[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 9 points 3 weeks ago

don't underestimate them. never underestimate your enemy.

[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 7 points 3 weeks ago

but it shows what happens when people start to get organized in retaliation. they could very well start to affect cases. this is not something to laugh at.

we could use these same techniques in support of progressive causes, or we could fight back against their strategies. either way, don't underestimate the power of this kind of resistance.

[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

no. bernie is a great example of why age is no restriction to being a good politician. you people have to stop trying to use goose and gander legislation to stop conservatives. you stop conservatives by STOPPING CONSERVATIVES.

[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago

yawn... why do we still sit around and talk in flabbergasted bewilderment about how dumb conservatives are? WE KNOW THEY'RE FUCKING IDIOTS. the question is 'what are we going to do about it?' - continue to let them have a say in democracy?

say what you want about them but they're doing a pretty good job of forcing their agenda on US because most of YOU are too chickenshit to do anything to stop them.

[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago

it actually kinda pisses me off. we have been dropping the ball as consumers for a long time. if people would just stop buying all this bullshit, the market might reconsider.

[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 13 points 1 month ago

because understanding the history of our technology gives anthropologists a better way to determine what we were capable of in our earliest stages of civilization. because understanding the history of us is important to understanding who we are. do you really not see the value in knowledge?

[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 13 points 1 month ago

the people responsible for putting someone through that shit should be put to death

[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 10 points 1 month ago

no thanks. i hate the entire concept of insurance (especially lawfully forced insurance). there's no way i want them spying on me.

there are parts of the west where there's not another car for miles. why should i be punished for minor infractions on a lonely country road when i put no one but myself at risk? this is the same as getting ticketed by a camera for running a red light in the middle of nowhere.

if the law and technology becomes a tool of oppression, it no longer serves a useful purpose for mankind.

[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 12 points 1 month ago

sure. hold humanity hostage because you can't get exactly what you want, traitor. i'm not going to kiss your ass to vote for practical results. if you're too blind to see what you're doing, you can live with the consequences. i have a feeling you have a lot more time left on this planet than i do, junior.

[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago

The simplest solution is to remove a couple of conservative justices. Anybody could do it.

[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago

exactly. stop pointing out their hypocrisy. they don't care. just fight fire with fire, and don't stop until there's nothing left of them but ashes. it's the only way we ever fix any of this.

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