[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 31 points 4 hours ago

I see that going so, so poorly for him. He'll pretty much have to disable comments, but I feel like he'd hate that because he loves attention.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 5 points 5 hours ago

Nah, I've only worked at the city/state/county levels, never federal. I think they've all been in the neighborhood of 8-10% from both me and my employer, it's just that I've made shit money for most of my career because I wanted to help people and those jobs pay like crap. I also lost about 50k the last time the market went in the shitter and I've spent the last few years just making up for that.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 22 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Yeah, no fuckin shit. I've been incredibly fortunate and started saving for retirement at 22 (not because I could afford it, it's mandatory when you work for the government) and I'm almost 40 and still only have about $220k saved. I'm miles ahead of most of my friends, and miles behind where I'd actually need to be to retire at 65. I realized a few years ago that my options are to work until I die or retire when I'm ready and off myself when I'm out of money. Option 2 is a lot more appealing - at least I'll get to enjoy myself for a few years instead of none.

I've given up on the idea of owning a home. That's just plain never gonna happen on a single income.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 33 points 18 hours ago

I question whether he really even did it or if he just lied and wrote what he imagined would happen. He would've been immediately identifiable as a white guy in blackface, and I'm guessing he would've just gotten his ass beat. He also claims he interviewed actual black people but doesn't name any of them afaik. If it turns out he made the whole thing up to write the book, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 12 points 18 hours ago

I woke up at 6 to get a head start on desecration, but then I had a bbq to attend later so I got way off schedule. I really need to be on the ball today if I want to destroy the sanctity of straight marriage and groom children by telling them that they're valid and deserving of love no matter how they identify. It's a lot of work for a Sunday, honestly.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 90 points 2 days ago

You know when people complain about privileged white men who always feel like they need to make every conversation about them? This is the man. He's the one we're talking about. If this isn't a very late, bizarre April Fool's joke, he really thinks he did something with this. What an absolute clown.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 14 points 2 days ago

The cops are more likely to be participating in this one.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 14 points 2 days ago

I haven't listened to Madonna since the early 90s and don't give one single fuck about her. As others have pointed out, it's not doxxing if the guy publicly filed a lawsuit and his name is featured in most of the articles about it. His social media is (or was, as of yesterday) public and when you google him, his dad's firm is one of first things that comes up. And they're relevant because their motto appears to be, "we will sue somebody for you," so it's clear he's following in his father's footsteps. Suing Madonna, a performer who has had sexual content as part of her performances for 40 years is clearly a money grab and he deserves to be mocked for it.

Unless you are Justin, I'm not sure why you're going so hard for this dude.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 61 points 3 days ago

I'm not saying look this guy up, but I'm not not saying that either. He's a complete dweeb who apparently clerks for daddy's law firm (which looks like a bunch of ambulance chasers but I didn't care enough to do any research) and is almost certainly just looking for a payday. Then again, that may have been the first time he was ever in the presence of anything even close to sex acts, so who knows.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 47 points 3 days ago

There has got to be someone who sucks less than James Charles for this. Shit, I'd take someone who knows how to color match.

[-] frickineh@lemmy.world 24 points 3 days ago

This guy has been running for local office and losing every election cycle for years. His latest thing is that he is a victim the same way George Floyd was because DEI has made it hard to be a white man, I guess?

For the record, his "wife" literally left the country over a decade ago and I think his son has also moved to her country. The last picture he has with them is easily 15 years ago, so I don't think they really give a shit if anyone votes for him. Oh, also, they're Asian so he regularly refers to himself as a "person/father of color."

submitted 4 months ago by frickineh@lemmy.world to c/steamdeck@lemmy.ml

I don't do much handheld gaming, but I'm going to have some overseas flights and long-ish train rides later this year, and may also be having surgery that will keep me fairly bedbound for about a month. I'm just not sure how much money it's worth spending on a deck that I likely won't use much outside of those specific cases - I bought a switch when I got covid in 2020 and used it a ton at the time but I've only used it a few times since, though I miiight use a deck a bit more just because I already have a pretty extensive steam library.

Is it better to stick to the cheapest model or is there enough of a difference that it might be worth spending a little more for a nicer one?

Getting wild on NYE (lemmy.world)

This is one of the first kits I got really excited about and I finally grabbed it on Black Friday. I've never done buttonhole stitch and it's a lot of fun now that I have the hang of it. It's a party at my house, as you can see.


Yeah, definitely don't put any of those profits toward a living wage though. Make your employees trauma dump for the chance at a few extra bucks! Probably comes as an Amazon gift card, too.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by frickineh@lemmy.world to c/lemmy_stitch@sh.itjust.works

I don't know how to cross stitch (and did absolutely zero research before starting this kit), but this is a mood, especially after I realized I miscounted and put the s one space off and now have to pull it back out.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by frickineh@lemmy.world to c/lemmy_stitch@sh.itjust.works

Well...mostly. I need to fill in a couple of gaps on the bear, but I lost my mind and decided to try to finish a whole new pattern by 10/1 so I'll have to worry about that later. I'm overall really happy with how both came out. I can see mistakes up close, but I think from a distance, they're both nice. Also, this was before ironing both, please disregard any wonky satin stitch - the thread moves when I wash off the pattern.

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