

Others have given you a good idea, but since you appear to be using Unifi for switch and firewall, o can give you a clear answer: Don't set vlan on the Synology. Set it as the "Native" VLAN on the switch port going to the Synology.

Synology can be vlan aware, but you don't need it. Let the switch do the talking.

On the Synology I recommend putting it on DHCP while you test. Once it starts getting an IP in the right subnet, you can then switch it to static. Just make sure your gateway is right, putting it wrong will cause the device to not be able to reach outside its own subnet.

[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 58 points 1 month ago

Some people are really tied to Unity. If you dig into the comments of the YouTube video, you can find people trying to claim Godot isn't a real engine, or is otherwise not good to use. Some people have turned game dev into a team sport in their mind.

[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 56 points 2 months ago

Cars have been home repaired since cars existed. It has never been a notable safety concern. Somehow it suddenly is?

[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 55 points 3 months ago

At that size they are certainly targeting enterprise and cloud servers. Cool that they are getting that big, but they probably cost as much as a house.

[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 43 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Most websites are cookie cutter garbage anyways. I see no problems with cutting out the middle men of people who know his to fill out a template and install WordPress plugins.

Actually good and unique websites will still require design and programming work.

[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 62 points 8 months ago

It's certainly why it is being used to build browsers and OSs now. Those are places were memory management problems are a huge problem. It probably doesn't make sense for every match 3 game to be made in Rust, but when errors cause massive breaches or death, it's a lot safer than C++, taking human faulability into account.

[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 63 points 9 months ago

DisplayPort is a better system than HDMI. It even can ride piggy back on USB-C, which means a display can both power a computer on the same line as it connects to a laptop with. DisplayPort also supports daisy chaining(although it's not a common feature on monitors), so you could potentially have a single USB-C cable going to a laptop and then have multiple monitors connected with needing a dock or anything of that sort.

[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 141 points 9 months ago

Not everyone has the money for a copy of Word. There once was a time when free rich text editors were valuable. But at this point I agree it isn't needed anymore. There are plenty of FOSS alternatives to word that hit that market. Microsoft has probably kept it around this long to prevent people from looking, but now they've put their bet on cloud services.

[-] greybeard@lemmy.one 46 points 9 months ago

It also has nothing to do with Linux and everything to do with how Github works. I actually give him a pass on nuking X while installing Steam, that shouldn't happen(although he did get a nice big warning, but that warning was far from user friendly). But some of the other stuff they ran into was "This doesn't work exactly like windows, therefore is bad." type stuff.

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