[-] force@lemmy.world 10 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

I have plenty of WEBP and every image editing/viewing application I have installed can use it fine. Including, but not limited to:

pdn, GIMP, Krita, Aseprite, InkScape, OpenToonz, IrfanView

I think Apple users have issues with Webm & Webp? But the issue here is using Apple products in the first place. Losing 90% of basic functionality is what you expect when using one of those.

[-] force@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

They are the strongest DRM on the market.

LMAO you have got to be shitting me. It is the bare minimum for DRM, it's weak as fuck and games protected by Steamworks DRM are cracked almost immediately by casuals

[-] force@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

and for people unfamiliar with the field it has always been a term synonymous with AGI.

Gamers screaming about the AI of bots/NPCs making them mad beg to differ

[-] force@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Do NOT use battery electric busses when you could use trolleybusses. Or even better, just use trams

That being said, anything is better than diesel busses

[-] force@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Lol what? How did you conclude that if 9x = 5 then x = 1? Surely you didn't pass algebra in high school, otherwise you could see that getting x from 9x = 5 requires dividing both sides by 9, which yields x = 5/9, i.e. 0.555... = 5/9 since x = 0.555....

Also, you shouldn't just use uppercase X in place of lowercase x or vice versa. Case is usually significant for variable names.

[-] force@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Pi isn't a fraction (in the sense of a rational fraction, an algebraic fraction where the numerator and denominator are both polynomials, like a ratio of 2 integers) – it's an irrational number, i.e. a number with no fractional form; as opposed to rational numbers, which are defined as being able to be expressed as a fraction. Furthermore, π is a transcendental number, meaning it's never a solution to f(x) = 0, where f(x) is a non-zero finite-degree polynomial expression with rational coefficients. That's like, literally part of the definition. They cannot be compared to rational numbers like fractions.

Every rational number (and therefore every fraction) can be expressed using either repeating decimals or terminating decimals. Contrastly, irrational numbers only have decimal expansions which are both non-repeating and non-terminating.

Since |r|<1 → ∑[n=1, ∞] arⁿ = ar/(1-r), and 0.999... is equivalent to that sum with a = 9 and r = 1/10 (visually, 0.999... = 9(0.1) + 9(0.01) + 9(0.001) + ...), it's easy to see after plugging in, 0.999... = ∑[n=1, ∞] 9(1/10)ⁿ = 9(1/10) / (1 - 1/10) = 0.9/0.9 = 1). This was a proof present in Euler's Elements of Algebra.

[-] force@lemmy.world 76 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Never trust a default username

[adjective] [noun] [3-4 digits] is always a sign of bad news, on social media and Xbox Live

[-] force@lemmy.world 48 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The durability system is just extremely tedious in both BotW and ToTK. It takes a lot of fun out of the game imo. Especially since items have such little durability, they break far too quickly.

I also think the same about ACNH. I have a similar view (probably controversial) about Minecraft, except I think it'd be fine if the tools didn't permanently break and you could just repair them afterwards. Only if you fix anvils/repairing tho, it's been totally broken forever, although I guess mending exists as a bandaid. But really I prefer something like Terraria where there's just no durability period.

A long time ago, I played Fortnite Save the World (the PvE mode) and that was one of the worst offenders for weapon durability, at least for a beginner.

[-] force@lemmy.world 66 points 2 months ago

Next step for Republicans: Ban sterilization. I mean plenty of doctors already refuse to agree for a patient to have a vasectomy/get their tubes tied, especially young (and white) patients, because of shitty personal beliefs. Why not go a step further? These working class heathens need to be forced to stay in line.

[-] force@lemmy.world 55 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Yeah this isn't Reddit but more than 80% (>4/5) of Twitter is bots. It's to the point where you can find any blue checkmark account, reply to them with a prompt, and more likely than not they'll have a wacky and clearly autogenerated response. Sometimes they just reply things like "sorry, I can't generate content that depicts violence" to random posts too.

Dead internet theory is almost a reality and I hate it. It's already happened to Google search results / blogs.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by force@lemmy.world to c/rust@lemmy.ml

I find that a lot of libraries tend to be Linux-focused and generally kind of ugly on Windows, so what do you use when you want to make something that looks nice and performs well on Windows?

The best looking ones I've seen were web frontends like in Tauri. A runner up would maybe be iced-rs. Which is a shame because I really wanted to use relm or fltk-rs but it looks like I'd almost have to use the web renderer to get "sleek, sexy" GUIs...

[-] force@lemmy.world 53 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

English phonology, American English dialects' (and other dialects') /r/ is usually pronounced retracted, post-alveolar/pre-palatal (usually bunched/molar), transcribed something like [ɹ̠ᶹ], so it causes alveolar consonants in the same cluster to retract/palatalize, usually into a post-alveolar affricate ([d͡ʒ] – the "j" sound for voiced stop /d/, [t͡ʃ] – the "ch" sound for voiceless stop /t/, [ʃ] – the "sh" sound for voiceless fricative /s/). The term would be assimilation (of place of articulation).

"Dragon" /dræ.gən/ -> [dɹ̠æ.ɡɪ̈n] -> [d̠ʒɹ̠æ.ɡ(ɪ̈)n]

You can see the same thing with words like "tree" /tri/ -> [t̠ʃɹ̠i] or even "street" /strit/ -> [ʃt̠ɹ̠it]

Would explain simpler but can't, break ends now, just know its because consonant pronounced in different place in mouth is conforming to being pronounced in the same place in mouth as other consonant that is right beside it (like with "in-" vs "im-", "impractical", which notably isn't "inpractical", or "incandescent" which notably isn't "imcandascent", or "indecisive" etc. etc.)


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