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[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 10 points 1 month ago

no thanks. i hate the entire concept of insurance (especially lawfully forced insurance). there's no way i want them spying on me.

there are parts of the west where there's not another car for miles. why should i be punished for minor infractions on a lonely country road when i put no one but myself at risk? this is the same as getting ticketed by a camera for running a red light in the middle of nowhere.

if the law and technology becomes a tool of oppression, it no longer serves a useful purpose for mankind.

[-] Iceblade02@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

Basic traffic liability insurance sorta makes sense - it'd suck you had your car wrecked by someone broke and were SOL.

[-] fukurthumz420@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

i think that if i am going to be forced to purchase a product from the market, then the government should just provide the product. add the damages to my tax bill if i get in an accident that's my fault.

but don't make me buy shit just to function in society.

it's a scam. the money you pay in is always more than they pay out. it's a for profit industry that i'm forced to fund. it's a racket, no different from organized crime.

[-] Iceblade02@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

Our government will forcibly insure you if you don't have one, so technically you don't have to buy anything. It's just more expensive than anything on the market.

[-] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 1 points 1 month ago

it’d suck you had your car wrecked by someone broke and were SOL

Welcome to New Hampshire, land of 0 auto insurance.

this post was submitted on 07 May 2024
613 points (98.3% liked)


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